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Congratulations you have done it. You have your WormRP cape approved and you are ready to play in the city of Ashton. But how do you do that? It is simple, either you can join an open event someone made or you can make your own event. Below we will cover making your own event.

An event should involve one of your capes doing something publicly so other characters can react to it. There is really no limit to how long or short an event description should be other than opportunity for other players to join in. Writing your character doing stuff alone in their secret underground lair should probably be a lore post. If your Cape is part of a group then it is fine to set the event at your base. If you want to meet with a specific cape it is fine to write the event and then tag the player.  

A note for villain characters. If you are writing an event where your Cape does crime, be prepared for heroes to show up as soon as the event description ends. It is recommended your event description end where you are comfortable with other Capes showing up. For example if your character is robbing a 7-11, it would be best to end the description with them leaving the 7-11 with the cash. That way you don't have heroes showing up 6 seconds after a crime is committed, which is no fun for anyone.

If you wish to do a private social event with another character, but in public you are allowed to mark it as a private event at the beginning or end of the event description. We ask that you not abuse this. Marking an event private and robbing a 7-11 or something would be considered abusing the private event system.