Pink Ranger

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Pink Ranger
Author /u/Magos_Nashoid
Civilian name Kiki Kubo
Alignment Hero
Affiliation Protectorate (Senior member of the Ashton Protectorate) ({{{location}}})[[Category:{{{location}}} characters]]
Born (1993-12-01) December 1, 1993 (age 30)
Nagasaki, Japan
Status Active

The section where these words are is the "Public Information" section, along with the "Appearance" section below. Only put information here that the average member of the public would know about your character. That way, someone looking to avoid accidental metagaming can just look ONLY at those sections, to get an idea of your character.

Basically, it's just a little summary of them, and of what we know publicly. Don't be too worried if there's not a lot here! Once they've been around for awhile, it may help to create a little timeline sorta thing using a bulleted list.

Character Sheet


Kawaii Right? Don't answer, its rhetorical.

Put your character description here. Above is an example of how to do an inline image, delete if not needed.

Equipment and Resources

Kiki has a rather hefty salary from the Protectorate (and a completely unnessicary Medical/Dental plan).

(200,000 a year | 16,666$ a month | 4,166$ a Week)

Kiki has '217,829$ in savings' (updated as of 12/13/18)

She owns a rather nice jeep, and lives in a lovely suburban home with her Wife and children (Kendygar, and Yuki)

Gear (On-duty)

  • Protectorate Badge
  • Combat boot knife
  • Type 3 Body Armour (Costume)
  • Helmet contains a HUD, an Encrypted PRT Radio, an Audio recorder, a Video Recorder, and a High Quality digital Camera.
  • High Quality Katana
  • Police Issue Taser
  • Police Issue Stungun
  • Police Truncheon
  • Police Issue Pepperspray
  • Durable encrypted PRT phone
  • 50 Police grade zip ties
  • 2 sets of Police Handcuffs
  • Multi-tool
  • Medical kit

Gear (Off-duty)

  • Protectorate Badge
  • Pair of Emergency Domino Masks
  • Concealed Combat Knife
  • Personal Phone
  • Durable encrypted PRT phone
  • Police Issue Stungun
  • 9mm Handgun (Legally owned)
  • 1 extra Magazine of Ammunition.
  • Multi-tool
  • 10 police Issue Zipties

Skills and Specializations

  • Extensive military-grade and police-grade, first aid Training.
  • Trained and Registered as an EMT (in both Japan and the USA).
  • PRT level Firearm Training.
  • Professionally trained in Kendo.
  • Black belt in Karate
  • Can competently play the Flute




Put your power info here. Also include if they are a single/1.5/double/second trigger, coven cape, etc. For the most part this will be a copy-paste from your reddit sheet.