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Cape Name::Zipdash{{#set:Identity=Zipdash}}

{{#set:Image=Zipdash Rig.jpg}}{{#set:

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Notoriety Criminal
A /
Author Author::unknownmercury (capes)
Pronouns She/Her
Civilian name {{#set:Identity=Memphis Booker}}Civilian Name::Memphis Booker
Alignment Alignment::Hero
Affiliation Protectorate Captain (Location::Denver)
Age 23
Status Status::Active
Approver Leah
Trigger Type Second Standard Trigger, ping from Cylynx


Publicly Available Information

Captain of the Denver Protectorate, previously a core member of the Devilfish Protectorate and later a Squad Leader in Chicago. Running theory is she's a Vehicle Tinker, though some argue that her vehicles are just vectors for the Cores she makes, making her an Energy Tinker instead. She has been with the Protectorate for several years.

Her friendly demeanor and approachable personality seem to be a key to her success, often ending a confrontation with villains without resorting to violence. However, when she does have to fight, she shows great ability in resolving things in her favor.

PRT / Government Information

Costume Appearance

In costume, Zipdash wears a full bodysuit with glowing lines of LEDs along the arms and legs. A helmet with a darkened visor covers her face. Most notably, however, is her Rig. The Rig is a suit of power armor made of light metal over steel cables with LEDs dotting the surface. A set of wheels are tucked up at the heels of each foot, able to be lowered to allow Zipdash to skate using previously built momentum. (Think the most awesome pair of heelies imaginable.)

Civilian Appearance

Out of costume, Memphis is short and stocky, with short-cut sandy blonde hair and bangs that hang in their bottle glass green eyes. Their skin is tan, with lighter freckles smattered across their cheeks and the bridge of their nose. They tend towards comfortable, practical clothing over stylish, with baggy T-shirts and sturdy jeans and boots being their usual choice. Out of costume, they use a mobilized wheelchair to get around.


A true blue hero with the best of intentions, Memphis can come across as idealistic and somewhat naive. They want to believe the best of people, and think that if you are capable of doing something to help, you have a moral obligation to do so. Thus, they never hesitate to throw themself onto the front line to protect people even if the odds are against them. They work to instill these ideas into their team, but know that not everyone views things as simply as they do.

They have a strong dislike of failure, but it says something that they never let that stop them from trying their best in any given situation.

Skills & Training

  • Strong tool usage
  • Aircraft Pilot's License
  • Intuitive grasp of Physics
  • Knows enough martial arts to be formidable in a flight
  • Understanding of parahuman laws and legal procedure
  • CPR and first aid training
  • Skilled driver
  • Deep understanding of aerodynamics
  • Capable of repairing a variety of vehicles, including body and engine work
  • Handgun certified
  • Experienced Radio Operation
  • Trained and experienced hand-to-hand combatant

Resources & Wealth

Protectorate Captain with all the resources that entails

  • Nice house off base, has a bedroom attached to their office
  • Nice car
  • A couple motorcylces
  • High end cellphone and Laptop
  • Cessna 172 "Skyhawk"

Equipment & Gear

Tinker Tech & Major Equipment

  • Carries a Glock 22 in and out of costume
  • Zip tie Handcuffs
  • PRT Comms (with NUCLEUS encryption module)
  • High Wattage flashlight
  • Medkit

Parahuman Power

Zipdash has an aerodynamics and movement specialty. Especially suited to building things that have incredibly low drag force, with an innate grasp of how aerodynamics will affect an object.

Previously Zipdash was able to construct cores and projectors capable of producing shaker and blaster effects. Post-Second Trigger this has changed, her new cores instead activate breaker states, producing effects as living embodiment's of the cores effects, while maintaining the speed, flight, etc of the original armor. Augmentation cores still function as before.

Each core has its own strengths and weaknesses, there is a binary of intangibility that punishes attacks and durability that protects the wearer better.

As a result of the events leading up to her second trigger, Zipdash cannot walk unassisted unless wearing the armor, with her power providing some additional options to help alleviate this condition.

Background & Trigger

Trigger Type: Standard Second Trigger (Ping off Cylynx)

First Trigger: Memphis wanted to join the Air Force, but instead had to stay home and take care of their mother. The woman was sick, dying from a disease with no cure. A disease that left the woman bedridden for much of the time, slowly wasting away.

Memphis despised it. They couldn’t hold it against her mother of course. She hadn’t chosen to get sick, hadn’t asked for her immune system to turn against her. That didn’t entirely excuse the way she acted, though. Memphis’ mother was extremely vocal about even the slightest failing on Memphis’ part. Dinner wasn’t spiced right? They missed a spot while vacuuming? She would shout, insult, and tear Memphis down.

It got to the point where Memphis was reaching out to the cape community, trying to find some Tinker or Thinker who knew medicine, someone who could find a cure for their mother’s disease. Nothing came up. Memphis knew they couldn’t take it much longer. Their mother would keep getting sick, and she would take her frustration out on her own child.

Eventually, they started thinking dark thoughts. If their mother wasn’t around anymore, they could go live their life, join the Air Force, see the world. It wouldn’t even be murder, would it? The woman was dying anyways! If anything, it would be a mercy.

It was while they were laying in bed one night, considering either a cure or a way to kill their mother without making it look obvious, that they triggered. One minute, they were considering putting a pillow over her face. The next, their mind was supplying high-tech solutions. A machine that would allow their mother to move and do her own chores rather than stay in bed, a steroid solution to try and help her immune system…

A way for Memphis to break free. A device that would let them run. They might never get into the Air Force, they knew. Their mother’s condition might be a genetic disorder, something that would keep them from military service. This would allow them to see the world in a different way. At the very least, they would get to help people in a different way.

Second Trigger: While running search and rescue during a fight with Behemoth, Zipdash was struck by a bolt of lightning. While her suit acted mostly as a farady cage to protect her, the lightning did melt the mesh of her bodysuit, causing sever burns to her legs. Even with immediate surgery, the muscle damage was significnat enough that she was left unable to walk under her own power. Since her main project was a suit designed for running, she was unable to keep up her heroing work. She spent several weeks in a deep depression over her infirmity. One night while she lay in bed considering the worst way out of the situation, she entered a fugue state and reworked her suit.

Shortly after returning to hero work, she transferred from Devilfish, MN to work in Chicago to learn leadership skills and ability. After a few months as a Team Leader, she relocated to Denver to take over as Protectorate Captain.

(Optional) Misc Lore Snippets

Parahuman Intelligence Report

Note: The following information has been transcluded from the PRT Online Information Services SAGA Database. For more information, please see your PRT-InB point of contact.


Parahuman Information Report
DSH-2018-1299 2018-09-30

  • Subject ID: Memphis T. Booker, "Zipdash"
  • Classification: Tinker (Mover/Breaker/Blaster (formerly Mover/Shaker/Blaster))

The ability to create objects with extremely low drag force, allowing for higher speeds than normally possible. The ability to create energized batteries (called "Cores") to produce various effects from vehicles.
Per classification SOP
At 1053 local time, a cape in powered armor walked into the Douglas Fender Federal Building and asked to speak with the Director of the PRT as well as the Protectorate Captain. During a brief interview, they revealed that they had triggered eight months prior, and had waited until they were 18 to join the Protectorate. Power testing and psychiatric evaluation followed, and they were soon inducted as a temporary Ward to help conceal their true age.


Parahuman Intelligence Report

Note: The following information has been transcluded from the PRT Online Information Services SAGA Database. For more information, please see your PRT-InB point of contact.


After-Action Report

  • Short title: Zipdash Post-Behemoth Evaluation

Zipdash volunteered to help with search and rescue during the Behemoth attack on (city) during (date). While deployed, they helped transport numerous capes and civilians to and from the battlefield. During one of these excursions, Behemoth shot a bolt of lightning at them. While their suit acted as a faraday cage to mostly protect them, the heat generated caused third degree burns and the melting of their body suit to their legs. After medical attention and extensive surgery, Zipdash's injuries were deemed to be as healed as they would get. She has been left unable to walk unassisted due to extreme muscular damage to thighs and calves.

Zipdash is staying on base right now, and we're looking into methods of getting her back on her feet, but Cylynx couldn't do anything more for her. It seems unlikely she'll be able to continue her work for the Protectorate in the same capacity. Look into transferring her to a desk position or as public liaison for the Protectorate.


Parahuman Intelligence Report

Note: The following information has been transcluded from the PRT Online Information Services SAGA Database. For more information, please see your PRT-InB point of contact.


After-Action Report

  • Short title: Zipdash Second Trigger

Five days after her injuries, Zipdash was found by Cylynx in the Tinker Nest surrounded by disassembled parts of her Rig. She said that she had entered a fugue state and wasn't sure what the new materials she'd created did. Power testing followed, revealing that the armor could now enter a sort of breaker state. In addition, it now acted as a mobility aid, allowing its wearer to walk with the suit's support. A neural helmet was also created that allowed the pilot of the suit to activate its functions with thoughts.


Parahuman Intelligence Report

Note: The following information has been transcluded from the PRT Online Information Services SAGA Database. For more information, please see your PRT-InB point of contact.


After-Action Report

  • Short title: Zipdash Transfer

While seeking a secondary opinion on surgery for her damaged leg muscles, Zipdash left Devilfish for a secure medical facility. While there, she was approached by the Deputy Captain and the Director of the Chicago Protectorate and Chicago PRT. They asked if she wished to grow her career, since it seemed unlikely that she would get the chance to do so working under Phalanx. She agreed, and was transferred shortly after to become a Squad Captain in Chicago.


Parahuman Intelligence Report

Note: The following information has been transcluded from the PRT Online Information Services SAGA Database. For more information, please see your PRT-InB point of contact.


After-Action Report

  • Short title: Zipdash Transfer

After some time as Squad Leader in Chicago, Zipdash's superiors felt she would be a good candidate for Captain. A vacancy came up in Denver, and she was offered and accepted the position.