Ministry of Truth

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‘The Ministry’ is an organization of Parahuman supremacists, consisting almost entirely of Thinkers. ‘The Ministry’ shares similarities with other Parahuman supremacists, believing that Parahumans are rightful leaders of human society.

What makes them stand out is the belief that Thinkers are uniquely suited for leadership. And that other classifications of parahuman should step into line, and act as enforcers.

‘The Ministry’ is led by a mysterious individual known as ‘Panopticon’ and a group referred to as the ‘Family council’ which consists of the individual leaders of smaller cells spread throughout the United States and Canada.

A common practice among ‘The Ministry’ is attempting to create new thinkers by “encouraging” their members, to have children, in the hope of generating 2nd and 3rd generation capes, who they can proceed to indoctrinate.

‘The Ministry’ know that attempting to force triggers is difficult, but have had moderate success by raising their offspring in compounds with stressful conditions that are likely to result in Thinker triggers. Each compound using different methods, in an attempt to diversify the kinds of powers they can produce.

‘The Ministry’s’ exact numbers are difficult to ascertain, but the PRT think tank believe that it consists of a minimum of 30 cells spread throughout both major metropolitan cities and rural communities.

They are known for attempting to subvert Government activities, and on occasion kidnapping parahumans for indoctrination.

The PRT have had some success in raiding Ministry Compounds, using teams of Protectorate Strangers and Trumps.