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Cape Name::Masstress{{#set:Identity=Masstress}}
Notoriety Criminal
Author Author::TheTwins (capes)
Pronouns She/Her
Civilian name {{#set:Identity=Kimiko Harada}}Civilian Name::Kimiko Harada
Alignment Alignment::Hero
Affiliation Affiliation::None (Location::Denver)
Age 18
Status Status::Active
Nationality American
Approver Nashoid
Trigger Type Single Standard Trigger

Publicly Available Information

PRT / Government Information

Costume Appearance

Perhaps just through other measures, the lack of focus on her face, or a charismatic excuse Horatia has managed to maintain a secret identity despite the obvious notable characteristics.

Her facial features are partially concealed behind a upper black face mask with white eyes leaving everything below her nose exposed as well as letting her hair flow freely.

She will walk around finely tailored in a knee length coat with large fur colored trim over the collar and shoulders, below which lays a stringed shirt with plunging neckline and skirt. To tie this off she maintains her ever present accessories such as ear muffs concealing a radio system, fingerless black gloves and thigh length boots.

The overall appearance of the outfit does give more of a fashion appearance than costume but is extremely durable, having been woven with ceramic plates to be concealed across vulnerable areas.

Civilian Appearance

She stands, physically and aesthetically as many would consider a unnatural beauty, resembling the ideal of many a young mind from her tailored approach though certain developments are far more obvious than overs and perhaps more exaggerated having some question if it is related to her power

Standing at a towering height compared to her peers at nearly six and a half feet with a well-toned athletic frame with tight fashionable garments around, and with how such are hugging her frame closely it is clear she is very aware of the effect despite acts to the contrary.

Silken strands of Amethyst hair flow down freely from her head to the mid-back, framing her clear complexion and youthful features. Looking outwards with an innocent expression, sparkling amethyst eyes pierce outward from below a thinly plucked brow and shaped into a perfect arch that follows their slight curves.

A sleek narrow nose, a cheerful smile on full ruby lips and overall an idealized appearance.


High energy and motivated to a fault, she often heads into situations with failure the furthest thing from her mind. A paradox to those who know her well, she puts her all into everything yet comes across as lackadaisical, relentless working but seeming lazy, devoted yet uncaring, and Insightful yet thoughtless.

Loving to make a show of things and talk (oh the talking), she rarely goes for the subtle approach at least regarding her entrances often making people wonder if she ever has an actual plan, her tactics on the other hand are deceptively subtle to the point and indirect on times. Nevertheless, she has a preference for the spontaneous and adapting to the situation, though it does come off as carefree and not taking the situations seriously at times regardless of the truth of the matter.

Prideful and always seemingly putting on a show herself merely due to the enjoyment of it that others can receive, though also perhaps the sheer attention plays a part too.

Finding herself without a place in the world where she fits, Kimiko seeks to find one where she does but without needing to artificially conform. She wants to make the most of her abilities, not wasting her talents or be restricted. She also wishes to naturally get involved in high-energy excitement during all this but for good or ill remains to be seen

Skills & Training

  • Speaks/Reads Mandarin and English
  • Skilled in Equestrianism and Dressage
  • Media training in dealing with press and contracts.
  • Proficient in Boxing
  • Wide knowledge of the current fashion trends, makeup styles and where to source them.
  • Talented Actress when required, being capable of mimicking required emotions at the drop of a hat.

Resources & Wealth

Living at parents upper-city penthouse with family frequently away on business or at other properties, with a more than generous allowance. She several investment accounts managed by her father with frequent dividend payments, though due to her upbringing she herself is not fully sure how much.

Equipment & Gear

  • Weighted Bullwhip
  • $1000 in loose bills
  • Black Amex Card
  • Burner Cellphone

Parahuman Power


Their Power has restructured their body into a solid strange gum like rubber compound, that while natural to the touch is mallable when they apply effort and can be distorted or shifted.

Can be formed into shapes ideal for bludgeoning, whipping, and grappling, but not piercing or slashing weapons. Stretching her limbs out lengthwise to around roughly 30ft is also viable. She can shift her center of mass around to take advantage of inertia.

As she is solid all the way through she has no vulnerable internal organs to speak of, and has a natural rate of healing about on par with a regular person, if slightly faster.

When bits of her are separated from her central mass, no sense or control is retained, and it cannot be reattached.

This material is highly durable to electricity and physical damage possessing a baseline durability and electrical resistance as industrial rubber, however its true strength lays in its ability to absorb various types of energy and convert it into physical mass. Whether it be heat, electricity, radiation, kinetic energy, etc, roughly half (50%) of the energy that impacts her body is absorbed & converted into her mass. The other half damaging/affecting her as usual.

This combined with her baseline electrical resistance makes her extra resistant to sources of electricity in particular.

Energy can be drawn from the environment, objects, and attacks, but not people directly (no slowing/freezing effect for people)

As the energy is converted into mass it kickstarts a growth spurt, which can be shifted back and forth between increased density (essentially durability) and volume (essentially size), and can even be transferred into touched objects though these will quickly drain and revert to their normal state within a few hours when outside her possession. These objects only gain volume/density no additional elastic properties.

For gameplay sake we will measure these growth spurts as 'units of mass'

1 unit of mass per turn rotation in-which she absorbed a non-superficial amount of energy (from damage or otherwise) Meaning it'll take 10 turns of energy absorption & growth to reach maximum density & volume. Before reaching this maximum, she can shift her units of mass between density & volume freely

Density (durability) Volume (Size)
Baseline Rubberized Flesh 250lbs 6 feet 6 inches
1 unit Hard Wood 360lbs 8 feet 10 inches
2 unit Hard Stone 470lbs 9 feet 1 inches
3 unit Steel 580lbs 10 feet 5 inches
4 unit Tungsten 690lbs 12 feet 8 inches
5 unit Diamond 800lbs 13 feet

Background & Trigger

Kimiko was raised in luxury if relative isolation from others of a similiar age, wanting for nothing but a high expectation to live up to the appearance and repuation of the family resulted in its own form of troubles. It would eventually however be suggested that she should gain real world experiances and be able to experaince the values of the less fortunate to better mold her as a person by one of the behavioural experts hired by their parents, and so she would be moved from private tutalage into one of the more well-funded public schools. This would be quite the adjustment period for her, though the eventual knowledge of her familys money leaking into the schools rumor mill did do wonders to smooth over forming relationships and gathering friends. Though friends would perhaps not be the right word, with many simply doing so for the benefits with the somewhat clueless Kimiko so wrapped up in the new experiances she had failed to question or really want acknowledge the alternatives.

This was perhaps what eventually led her into a relationship with a older student, with false gestures and displays she would be manipulated for several months as a way to get access to their wealth with subtle suggestions of gifts or events by the use of emotional tricks. Kimiko somewhat infatuated would fall for this, though over time this would weaken, the odd suspicans of infedelity and the way he would talk to other girls when she was not around was naturally going to cause questions, yet her love interest perhaps only saw her too naive and guillable to notice.

It would eventually come to a head when she confronted him about it one night at her house when she had proof it was true, which unfortunately resulted in a somewhat violent outburst, thrown objects and a struggle in a fight between the two. This culminated however on the Balcony when a sudden shove would lead to Kimiko falling over the balcony, a balcony of a penthouse several dozen stories above the streets. Fortune would shine on her however, as within the several seconds it would take to impact the concrete below the hopelessness, anger at what had happened, fear and a storm of other emotions that spun around her head resulted in a triggering that saved her.

She was perhaps not in her right mind however following this, with anger having won over reason, not even questioning it in the moment of seeing red she would proceed back up to a rather shocked individual who had been panicking thinking he had actually killed Kimiko and preparing to leave. This time however after a few choice words and she slapped them, the resulting force knocked them across the room with their head impacting the corner of a marble counter killing them. This seemed to snap the girl back ot her senses, and straight into panic mode as everything came to her at once.

She would call her parents first instead of the authorities, leaving out the whole powers part but saying there had been a fight and the student had hit their head. Rather than come clean to the authorities themselves over this however, her parents used their connections to ensure this all went away without a issue, fabricating the story that the dead person in the apartment was infact a home invader and had been dispatched by a unidentified cape who saw the scene from the Balcony window. Suprisingly this worked and the matter was quickly covered up and forgotten with just a passing article in the paper to remember it for the public,

The question now remained to Kimiko was what to do with the new changes, with her mind quickly going to the excitement of the Caped heroes she perhaps jumped at the idea without as much thought as she should have. So with a bit of practice and preperations would eventually begin to hit the streets as the only logical path she could think of.

(Optional) Misc Lore Snippets

Where-as the above Info sections are for concise & pertinent info, there are some who like to write more detailed tidbits of in-character lore about, or relating too their characters, this is for things like that, so that the above sections remain concise and useful for ease of lookup.