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Author /u/Shimme
Civilian name Jake Schmidt
Alignment Villain
Affiliation Noncanon ({{{location}}})[[Category:{{{location}}} characters]]
Born (1993-12-27) December 27, 1993 (age 31)
Status Noncanon

Holy fuck this guys’s made of blood!

Character Sheet


Built like a brick shitter, one of those guys that are both fat and very strong at the same time. 195 cm, with dark black hair, a strong chin that’s covered by a full lumbjerack’s beard. Cleans up pretty well actually.

His villain costume is budget, and lazy as fuck. Black tacti-cool gear, A rubber Nosferatu mask. Maybe he’ll get something nicer if he gets money in the bank.

Equipment and Resources

An apartment, 15 year old truck, a handful of firearms and assorted equipment, and a few hundred thousand in debt.

  • Crowbar for before he enters his breaker form.
  • Costumes 'tacticool' gear includes a plate carrier and the armor that goes with it. Not that he needs it, but at least it's some kind of image.

Skills and Specializations

Associates in Liberal Arts that he’s never once used, several years working in logging companies, generally ‘handy’, gun nut, kills it in an eating competition.


“Fuck you, I don’t owe you or anyone anything.”

He’s spent years playing by the rules others have set down for him, and all that ever got him was screwed over. Not the type to bend to others will, a ‘tough-guy’ that is happy to dish back the shit he’s been given.

Direct solutions are usually the most effective. Don’t complicate the simple.


Trigger type: Natural Single Trigger

Shaker that transitions into a Breaker form.

Generates a field that slowly expands outward at the rate of 2 feet per second. Animals and Humans in this field begin suffering cuts and scratches every few seconds in random places, beginning at about a 1/8th inch deep and 2 inches long, increasing in depth as the target stays inside the field. Juice is not spared from this effect. If Juice leaves the fields area, the field goes away. This field can be dismissed at will, even while in their breaker state.

At will, or on death, they transition into a breaker state, starting from their belly exploding outward into a humanoid form made out of blood. This generates blood equal in volume to his normal body. They cannot continue to increase the size of their Shaker field once they enter this state. If there is no Shaker field currently generated, they will begin to generate one to a maximum size of 20 feet.

This breaker state is ‘semisolid’, it is capable of walking and grasping objects normally but when consciously chosen, it can flow to a degree, EG they could press themselves against prison bars and slide past them, allowing him to slip through things such as doorways without too much trouble. This form is highly resistant to things like blunt impact, cuts and similar attacks as there are no muscles, bones or nerves to actually injure, and he would just splatter a bit. The more blood he’s gathered, the stronger he becomes, with him at his standard volume having his normal strength. For every 5 liters of volume he gains (roughly the amount of blood in a human body) he doubles in strength. This power keeps his proportions essentially human regardless of his size.

Blood inside the shaker field will slowly pull itself into puddles, and once he’s inside his breaker form will pull itself to him. If one tried to dissolve him in water, for instance, his body would naturally keep itself together.

While in his Breaker form should he lose volume he will gradually become slower, stupider and more aggressive. Were he to be reduced to the size of a large cat or smaller he would lose the ability to hold a coherent humanoid form and become an aggressive puddle.

If he has at least his own bodies volumes worth of blood, he can sacrifice all of the blood he’s gathered, making it disappear to reconstitute his original body, in good health. If he does not have enough blood, he’s trapped until he gets enough.

Should he die in his Breaker form, he can be reconstituted by the Shaker field which continues on after his death. Should the Shaker field be turned off when he dies in Breaker form, a Shaker field will activate and expand to a maximum twenty foot range.