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=== Appearance ===
=== Appearance ===
<!-- image example: [[File:PerseCostume.png|thumb|left|Perse's costume (Except in black, with silver accents, and no sleeves)]] -->
<!-- image example: [[File:PerseCostume.png|thumb|left|Perse's costume (Except in black, with silver accents, and no sleeves)]] -->
[[File:AmmoniteMechSuit2.jpg|thumb|left|Ammonite's Power Armor (except the tan parts are more of a rust red)]]

Being a C53, Ammonite can’t exactly keep a secret identity, and as such doesn’t have one, though he does his best to keep people from linking his actual body to his suits of power armor. Ammonite is almost completely composed of tentacles of varying sizes, weighing a total of about 60lbs, and possessing a number of small “cores' ' throughout his body which perform various organ functions. He is fond of wearing a pair of googly eyes when out of his power suits, and cracking “flying spaghetti monster” related jokes.
Being a C53, Ammonite can’t exactly keep a secret identity, and as such doesn’t have one, though he does his best to keep people from linking his actual body to his suits of power armor. Ammonite is almost completely composed of tentacles of varying sizes, weighing a total of about 60lbs, and possessing a number of small “cores' ' throughout his body which perform various organ functions. He is fond of wearing a pair of googly eyes when out of his power suits, and cracking “flying spaghetti monster” related jokes.

Revision as of 05:38, 2 February 2021

The suit stands at around 8ft tall, and moves with a fluid grace, the seams sometimes flare with light, or disconnect, floating.
Notoriety Criminal
D /
Author /u/ALargehairyDerp (capes)
Civilian name Frank
Alignment Hero
Affiliation Protectorate (Devilfish)
PRT Classification Tinker
Born (1998-06-02) June 2, 1998 (age 26)
Status Active
Reddit Sheet

Ammonite worked as a member of the San Diego protectorate for a few years, making a decent name for himself and becoming relatively well known, his goofy personality and easy going nature meant that it was far easier for people to look past the fact that he was a C53 in favor of his heroic exploits.

Character Sheet


Being a C53, Ammonite can’t exactly keep a secret identity, and as such doesn’t have one, though he does his best to keep people from linking his actual body to his suits of power armor. Ammonite is almost completely composed of tentacles of varying sizes, weighing a total of about 60lbs, and possessing a number of small “cores' ' throughout his body which perform various organ functions. He is fond of wearing a pair of googly eyes when out of his power suits, and cracking “flying spaghetti monster” related jokes.

Equipment and Resources

Wealth level: 6

  • He is paid the standard protectorate salary, as well as being given a substantial budget for his tinkering. He basically lives in the protectorate base/his lab, and while he has a few personal trinkets and mementos, as well as a few books and other entertainment, his quarters are a bit sparse in terms of decoration.
  • Various entertainment and mementos
  • His tinkertech lab equipment
  • Nautilus Power Armor


Nautilus Power Armor Mk 1.9

Ammonite's current iteration of his specialized power armor, can be seen on patrolls, or in protectorate HQ.

  • Appearance: See Images
  • Abilities (Quantum Lock): Instead of tradition bearing based mechanical joints, all sections of he armor are self contained, and move through electromagnetic induction, meaning joints are essentially frictionless, and do not present the weak point they once did, this does, however, mean that this suit, while far faster and much more agile, is not nearly as strong as the previous one, only slightly above baseline human. In a pinch, parts can be seperated up to about 4 feet from eachother, though this puts much greater draw on power supplies.
  • Abilities (Lamonate Armor): The armor plating on the new suit is designed to be light, but tough, and to not take up too much room in terms of thickness. It is a lamonate of steel, carbon fibre, and ceramic. Equivelant in toughness to Armor type IIIA, though largly resistant to temparature, pressure, and corrosive agents.
  • Abilities (EM shielding): The armor, and all systems/devices within are shielded from electromagnetic pulses, energy surges, or short circuits. The armor is sealed in such a way as to prevent damage from water.
  • Abilities (Sensory package): Temparature, pressure, sound, and light sensors are distributed evenly over the surface of the armor, maintaining 360 degree vision, with the acuity of a normal human, and feeling akin to operating an organic body.
  • Abilities (Photovoltaic Array): To offset greater energy demands, the majority of the pannels on the suit serve doubly as extremely high efficiency solar pannels, feeding into the same capacitor bank as ammonite himself, and providing a good buffer, especially during the day.
  • Abilities (ElectroLaser Array): Small laser emiters are distributed around the main torso and limbs. Individually, they are not powerful enough to cause harm, and do not operate in the visible spectrum, however, they can be coordinated to produce ionized air channels through which electric currents can be passed, producing an effect similar to a typical taser, though with far greater range and precision (they can be used accuratley out to a maximum of 80 feet). These do not draw a high amount of energy, but if used frequently it can begin to add up quickly, after 16-18 shots in quick succession, they will require about two minutes to cool down and recharge. Firing causes the seams of the suit to increase in brightness noticeably, produces a trail of small sparks along the lazers path, some slight air distortion from the marginal heat difference, and a crackling noise similar to a conventional tazer upon a hit.

The suit has comms, as well as toggleable internal and external speakers.

Ammonite may only have one suit at a time.

Individual parts are sealed, though the main torso which houses Ammonite is not, as he still neads to breathe, though some preliminary filtration is present.

There are capacitor/battery banks in the torso and major limbs, powered by induction from the main body through use of ammonite's generation and photovoltaic means.

If a part is detached beyond the 4 foot limit from any other part, direct control will cease, though the part will follow preprogrammed instructions to attempt to return to the rest of the suit, this process is generally slow and energy intensive.

All major parts of the suit contain tracking devices.

Skills and Specializations

  • Quick wit / Sense of Humor
  • Fighting style which heavily relies on armor, and changes as he makes modifications.
  • Power provides an understanding of technology, though it is not always applicable to simpler mechanical systems, as it is focused on electricity and his own tinkertech.
  • Moving quickly, especially through tight spaces (outside of his armor) (running away)
  • Swimming (out of armor)


Ammonite is extremely dedicated to his tinkering, setting aside large amounts of time to do so, and seeking to constantly improve the modifications he makes, as well as the efficiency of his lab. He does, however, understand the value of taking breaks and relaxing, and so has made a concerted effort to keep his tinkering from interfering too much with his interactions and ability to socialize. When outside of his lab, he is fond of harmless, though embarrassing, pranks, quick jokes or puns, and outings with friends, making it a point to keep things lively with humor, especially if the conversation becomes too dark.


Implement tinker (Focal x Focal), power armor / electricity focus

Trigger type: Coven (C53)

Amonite’s tendrils/tentacles, which make up the majority of his body, act as muscle, and as sensory organs, providing detailed feelings of touch and pressure, with areas packed with photoreceptors, allowing for 360 degree vision with high visual acuity, though his vision is far less effective at large distances. Ammonite can interface with, and power, most technology, though this is far more efficient/effective on his own tinkertech. Ammonites primary power is Tinker in nature, with an extreme focus on his set of power armor, and electricity.


Ammonite had always been sickly, with almost constant ailments, sickness, or injuries, he managed to deal with it for most of his life, but eventually the strain of taking all the medications he needed to, constantly feeling horrible, and the financial issues that resulted from his condition got to be too much, he had researched as much as he could, and saw powers as the only way he could possibly end his continued torment, though he couldn’t find any way to actually get them in a way which would definitely alleviate his condition, or any healers who would be willing or able to help him, he had nearly given up hope, languishing in his apartment when he heard a knock on the door, figuring he wasn’t doing anything important, and generally apathetic to the whole situation, he shuffled towards the door, and opened it, being greeted by a strange woman who he had never seen before. She told him that she knew of his issues, of his wish for power, and that she could offer him what he desired, for a price, he contemplated this for a minute, and then made up his mind to take her up on her offer, when the option to sacrifice his identity was brought up as payment, he jumped on to it, a fresh start was exactly what he needed. He broke the offered stone, and his world went dark, he would later awake without any personal memories in the back alleys of San Diego, he tried to figure out his situation, and discovered his powers, attempting to get by and put together a rudimentary lab, he was, however, discovered by the local protectorate, who were well versed in the signs of a new tinker going about the business of making what they needed, they tracked him down, and upon discovering his state, offered him a position with them, support, the whole sales pitch. He eagerly accepted, and managed to do very well for himself in the protectorate, adopting a mischievous, humorous personality as he became more accustomed to his situation. This is when he encountered Canvas, though they were never very close, they got along well enough, and their powers played well off of eachother. When he heard about the transfer request to Ashton, and in light of his unique biology, he volunteered to go as well, Accompanying Canvas to Ashton to provide relief and help to the local protectorate branch.