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Name: KERES Mk II combat armor (prototype)

Created By: PRT Advanced Research Division / NUCLEUS

Created For: Retcon

Physical Description:

Near-future looking power armor, all black, with no identifying insignia. A full-face helmet and opaque visor completely disguise the occupant.

Functions & Abilities:

First introduced in 2015 as a response to increased officer casualties from Brute-related threats, the KERES armor represents a significant upgrade to standard ALKE combat armor. A modified ALKE undersuit is worn as the base layer, with monitoring systems weaved into the fabric. On top of this, a titanium exoskeleton is worn, over which composite steel/kevlar armor is integrated. The helmet completely encloses the head, and in addition to standard commlink provides a HUD overlay providing health feedback, environmental data, and other essential combat data.

This Mk II prototype features sizable upgrades to the current production model, as well as some modifications requested by Retcon. Features level IV bulletproofing, CBRN protection and filtration, and regeneratively-charged actuators allowing burst lifts of 300 lbs and short sprints of 30mph. Integrated PRT commlink, health monitoring, HUD, and tracking beacon.

A voice scrambler is built-in to disguise her voice both locally and over comms, and the integrated HUD overlay has been modified to monitor broadcasted time and GPS signals for any anomaly that may indicate a self-induced timeskip.

Duration/Shelf life: