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Cape Name::Marionette{{#set:Identity=Marionette}}
Notoriety Criminal
Author Author::TwilightPossum (capes)
Pronouns They/Them
Civilian name {{#set:Identity=Corinn}}Civilian Name::Corinn
Alignment Vigilante {{#set:Alignment=Hero}}{{#set:Alignment=Villain}}
Affiliation Affiliation::None (Location::Denver)
Age 23
Status Status::NPC
Nationality American
Approver Nashoid
Trigger Type Single Standard Trigger

Publicly Available Information

For the general public, Marionette has appeared as the cause of several recent viscous murders inside Western Kansas.

According to local news and occasionally national networks, it is being reported that all of the murders are tied to a mysterious cult known only as Order of XI's.

Though the exact identities of the people slain, the murderer, and more specifics about the cult are not known at this time.

Marionette leaves distinct calling cards at each of their attack sites, leading many to believe they are either a serial killer or rogue vigilante.

PRT / Government Information

Costume Appearance

Marionette wears a black, grey, and white outfit made of long robes in an almost dress or toga like aesthetic. The sleeves fall down into these torn apart shreds at the end and a large red piece of fabric holds it together in the middle.

Their head is usually covered in a black religious hood and their face is covered by a wooden mask with painted white eyes and no expression.

Civilian Appearance

Corinn is a tall, AMAB person with a very thin, almost lean build. They have some muscle built up from working farms, yet none from formal training.

They have deeply tanned Caucasian skin with a number of freckles across their face and body. Their eyes are deep brown with shoulder-length black hair that falls into curls around their face. Occasionally their hair is tied back into a braid or short ponytail behind their head. They have light, unkempt stubble across their face. Their clothes are usually well-crafted, hand sewn beige with large sleeves.


"Corinn is a deeply confused and traumatized individual. They're initially untrusting and cold towards new people, though not actively hostile.

They're very ignorant about most of the common world and are in desperate need of a guide to assist them through basic things like cellphones and societal standards.

Outside of this confusion and transitionary stage into society, Corinn is at heart a very loyal people pleaser. They like to attach to a simplistic idea and receive praise for doing so. They will go out of their way to ensure that people view them in a good light, coming across as selfless, when they aren't distracted by their own emotional baggage.

Marionette is an odd personality altogether. The physical form of Marionette is unable to show any emotion at all, despite Corinn still being able to communicate through them while active. This leaves very energetic sentences or laughter to come through as flat or dull in a very odd way.

They predominantly like to mock opponents while fighting them if they feel they have the upper hand. If they're in a dire situation they will act flighty and scared, seeking self preservation. Though, their want and desire to have others view them in a good way may sometimes trump their self preservation."

Skills & Training

  • Sewing (Intermediate to Expert depending)
  • Cooking (Intermediate)
  • First Aid (Intermediate)
  • Tech and General Knowledge (Middle School Level)
  • Farming/Gardening/Lifestock (Intermediate)
  • English (Fluent) | ASL (Expert) | Italian (Intermediate)
  • Self-Defense (Beginner)
  • Bikes and Motorcyles (Beginner)

Resources & Wealth

Corinn is relatively destitute, having been raised in an isolated cult away from modern day technology. They lack a lot of basic knowledge and resources most have including a cellphone, car, house, among other things. They do have a collection of valuables stolen from the cult and Vincent Rusco upon his death and the cult's disbanding.

Rare, Authentic Collection of Jewelry and Valuables

Equipment & Gear

  • First Aid Kit
  • Motorcyle

Parahuman Power

Trigger type: single standard trigger Master-Stranger

Marrionette has the ability to split their mind and body into two separate forms.

The body remains as an emotionless husk that can move, fight, and act, but not emote. The mind, heart, & life are put inside of a thin form of shadow that loosely protects Marrionette, but is far more vulnerable than a corporeal body. The Mind is connected to the body through an intangible shadowy tether, The Mind's master ability renders this tether just as difficult to notice as any other part.

While split into these forms, Marionette's body feels damage but does not actually wound them or have a threat to kill them. It's offensive abilities are greatly diminished as the real attacker comes from their mind. "

The body stands as a distraction only, a dummy used to elude opponents while the mind form comes into attack. It draws in the attention of assailants with a master power that forces them to pay attention to it, making it incredibly difficult for them to track down where the mind form is.

Damage & wounds dealt to the Body stacks up, but don't hinder overly much, akin to a puppeted corpse. With Bodily damage disappearing when Corrin exits their breaker form. Where as damage to the Mind's Shadowy form does carry over upon exit, appearing as wounds of the relevant kinds of damage dealt to the shadow.

The mind form is very difficult to perceive as it is a transculenct form of energy and shadow with a stranger effect that makes your mind glide off it while the body is used to purposefully distract opposition. The Body's attention-grab, & The Mind's attention-redirection are difficult to see through, though consistent attacks from the Mind's shadow, as well as relevant thinker powers akin to enhanced perception, or higher resistance to master or stranger effects make it easier to eventually see through the effects.

If the mind form is perceived and attacked directly or through AoE, Marrionette has no defenses and is greatly injured, even from a weak attack, and could possibly be disable. Physical damage to the Mind is significant, with energy still doing damage to a less extent, with light not effecting it anymore than usual despite its shadow-like appearance. Neither Mind nor Body are effected by lack of oxygen or being submerged in water.

The dummy body and manifested mind work in tandem. When they split, the mind is incredibly vulnerable but is a significantly powerful attacker, able to claw, whip, and scratch at opponents. On the other side, the body is incredibly durable, yet weak. Attacks against it appear to do some damage but are relatively harmless compared to a normal human."

"However, when it reaches out to attack or punch somebody it feels like the attacks of a normal, untrained person with very little strength behind them. The Mind's shadow is possessed of enhanced strength, enough for their claws & whips to cleave with great force.

When the manifested mind is disabled or by their choice, Corinn is shunted back into their body. At this point their power is considered deactive. Their body no longer acts as a dummy that they can puppet and they are able to sustain damage as a normal person once again.

In a situation where the dummy body gets bisected, decapitated, or otherwise maimed Corinn is able to control any parts still connected to the head. If the body is rendered entirely unusuable, Corinn can interact with the head of their body and reform back into one unit, restoring the body but bringing them back to their corporeal form and deactivating their power temporarily.

If the body for any reason is separated a significant distance from Corinn's mind, they immediately snap back to each other with a reformed body at the location where their mind is. The body is only able to go up to 1000ft away from the mind before snapping back (roughly 3 city blocks). "

Background & Trigger

"Corinn was born as an only child to their two parents shortly after undergoing their initiation into the Order of XI's, a small cult that had spouted up on a huge piece of farmland in Kansas. Their parents were struggling to conceive and after doctors, the general church, and their community had failed them, encouraging them to consider adoption, they resorted to more peculiar means. This led them to the Order of XI's, run by 23 year old Vincent Fusco, a fanatical religious zealot who begun preaching his version of Holy Texts and had garnered a sizable following. Order of XI's encouraged Corinn's parents to have a child, promising that God would provide. The reason for this is because the Order of XI's worships every 11th child born unto the cult by two cult members. When Corinn's parents came to them, the next child born would be number 11 and Vincent called their arrival a gift from God himself. Soon enough, Corinn was miraculously born and the whole cult viewed them as a blessing from the heavens. Growing up, Corinn was showered with affection and adored by the cult, but by no one more than Vincent himself. He would constantly praise Corinn who in return would pledge their unwavering loyalty to him and the Order, even as Vincent began his ever worsening mental decline. In the name of the Order, they would go on to commit horrific acts, including the murdering of both their parents in heed of claims of them being traitors due to Vincent's paranoia.

Though it was none of these unspeakable acts that had brought Corinn to their snapping point. And it wasn't even the day the next 11th was born to the Order, however that would be the first domino to begin the landslide of events. The day of this child's birth would signify a changing point in Corinn's life, where they was thrown to the sidelines by Vincent and all of the cult. They were replaced by a new golden child and left abandoned, betrayed, and heartbroken by the person they had served all of their life. Though they still received some praise and adoration, the big festivals on their birthdays had dissapeared and the celebrations in their name were gone. Attention from Vincent at this point became obselete. Corrin remained emotionless and empty during these years, following orders but with no heart in them.

It wasn't until the new golden child's 11th birthday that Corinn experienced their triggering event. Hidden in the shadows, they overheard a conversation between Vincent and the child. A tale about how their parents had become traitorous and the clasping of hands as Vincent provided the kid the same vial of poison that they would murder them with. Enraged and distraught, Corinn managed to split her heart and body into two. The bottled up emotions that remained stowed away in their emotionless husk of a body finally burst, but in a new form entirely. A powerful shadowy entity that reached out to kill Vincent instantly, ripping his body to shreds."

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