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Cape Name::Badger{{#set:Identity=Badger}}
Notoriety Criminal
C / +
Author Author::Oryx the Mad (capes)
Pronouns She/Her
Civilian name {{#set:Identity=Jan Moore}}Civilian Name::Jan Moore
Alignment Alignment::Villain
Affiliation Affiliation::None (Location::Denver)
Age 22
Status Status::Active
Nationality American
Approver UnknownMercury
Trigger Type Single Standard Trigger

Publicly Available Information

Badger is a villain known for committing various crimes in cities in Nebraska, having been traveling from city to city on a whim. As of recently, she has arrived in Denver and announced her presence in a jewelry store robbery, in which she used her powers to aid her endeavors in stealing several bags of jewelry.

Badger’s power is a geokinetic Shaker power that allows her to telekinetically manipulate geological materials. It is unknown exactly how much material she can manipulate, though she has been seen doing things such as hurling boulders and directing earthen constructs

PRT / Government Information

Costume Appearance

Badger wears a mechanic’s jumpsuit with Level II body armor underneath it as protection. To protect her head, she wears a face mask stylized in the image of her namesake animal. To complete the look, she has rugged work boots, mechanic’s gloves, and wears her hair in a ponytail.

Civilian Appearance

Jan has a willowy and androgynous figure leaning ever so slightly towards feminine, Jan also has long raven black hair which she wears down and dark green eyes to go with her tanned skin. She’s reasonably athletic despite how thin and tall she is, favoring a runner’s physique more than anything else, standing at 6’2” and weighing roughly 147 lbs.


Jan is a focused individual, always willing to put in effort to do what she needs to do. She’s not willing to back down in the face of anything short of death itself. She tends to be more of a glass-half-full person, looking for the silver linings in life rather than obsessing over the worse parts. She’s also got a bit of a foul mouth that isn’t afraid to throw around swears or snark.

Jan has a history of bad experiences with authority figures and law enforcement, and is overly not fond of them. She consistently believes that people involved with such things are not good people.

Furthermore, Jan is a thrill-seeker and borderline adrenaline junkie, always looking for daredevil stunts to pull, though she stopped doing this in civvies very often when she triggered.

As Badger, she fully embraces and even embellishes her daring bravado and smug snark. She doesn’t give much concern to law enforcement authorities(including heroes), only really paying a mindful eye on whether or not her actions directly harm innocents. So long as no innocent blood is spilled, she’s completely chill with what happens.

Skills & Training

  • Extensive knowledge of geology
  • Fairly good at lockpicking
  • Has a high school diploma
  • Experienced in brawling
  • Very observant
  • Proficient in DIY arts and crafts

Resources & Wealth

Wealth 4: Jan owns a small house in a run-down neighborhood where she lives. She has a driver’s license and an online reputation as a DIY artist who accepts commissions.

Equipment & Gear

  • Her costume
  • A metal baseball bat
  • A set of lockpicks
  • A can of pepper spray

Parahuman Power

Badger is capable of manipulating earth-based materials such as stone, gravel, dirt, concrete, and other similar things telekinetically within a range of 30 feet, at speeds of 15 mph. She can move up to 1600 lbs of mass at once with her power, so long as it’s within her range. She is also capable of altering the shape and consistency of what she’s manipulating - changing rock into gravel, or re-solidifying gravel back into stone(this requires 1 turn to convert approx. 400 lbs of material). She cannot change a solid into a liquid, and she cannot change one kind of rock into a different kind of rock. Natural crystals like quartz or other minerals still fall under her control.

Her manipulation of earth has various applications, but can only really do so many things at once before her focus is stretched to the limit. She can do about 4 different actions with her powers at any one time. She also struggles with finer manipulation - she can easily pull up a wall of stone or fling a shower of gravel at someone, but if she were to construct a minion out of rocks and control it, it would move slower than she wants it too and with a very slight delay, due to it being finer control than she’s used to.

Badger has a secondary power where she can sense things that are in contact with any earth-based materials via vibrations, so long as she also is in contact with that same mass of material and it is within her range of 30 feet.

Can control:

  • Natural rock
  • Natural minerals(quartz, etc)
  • Sand
  • Dirt
  • Concrete
  • Asphalt

Cannot control:

  • Glass(too refined)
  • Metal(too refined)
  • Mud(too much water)
  • Non-earth materials(not earth)
  • Artificial jewels/gems(not real jewels/minerals)
  • Dust(too small)

Background & Trigger

Jan Moore was always a bit of an interesting person, even before her transition. She really liked the outdoors. She liked making things herself, be it food or clothing or even little costume pieces. She was a bit of a fitness nut, jogging every day. Sure, she’d gotten some flak during high school for when she transitioned, but she’d weathered that storm just fine. She ignored all the nay-sayers and her grades rose higher and higher. So what if those jerks kept throwing barbs about her being in the wrong bathroom or wearing the wrong clothes, they could get bent for all she cared. Some things were harder. Her dad dying while on a business trip to Nevada was.. hard to process. But she and her mom managed to push through, keeping each other propped up. Jan got her diploma and ended up making a not-quite-living as an artist who did commissions, and her mom got a nice gig as a lawyer. Life was good through the next few years. Even if her mom started to drink a little bit more. Even if Jan ended up falling into a bad crowd and got arrested a couple of times. They still kept each other supported. One day, Jan got dared by her so-called friends to go alone into an abandoned building in a run-down part of town. Nobody seemed to know why it had become abandoned, just that access to it had been closed off and it was Jan’s final “test”, according to the ringleader of the little posse. Jan took the dare, and ended up going into the building at night, when nobody else would be around. She found out why it was abandoned real quick. The foundation had been crumbling due to the sinkhole that had opened up in the middle of the building, and Jan felt really uneasy. But she pushed that feeling down and went on with the dare - take a picture of herself in the middle of the building, and then show it to the others the next day. Easy enough. She managed to make it to a good vantage point, taking a selfie with the gaping crevasse behind her in the shot. After she’d taken it and started to head for the exit, though, she stepped in the wrong spot and caused a chunk of ground to fall, causing the sinkhole to worsen a bit. Which turned out to be the straw that broke the camel’s back. Or rather, the building’s. Everything started crumbling down slowly, and Jan freaked out as she tried to get out as quickly and carefully as she could. Which wasn’t easy, since she had to watch where she stepped, lest she fall down into the hole, or speed up the building’s collapse. She found that she couldn’t handle it. After having a brief moment where she blanked out for a second, she remembered what was going on, and stepped somewhere wrong. She let out a yell and swung out her arms, hoping for everything to just stop- And then it did. She managed to realize what she was now capable of as she did her best to patch up the building’s foundation as best as she could before getting the hell out of dodge. The very next day, she cut her “friends” loose for nearly getting her killed. Besides.. she had better things to do, now. Fast-forward a few months, and she has a well-known reputation as Badger. And now she’s ready to take Denver by storm.. maybe even find a couple of individuals to form a crew, if she can find the right people.

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