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|blurb1= a
|blurb1= /u/ALargeHairyDerp
|blurb2= b
|blurb2= Deceased
|blurb3= c
|blurb3= The sixth endbringer to appear, first recorded in Athens, Greece on Feb 22, 2009. Reports were made by the local hero team of a potential stranger's influence, as capes and civilian workers alike were seemingly unable to recognize each other. Later review of security footage showed Mnemosyne walking into the teams base and proceeding to their personal spaces one by one, touching personal objects for around a minute each, before moving on,as the team and personnel devolved into chaos, convinced that everyone else were villains or enemies, and unable to recognize even their closest friends.
|blurb4= d
|blurb5= 3
'''Appearance:''' Mnemosyne is one of the most human-looking endbringers upon initial inspection. It usually stands at around 7 feet tall, and its theorized actual form has never been observed. Instead, it constantly shifts its appearance to imitate typically heroic costume features and themes, seeming to socially cater them to the ideas of what those within its radius would consider heroic or trustworthy. It has never been shown to speak, but has used body language and gestures.
|blurb6= f
|blurb7= g
'''Abilities:''' Other than the aforementioned appearance alteration, Mnemosyne possesses an expanding radius in which people are unable to recognize friend from foe, and experience increased paranoia and distrust of all others, especially capes. This distrust does not extend to Mnemosyne, and it is seen as an ally or friend by those under its influence. Upon touching an object and spending some time “focusing” on it, Mnemosyne can imbue it with both information, and a compulsion. Anyone who interacts (touches, uses powers on, studies expressly for an extended length of time) with the object will have the information imparted upon them, and will be under compulsion to do their utmost to carry out whatever task is set. These compulsions tend to focus on eliminating information about Mnemosyne itself first and foremost, and after that in causing as much destabilization and damage as possible. It is theorized that Mnemosyne possesses some form of long term precognition, though this has not been proven.
|blurb8= h
|blurb9= i
'''Evolution Over Time:'''
''Incident (I):'' Radius spread slowly. Contact took minutes of focus to imbue objects, information conveyed by imbued objects was sparse or incomplete.
''Incident (II):'' Radius started larger, and spread faster. Contact took a minute or under to imbue objects, information was much more complete, and sometimes included skills as well as knowledge.
I''ncident (III):'' Radius same as incident (II) in terms of size and spread, but effects more drastic and lasted for a while after leaving radius. Imbuing objects took seconds at most, and general competency of people affected increased to a large margin in terms of carrying out the task.
|blurb4= Athens, Greece; February 22, 2009:
Local capes and civilians were not aware of what was going on, and the field spread far as the source was unknown, leading to widespread chaos and letting Mnemosyne imbue a vast number of objects and drive the entire region further into chaos through manipulations of local capes. The eventual arrival of Heimdal clued in wider local authorities as to what was going on, and a response was mounted which managed to drive the Endbringer off. The area is now quarantined for fear of encountering imbued objects, and to contain those affected who are still there.
|blurb5= Denver, Colorado; January 12, 2010:
Now knowledgeable as to the effects of Mnemosyne, the response this time was much swifter, and was promising to be far more effective. However, efforts were stymied by previously unknown individuals under Mnemosyne’s compulsions, both civilian and cape, who tied up operations on a logistical level, as well as destroying tinkertech and killing capes essential to the fight. Mnemosyne was only barely driven off, and even then, mostly thanks to the appearance of heimdall and sacrifices of Master resistant capes who could operate within its field.
|blurb6= Berlin, Germany; May 13, 2011:
This time, world powers had been much more careful in the distribution of information, and the vetting process of all those informed of Mnemosyne’s existence. Information was strictly need to know, and a series of Tinker collaborations, under the guise of more fully exploring various specialties potential, and highly distributed, was used to assemble a weapon theorized to be capable of destroying Mnemosyne. At the first hint of its presence, the components were brought in and assembled, though a few were compromised, likely by Mnemosyne influence. Long range blasters and Stranger resistant capes were used to keep Menmosyne busy while the weapon was assembled, and even then, it was only able to get one shot off, Destroying Mnemosyne, but also rendering all capes in its radius braindead. The weapon itself exploded after firing its one shot, killing quite a few promising tinkers, and a number of defensive shakers and blasters.


Revision as of 17:12, 15 August 2021

EB | PRT-SPEC 0000

Physical Description

Observed Abilities

First Attack

Second Attack

The Aftermath