Denver:Sister Steel

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Revision as of 20:21, 3 October 2023 by Koish (talk | contribs) (Forgot to change criminal rep.)
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Cape Name::Sister Steel{{#set:Identity=Sister Steel}}
Notoriety Criminal
F / ?
Author Author::Koishi (capes)
Pronouns She/Her
Alignment Alignment::Villain
Affiliation Affiliation::The Court (Location::Denver)
Status Status::Active

A for now unnamed tinker has been stalking the back alleys of Denver as of recent, charging into battle with a large armblade and high pitched screams that make even onlookers feel unwell. Info is patchy at best due to the cape's recent debut.

Her most public outing so far featured her fighting, then getting her ass handed to her by Sovereign until he talked her down from fighting.

PRT Information

The PRT knows mostly the same as the public, though interrogated criminals reveals that right before impact, they suffered intense vertigo and how the tinker could easily manhandle them despite their short stature.