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| name      = Electrical Reaction Cannon
| image      =
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| appearance = A shoebox sized cubical weapon, with a short but thick barrel. The Weapon is mounted on a prehensile 9 foot long, 3 inch diameter mechanical arm, which connects to a harness, this harness can slot over regular clothes or Magnums Armor.
| creator    = [[Magnum Opus]]
| abilities  =
''Intended Abilities:''
Harnesses Electricity using a powerful chemical reaction, caused by a incremental drip of one meta-material acid onto a meta-material base, then fires that electricity using a laser as a channel of least resistance.
''Actual Abilities:''
Utilizes powerful meta-material chemical batteries, each battery powering one 'shot', the cannon can hold 12 shots at a time, with large magazines of batteries can be used to reload in the field.
Shots come in one of three modes.
''Direct:'' Firing a directional beam of energy with an effective range of 50ft before dissipating into the atmosphere. Easily on par with the lower end of naturally occurring lightning bolts. (Deadly, but usually survivable barring extenuating circumstances/conditions)
''Burst:'' Transmits a burst in a 150ft area that violently and erratically charges the atmosphere, scrambling signals (radio, wifi, cellular, bluetooth, etc) by making the signals themself garbled and useless, rather than actually damaging components. the atmosphere remains charged for approximately 5 minutes before disappaiting.
''Rationed:'' The Batteries constantly release small amounts of electricity passively, and rather than burning out the chemical reaction all at once like the Direct and Burst modes, this mode simply directs the passive jolts via a laser channel. Basically a wireless taser. 30ft range. Doesn't use up a battery, but requires at least one full battery to leech off of.
| notes      = Thanks to Zedachyia for the rough concept.
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| name      = Force Field Projector
| image      =
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| appearance = Several dozen small dime sized nodes spread across MO's Armor, matching her armors color with only slight tone discrepancies. Project up to 6 large stop-sign sized hexagons of nearly completely transparent, faintly baby blue energy.
| creator    = [[Magnum Opus]]
| abilities  =
''Intended Abilities:''
Utilizing a number of projectors spread across her Armor, the connected system can project 6 hexagon shaped force field 'plates' each about the size of a stop sign.
Each Plate operates by redirecting energy across its surface like a water drop on a hydrophobic surface.
''Actual Abilites:''
Projects 6 hexagon shaped force-field plates, that function as kinetic dampening fields. That "catch" objects, with any significant kinetic force behind them, preventing them from being pushed all the way through.
Stopping bullets in mid-air until the the plates are moved, at which point they would drop to the ground.
While a knife would be caught and unable to be pushed forwards, and the attacker would have to pull it out.
Anything much faster than a bullet should be able to get through a panel or two at least.
The panels move about as fast as a baseball catcher moving their glove if that makes sense? so they aren't auto block.
Plates can be stacked for larger objects, with all 6 plates stacked able to stop a speeding car.
| notes      = Thanks to Spectre for the rough concept.
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| name      = Thermo-lock Ceramic Meta-material
| image      =
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| appearance =  Looks like a metal with large crystals throughout its structure. Texture like a school black board, it comes in whatever color Magnum opus desires, as she can slot in a simple industrial dye when making a batch of it.
| creator    = [[Magnum Opus]]
| abilities  =
''Intended Abilities:''
Meta-Ceramics extremely non-conductive to electricity, heat, and cold, otherwise acts similar to the ablative ceramic plates you see in ballistic armor. Batches are produced using a chemistry-based 3d printer.
''Actual Abilities:''
A lightweight, "temperature-locked" material. with durability on par roughly with tungsten carbide.
While an electrical current is running through the material, it will return to a temperature of 72.6 degrees F (22.6 C), at a rapid speed proportional to the current. Has an electrical conductivity comparable with titanium, or 1/5 that of steel.
She can layer the panels to catch faster or larger objects. But that means they cover far less area.
Thermo-lock is always tungsten strength, its just insanely resistant to temperature, fire, and ice, as long as it has an electrical source. Drawing more power at a higher rate if it has to keep up.
Also has the electrical resistance of a traditional ceramic ironically
| notes      = Thanks to Spectre for the concept.
|state = collapsed
| name      = Non-Newtonian ablative crystal.
| image      =
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| appearance = Looks like bronze with a blackish-green sheen.
| creator    = [[Magnum Opus]]
| abilities  =
''Intended Abilites:''
A non-Newtonian fluid that is chemically crystallized into what superficially looks like bronze with a blackish-green sheen.
Kinetic impacts over a certain threshold are absorbed, breaking down bits of the crystals outer atomic structure, each hit causing about a millimeter of its outer layer to de-crystalize, appearing to secrete a black/green oil.
''Actual Abilites:''
A non-Newtonian fluid that is chemically crystallized into what superficially looks like bronze with a blackish-green sheen.
Kinetic impacts over a certain threshold are absorbed, breaking down bits of the crystals outer atomic structure, each hit causing about a millimeter of its outer layer to de-crystalize, appearing to secrete a black/green oil.
The crystalline structure is very reactive to temperature fluctuations, when heated above 100f the crystal formations weaken, becoming easier to liquefy with far less damage. While chilled below freezing it becomes brittle and breakable.
To function optimally it needs to be above 32f and below 100f. able to withstand fluctuations while being somewhat effective, but extreme temps make it worse at its job.
| notes      = Thank you to Stormy for the concept.
|state = collapsed
| name      = Magnum Opus Ablative Suit Panels
| image      =
| url        =
| appearance = Individual Panels made for her suit to replace the rather lacking ballistic plates from before
| creator    = [[Magnum Opus]]
| abilities  =
Made of Thermo-lock Ceramic dipped in consecutive layers of Non-Newtonian ablative crystal.
Each plate of Thermo-lock Ceramic has a direct wired connection to her suit power system, each plate also has a couple of embedded Lithium-ion backup battery, the most compact and powerful on the market. rechargeable by a small taped down wire, though this is a backup battery.
The batteries should allow the Thermo-lock plates to maintain their 72.6 degrees Fahrenheit equilibrium. Which in-turn keeps the layers of Non-Newtonian Ablative Crystal at its peak level of durability.
| notes      = Not new tech-just putting together previously approved meta-materials in a neat way.
|state = collapsed
===Tinker Tech for Teammates:===
===Tinker Tech for Teammates:===

Revision as of 07:39, 31 March 2022

Magnum Opus
Maggie in her Magnum Opus costume.
Author /u/Magos_Nashoid
Civilian name Magnolia 'Maggie' Blue
Alignment Hero
Affiliation New Horizon (Devilfish)
PRT Classification Tinker
Born (1994-06-15) June 15, 1994 (age 30)
Stanford, California
Status Active

Character Sheet


Maggie in civilian attire.

Maggie stands at 5’8, but with a nigh-perpetual glare that makes her seem like she’s 15 feet tall and looking down on others like insects that have inconvenienced her. She has a small and somewhat wiry frame, but is more toned than you might think underneath her sleek business casual.

Maggie has somewhat short, curly black hair, having cut the majority of her hair off to accommodate her new lifestyle wearing a tinkertech helmet.She wears little to nothing in the way of makeup, but has clear and healthy skin (beyond occasional dark spots under her eyes from long hours coding and tinkering)

As Magnum Opus, Maggie wears a high quality suit of armor, that resembles a vintage Cosmonaut suit, the suit itself is a mix of mundane material science, and bits of tinkertech. The suit features an Emerald/Gold gradient, with detail work in one of the two base colors. As well as a reflective black visor.

Equipment and Resources

Wealth Level: 6

Provided with a Tinker lab by the Siberian Touchstone Foundation, located in their corporate team’s headquarters.

Bought a small but exceptionally nice home in town, fairly near the University campus, and drives a Hi-Vis yellow M3 Sedan

They have an office in the HQ where they can do coding for the game that had been so central to their trigger.

  • Green) Domino Mask
  • (Gold) Facemask
  • (Green) Jumpsuit
  • Cellular Phone
  • First Aid Kit
  • Handcuffs and Zipties
  • GPS (built into their Hair clip)

Skills and Specializations

  • Bachelor in Computer Science, specializing in game design.
  • Phenomenal Game Developer, almost 10 years of experience.
  • Excels at all-things Coding.
  • Proficient in First Aid, keeps up-to-date.
  • Has begun taking in-house Martial Art classes, and is learning quickly.
  • Good driver.
  • Pilots License.


Magnolia is an extremely smart woman, prom queen and valedictorian in Highschool, she made top marks in college, and easily set herself apart from her peers as both a game developer and a creative lead. Undeniably a remarkable woman, she is also an unrepentant megalomaniac with a god-complex. She isn’t all bad, she’s just vicious, looking down on others unless they can prove themselves in her eyes, meeting a standard she sets for them in her head.

Throughout her life, she has been compared on several occasions by her co-workers and classmates as being a bit like Herbert West from the film ‘The Re-animator', something that when it trickled up the grapevine, she took as a compliment having watched the film in response to the gossip.

Magnolia is the kind of person who considers it an honor to hangout with her, and that anything she creates is something to marvel at.


Trigger type: Single Natural (Liberty Tinker) Trigger

As is typically characterized by a Liberty tinker, Magnum Opus’ power allows her to bypass any restrictions related to specialty, allowing her to tinker relatively unrestricted, in much the manner of a Free tinker.

Upon reaching approximately 70-90% completion in the building of a project, the shard cuts off Magnum Opus’ ability to finish the project, and the shard finishes the project itself over the couple days, usually 1-3 depending on the complexity of the project.

The Shard does this via a combination of tweaking physical properties, extra-dimensional connections, and sometimes mechanisms that it quietly slipped into the designs (typically without Magnum Opus’ awareness)

The end result always differs from the intended result that Magnum Opus sets out for, this is rarely ever straight-up worse than what he wanted, retaining the thematic function of a device, just designed and implemented through the lens of something alien.

META This will be played out by me (Magnum Opus) come up with an idea for a piece of tech, then present it to a group of players/staff (The shard) on the discord, and they suggest ways to twist and tweak the device into something similar but distinct, and I write up the equipment in accordance to those tweaks.


Tinker Tech for Teammates:


Maggie has worked hard to get where she is, lead developer and creative lead for a video game, that she believes to be her Masterpiece, even more so than any of the other projects she's worked on this is going to be her Mona Lisa.

Maggie's project has been in development hell for years, the ASSHOLES on Team C had produced another Flop, and corners have been cut yet again, manpower shifted, Maggie even being forced to work on the absolute rubbish projects of Team B and C.

But after so long of barely any progress, the Masterpiece is back on track, things look clear at last, her Masterpiece shall be completed according to schedule, recognition and appreciation of both her and her stunning project.

Then she received work that the company had been bought-out, and her and her team laid off entirely, apparently another larger studio had set its eyes on that abysmal fighting game series Team B had been so keen on.

Her work her Masterpiece, so close to completion, and yet again she is denied the recognition and appreciation that she so rightfully deserves.


Things are different now, Maggie has designs in her head, she's not stupid, she's clearly a parahuman, and that gives her options. After exploring her power she learns that her power is potent, but so infuriating to work with, why could her projects never turn out like they are meant too, denied the perfection in her minds eye.

She makes inquiries looking for work among the corporate sector, eventually she comes across one willing to hear out her rather odd terms, she has a helluva power, but the oddness of her terms had put off several of her prospective employers.

The request to purchase the rights and the data from the half-finished game from the studio that had made her trigger, that she may finish it herself, hell she would let the new company release it, she just NEEDS to finish this, compulsively drawn to complete what had broken her.

The company saw an opportunity to make money, and another leash to keep her on their side should she become discontent, after all she needs their cooperation to finish her masterpiece.

Agreeing, purchasing the game, and hiring her on, she becomes Magnum Opus, a fitting name, and in her spare time she alone, with no team to speak of, works on her Masterpiece, triple checking that her power isn't influencing it in the slightest. This would take a while... it hadn't exactly been going quickly when she had a team of 30 to pass the grunt work onto either.

Maggie's bold choice of car.
The jumpsuit worn under Maggie's Armor, usually accompanied with golden domino mask.
Maggie's fancy suburban home, showcasing her unique tastes in architecture.