Wall Drug

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🌎 Wall Drug Anomaly
World event
Part of the WormRP Timeline
Date Jan 25 2001 (23 years, 7 months)
Location Wall Drug
United States
The city of Wall is victim to a anti-memetic hazard. There are no known survivors, and to this day attempts to investigate the town have failed.

Wall-drug Quarantine Zone

Late January 2001 a contingent of the Pennington County Sheriff Department disappeared after responding to a series of calls reporting missing persons in the area around Wall, South Dakota. Subsequent search for the missing officers results in more disappearances.

The mysterious circumstances result in deployment of the Rapid City Protectorate and PRT forces, resulting in further disappearances of personnel, Deployment of drones, both mundane and tinkertech show that the city of Wall, South Dakota to be still standing, no sign of missing persons or residents of the town can be located. Satellite imagery corroborates this information.

Protectorate and SWORDFISH thinkers find the city, particularly, the Wall-Drug Shopping complex and tourist attraction, to be an 'information-deadzone' exhibiting what can only be described as 'anti-memetic' properties, that hamper attempts to investigate the anomaly further from a safe distance. Eventually resulting in the establishment of an officially recognized Quarantine Zone.

Roads are built to detour around the anomaly, with check-points and patrols arranged to deter entry into the affected zone. Although a number of individuals are lost every year, having skirted past security, inevitably disappearing and being added to the tally of missing persons.