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Cape Name::Piezo
  |Meta element og-image=
Just Piezo being her encouraging self.
Notoriety Criminal
E /
Author Author:: (capes)
Pronouns She/her
Alignment Alignment::Unknown
Affiliation Affiliation::None (Location::Denver)
Status Status::Active

Public knowledge about this new parahuman is very limited, her trigger event made local news though thankfully her true identity was not published or known at the time. Is known to have been possibly recruited by the Protectorate and with the only known thing about her being she appears to be blind.

PRT Information



Parahuman Information Report

Subject ID: Peizo

Civilian ID: Dr Cecile Clement


Subject is still recently triggered so full extent of abilities are currently not known, base ability appears to be the creation and control of hardlight constructs. Construct's durability appears to be equivalent to NIJ: III armor regardless of thickness and subject can exert approximately 46 pounds of force per cubic inch of material, material appears to give off its own heat but studies so far show it to be little more than mild burns.

Subject can move this material at speeds around 50 miles per hour regardless of the amount of material used to create the construct, material appears to be impervious to chemical attacks and highly resistant to energy based attacks. Maximun distance subject can control material is 80 feet - however the amount they can control at this distance is one eighth of the total material they can produce, with the total being 0.5 cubic meters of material.

Subject seems capable of converting existing light into constructs by condensing it, possibility of being able to utilize ultravilot and infrared wavelengths being investigated. Curiously despite being born without vision, the subject can apperantly sense their surroundings in a nearby radius after triggering, proposed theory is being able to physically sense photons bouncing off objects in a simular fashion to echolocation.

Training Report

"Miss Cecile is making some progress in regards to her training around her abilities, understandably the massive shift in her perception of the world has caused some problems as she learns to cope with her new sense, which given she was born without sight and has not relied on it before has been - challenging. She shows great adaptability in modifying and controlling her constructs, though her physical strength, speed and stamina are far below average, which is to be expected given her disability. Further she shows little interest in the possible combat applications of her abilities, but has expressed interest in the realm of search and rescue. This while encouraging is disappointing as I believe she could be quite effective in combat if she was so inclined."

Psychological Evaluation

"Doctor Cecile is one of our more..frustrating initiates, given her own background in psychology it was hard not to feel she was assessing us as much as we were assessing her. She is quick witted and very adaptable in her approach to things, and while obviously traumatised from the loss of her partner and the guilt stemming from her role in it she appears to at least be trying to show great resolve. However, that may just be one's instinct to 'return to work' after a traumatic event to avoid properly processing it. She shows some signs of depressive behavior and habits, but for now we believe her to be of no threat to herself. She appears to be a pacifist more so than an aggressor as our trainers no doubt have discovered, the desire to fight seems to be very difficult to provoke from her."

"Her mental resolve around her previous disablity we believe may cause some problems, including a lack of reliance on her ability and an unwillingness to change some of her previous habits - such as her cane. By all reports despite her lack of true vision she should not need it, however she refuses to give up using it. Very much relying on the movement and organizational techniques taught to her as a child to cope with being blind, a condition she was told would be lifelong. It is yet to be seen whether this will change as will her ability to open up about her grief and trauma, however as she too is a trained professional, I hope in time she will come to realize the benefits of her weekly sessions with us."