Denver:Starving Artist

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Cape Name::Starving Artist{{#set:Identity=Starving Artist}}


  |Meta element og-image=
Notoriety Criminal
B / *
Author Author::MisfitMaid (capes)
Pronouns She/Her
Civilian name {{#set:Identity=Alex Yukimura}}Civilian Name::Alex Yukimura
Alignment Alignment::Villain
Affiliation Affiliation::None (Location::Denver)
Age 21
Status Status::NPC
Nationality Japanese American
Approver Nashoid
Trigger Type Single Standard Trigger

Publicly Available Information

Starving Artist is a Tinker in the Denver area, specializing in drug production. She can often be found in the Arsenal and Aurora neighborhoods, and is generally safe to approach.

She is often more than happy to provide samples of her "art", although those with a weak disposition might be better off reselling it to a more interested party---new batches will fetch good prices in nearly any club in town. Although slightly addictive, her products are generally safe to consume[citation needed].

PRT / Government Information

Costume Appearance

Black and aggressively green jumpsuit, half-face respirator, decked out in vials of colorful fluids.

Civilian Appearance

She looks like she's 18 or 19, all of five foot nothing. Short black hair with NEON GREEN highlights, and mocha-colored eyes.


Her passion is her art. Everything she does in some way boils down to furthering it and spreading it amongst those who would benefit from it. Unfortunately, she has a rather warped reality on what constitutes "helping" someone, and absolutely no thinking of the larger-scale implications of what she does. She sees a problem, determines if her art would help solve literally that problem, and implements it at once. It doesn't help that she is very addicted to her own brew.

Skills & Training

  • really good at throwing vials
  • pretty good at art and stuff (music, painting, etc)
  • high school knowledge of first aid (other than drug solutions provided by power)
  • Fluent in Japanese and French

Resources & Wealth

lives in a stolen methhead Winnebago in a vacant lot (very dangerous) (do not enter without like ten hazmat suits atop each other) (your lungs will dissolve into goo) and a perfectly cromulent car with a trunk full of the kinda shit you don't drink unless you want it to hurt the entire time you're dying.

Equipment & Gear

Tinker Tech & Major Equipment

  • bandoleer with one fuckton of drubgs
  • comically large paint roller thingy
  • assorted glass and tubes and portable burrner and chemistry shit
  • a couple paintcans for mixing and holding and shit
  • respirator (very good)
  • padded armor under costume (mediocre at best)

Parahuman Power

Starving Artist is a tinker specializing in chemical substances that can do a variety of effects, typically physiological in nature although there are some exceptions. It also provides Thinker-like knowledge of conventional chemistry enabling mass-production of mundane chemicals.

Power is primarily keyed toward biochemistry (which she's kinda pigeonholed herself into drugs) but still has some uses outside that field.

Background & Trigger

Parahuman Intelligence Report

Note: The following information has been transcluded from the PRT Online Information Services SAGA Database. For more information, please see your PRT-InB point of contact.


After-Action Report
DEN-2019-1842 2019-01-28

  • Author ID: [REDACTED/YG]
  • Short title: Parahuman Trigger report at Aspen High School

At or about 1245, a 911 call was placed from Aspen High School (AHS), describing a poisoning of three students ([REDACTED/LEGAL], hereafter known as DH, EO, and FA) via unknown means. First responders described a situation congruent with a trigger event, stating the involved triggeree was still at the premises, and requested parahuman backup. Local Ward [REDACTED/YG] was dispatched from the Glenwood Springs satellite office to respond.

[REDACTED/YG] arrived on-site at 1322, and detained a suspect, one Alex Yukimura (hereafter known as AY), who was believed by school officials to be responsible. Suspect was known by school officials to be regularly bullied by DH, EO, and FA. [REDACTED/YG] inquired how this situation had been allowed to escalate, but no satisfactory answer was given.

At this time it was revealed that, due to a lack of holding facilities in the school, AY had been placed in a janitorial closet with a staff member guarding the door. It was found that AY had mixed cleaning chemicals into a potent acid to dissolve through an exterior brick wall and escape custody.

Interviews were conducted with the parents of AY, DH, EO, and FA, with AY's communications being placed under surveillance, including phone taps and [REDACTED/SDFSH]. As of this report's publishing three days later, no contact from AY has been made.


(Optional) Misc Lore Snippets

Parahuman Intelligence Report

Note: The following information has been transcluded from the PRT Online Information Services SAGA Database. For more information, please see your PRT-InB point of contact.


Parahuman Intelligence Report
DEN-2020-56ba 2022-03-28

  • Subject ID: Starving Artist
  • Classification: Tinker

Starving Artist is a Tinker with a chemistry focus. This appears to be mainly focused towards drugs and toxins, however exceptions have been noted from time to time.
Per classification SOP. Any recovered evidence suspected to originate from Subject should be handled with care and brought to HQ for analysis.
Subject is known to distribute Tinkertech hallucinogens and narcotics, which she calls "art". She is also wanted for several charges of petty larceny and graffiti.