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Cape Name::Angel{{#set:Identity=Angel}}
Notoriety Criminal
C / $
Author Author::touchdom (capes)
Pronouns she/her
Civilian name {{#set:Identity=Kayla Vos (born Sara Newell)}}Civilian Name::Kayla Vos (born Sara Newell)
Alignment Alignment::Villain
Affiliation Affiliation::The Roses (Location::Denver)
Age 28
Status Status::Active
Nationality American
Approver anorganism / ALargeHairyDerp
Trigger Type Single Trigger

Publicly Available Information

Not much is known publicly about Angel, since she tends to stay behind the scenes. All most of the public knows is that she is a member of the Roses, and that she tends to finish her fights without getting so much as a scratch on her.

PRT / Government Information

Angel is the local leader and a high-ranking lieutenant of the Roses. She is most likely former Ward Sara Newell AKA Pirouette, which would make her power the prediction of movements and trajectories. Pirouette was in the Wards on probation, and disappeared after killing a villainous cape.

Costume Appearance

Angel wears a tailored suit (black pants and jacket, red shirt, no tie) with flexible armour sewn into it, for those hits she can't dodge.

She wears a red and black skeletal mask, covering her entire face.

Civilian Appearance

Kayla has straight dark red hair, reaching her upper back, worn in a braid when she's in costume. She has delicate, attractive features, and blue eyes.

She enjoys wearing very casual clothing, partially to distance herself from her cape identity.


It would be accurate to say Kayla has issues. Anger issues, primarily, though she also has a shoddy moral compass.

She's usually perfectly pleasant, if laid-back. She has a hair trigger however, able to snap at the drop of a hat, and is a big fan of disproportionate retribution. When she's in costume she's usually calm and calculating, right up until the moment she decides to remove your kneecaps.

She has some minor mental influence from her power, in the form of a mild perfectionism, needing things to go as planned. Messing with that is an easy way of setting her off.

Skills & Training

  • Top physical form
  • Various martial arts, armed and unarmed
  • Anatomical knowledge
  • Business knowledge
  • Leadership

Resources & Wealth

Kayla is fairly rich, stemming from her long career with the Roses. She has a position on the shareholder's board of Clover Transports LLC, the Roses largest cover business, and lives in a penthouse in the city center.

She owns a fitness club, and does and occasionally runs the yoga and dance classes.

Equipment & Gear

  • Armoured suit (low-caliber bulletproof)
  • Throwing knives
  • Customized handgun, for when she has to get lethal
  • Combat knife

Parahuman Power

Angel is a powerful Thinker able to read and predict all forms of movement she can see. Additionally, she has a grab-bag of secondary powers that give her enhanced awareness of and control over her body, as well as a minor speedster power that makes her about 20% faster than she should be.

Angel can predict the trajectories of moving objects in her field of vision, to the extent of pinpointing exactly where every single pellet from a shotgun will land. She can use this to easily avoid bullets by dodging pre-emptively, and under the right circumstances (at least moderate distance, not aimed at center mass) she's even fast enough to dodge pistol bullets after they're fired. She has the enhanced mental processing to keep up with bullet-like speeds, though using this for more than ~15 minutes in a day gives her a Thinker headache. The trajectory prediction also has a limit, though it's more generous, in the order of several hours of combat use per day.

The enhanced control of her body (which is basically just normal proprioception on steroids) also makes her perfectly accurate with any fired or thrown weapon, as long as she's had a few tries to 'calibrate'.

Angel is also quite dangerous in melee combat, as her power extends to a person's movements, allowing her to easily avoid hits by simply not being where her opponent will be.

Background & Trigger

Sara grew up somewhat maladjusted, which is understandable when you consider that her dad got killed when she was three and her mother didn't have much interest in properly raising her after that. Combined with the temper she possessed even at that age, well... She wasn't a delinquent, but she was far from a normal child.

She was quite an enterprising kid in high school, figuring out how to buy weed off the dark web and selling it to classmates. Life was pretty good, for a while. Sure, shipments and payments occasionally went missing, but she still made a tidy profit, and no authorities were ever the wiser.

At least until the police came knocking. Turns out, they did know about her side business, and were simply waiting to collect enough evidence. All those missing shipments and payments? She really should've seen this coming. But now it's too late, she missed all the warning signs and now her well-built business is about to crumble to the ground.


Turns out getting powers in front of officers is a quick way to get handed over to the PRT. She took the deal to become a probational Ward of course, for as much of a 'choice' it was. To her credit, she managed to stay with them for almost a year, but it chafed at her. Eventually, in a fight with a villain who had managed to injure her multiple times already, she snapped and killed him, before running off when she realized just what she had done. She spent a short time on the streets before deciding to go back to what she knew best, and joined a group of mercenaries and smugglers that just so happened to be the first iteration of the Roses. She fit in perfectly with them and easily rose through the ranks, and they even managed to get her a new identity so she could get back into the public eye.

She moved to Denver a few years ago, and her position has only grown stronger since.

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