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Name: SYM Fungal strain 01 basic: Adaptive Biosuit (prototype)

Created By: Freakshow

Created For: Freakshow

Physical Description:

A living tissue made by a network of mycelia-like strands. At first glance it may just look like a dark and moldy cloth covering him, but it's moving and constantly pulsating. Tiny strands of it extending into the air, only to retract shortly after. Capable of biolumiscence. Tends to not fully cover his body, with visible parts of his real clothes left beneath. Often seen in combination with a dark hoodie and a ski mask.

Functions & Abilities:

Basic protection against physical damage(cuttings, heat, acids), but not that strong, more similar to something between leather and cotton. Capable to act as a living band aid, covering wounds and prevent bloodloss. Has adhesive properties to enable wall climbing. Protection against airborne hazards. Can grow and extend to his will but this tends to weaken him, stealing nutrients to fuel its growth. Suit is capable to invade skin and open flesh on contact, but will quickly perish once physically disconnected from Freakshow.

Duration/Shelf life:


Name: SYM Fungal strain 02 Neural variety: Neuroganglia

Created By: Freakshow

Created For: Freakshow

Physical Description:

Similar to the suit, with which it is integrated in, tends to extend smal bio-luminescent, antennae-like structures into the air, can also show more tentacle/root-like structures along his body or extending towards other creatures. Most of his creatures ofton showing patches of it on their body, albeit much more subtle.

Functions & Abilities:

Communication and translation device to subdue most of his creations. Integrating them into the overarching hivemind of Neuroganglia. Works bothways with constant feedback of connected creatures fed into Freakshows own mind. Limited range of 10 m. Tends to emit a combination of pheromones, light signals and infrasound.

Duration/Shelf life:


Name: SYM 02 Chimera compound strain (short: compound chimera)

Created By: Freakshow

Created For: Freakshow

Physical Description:

In its pure form a clear gel-like substance, filled with microscopic, barely visible SYM organism. The cause for various monstrous flesh formations.

Functions & Abilities:

Programmed to invade living tissue and to reform/combine it into something new. Each version imprinted to a different host, barely working on other species, but otherwise pretty flexibel when it comes to the end result. Capable to replicate different bodystructures of host organism their growth usually directed by the tinkers own intentions.

Some infected organismen are sucesptible to be attracted by Neurological, over a unusual wide distance. Most of Freakshows current versions are primed to work on different arthropods, some also on plants or even pigeons. Chimera M(Musca domestica) primed to work on houseflies, their sense of smell and numbers suitable to act es a common and easily attracted resource of biomass.

Swarms of flies suddenly collapsing into a mass of goo and insect parts as it transforms into a much bigger weaponized version of the original. Meanwhile other chimera strains can be added into the mix to combine different creatures. As for now, all creations are considerably unstable and lack durability, they will keep reforming but each time worse than previously and then decompose after roughly an hour.

Currently at his disposal are versions primed for: Flies, ants, roaches, some plants( grass), pigeons, rats, mice, dogs and cats. The arthropod varieties seemingly more stable, capable to generate individual wings, legs and insectoid mutants. Biomass can be formed into unnatural structures like clawed and chitinous gauntlets. Mammalien versions are less stable often only ending in a mess of flesh and bodyparts.

Duration/Shelf life:


Name: SYM Fungal strain 03 Neuro compound: Beta

Created By: Freakshow

Created For: Galacterian Knight

Physical Description:

A shapeless mass of translucent fibrous tissue and nervous ganglia, extending into the available space.

Functions & Abilities:

Beta is the first prototype, not bound to a living being and instead linked with technology. The creature mainly functioning as a processor and biological AI. Receiving and transmitting data, much faster then most technology and capable to learn from it. Beta will respond to incoming danger, recognize patterns and notify Galacterian accordingly to the threat. Secondarily functions as a power scan and reinsurance( If GK ever turns against him), collecting data concerning Galacterians status and power use. Capable to send it out once any of Freakshow's creation comes into range( 20 m).

Duration/Shelf life:

Needs regular maintainance every few weeks