A tinker now working for NUCLEUS, specifically in the development of pharmaceuticals and on occasion the development of tech to counter known villains.
Physical Appearance
Colony out of costume.
Personal: A teenage boy with fairly average looks. More fit recently due to beginning hero outings. Messy brown hair, glasses, Caucasian in appearance. Has an innocent look, more idealistic, but afraid.
Costumed: An Armored costume, had bits have a bit more of a colored wood appearance. Has small pieces of equipment strapped around body. Costume is made from modified wood and plant fibers such as cotton.
More timid and scared of confrontation outside of costume, afraid of failing at tasks given to him. In-Costume is a bit the same way, though more focused. Also absentminded while not in costume, a bit of a tendency to drive himself into projects and work on them for long stretches of time.
Wealth Level: 4
Ward salary + tinker budget
A nice laptop with a minor mobile chemistry set that connects to it.
A small, relatively inexpensive but alright Moped for transport.
“The Colony”: Essentially his megaproject, it is essentially a self-sustained ecosystem maintained by plants. His tinkering is most effective there. It is centered around a central organism, a hybrid plant/fungus that is useful to help integrate and create limited plant furniture/equipment. It can be removed and replanted in a different location, or even recreated if destroyed, but it more or less resets most of his production and leaves his tinkering weaker for a while.
(Tinkertech items in comments)
a couple Zip-Tie cuffs
low-powered UV Laser
Ward Training:
Passable hand-to-hand combat involving use of tools in CQC and escaping grabs.
Passable athleticism (Running and other such stunts)
Other: Passable knowledge of biology, especially in regards to plant or fungal biology
Good Memory: is more easily able to remember specifics and recall facts
He is a wet tinker with a focus on plants and fungi, as well as technology that interfaces with plants and fungi. He incorporates minor aspects of the Terraform Tinker in that his best work is created in a self-sustained ecosystem, essentially a small megaproject he sustains where most of his gear is created. He also has a bit of a focus on controller aspects, specifically what one would think of as a farm tinker. He can create drones of multiple varieties but usually only small, short-lived ones are used for fear of spreading or loss of control from the PRT.
Almost all of his work is done within “The Colony”. He can work outside it, but it is almost always restricted to modification of some aspects of existing gear or creation of minor gadgets unless he has access to some serious equipment. If the colony is destroyed or has to be relocated, His tinkering ability and the production of some of his gadgets is slower and weaker for a while. More so if it is destroyed rather than simply relocated.
Trigger type: Single, natural. Can second-trigger. Tinker/Master
A suit composed of fabric with colors ranging from green to brown. it has hardened wooden panels also colored green and brown, and on occasion black. There appears to be a glass faceplate but that is simply another piece of wood made to look reflective. The suit is bulky, conferring a muscular appearance onto its user. On a cellular level it is a mixture of slime mold, cotton plant, and hickory tree. Its more recent additions incorporate animal muscles grown within a fungal graft to assist with capabilities, making it more bulky and appearing more muscular. It now also has shape-changing capabilities, allowing it to shift sections of itself, change its color, and generally change how it appears.
The suit is made of various plant fibers that have been reinforced for extra protection. While not quite on the level of a suit made of spider’s silk, the cloth parts boast roughly similar protection to Kevlar versus small caliber bullets, while the wooden areas boast hardier protection, more akin to a thicker Kevlar or steel capable of taking more punishment. The suit also boasts the ability of minor regeneration. It won’t change much in a fight, but the regeneration ensures the suit need not be repaired too much, with it eventually repairing all but the most severe damage to the suit in a matter of hours. The suit also has minor shape changing abilities. This allows for it to be quickly removed or put back on as it forms over the user. It can become forms such as a backpack or simply shape changing off the user into a mound of clothing on the floor. Its shape changing capabilities allows it to assume a variety of appearances, including darker colors, or a more streamlined form to assist in stealth and agility focused maneuvers, or reactively hardening sections of the armor to mitigate blows.
The suit can now also use its shape changing capabilities to render areas of it sticky as the vine lash is, allowing for better grip or climbing of surfaces with ease. The suit also features an enhanced neural mesh which has its own intelligence, generally smoothing motions with the suit and making it all function more smoothly. There is an embedded LED screen in the Mask, to allow Colony to see out. The screen can also provide status information for Colony and the creations the suit is in contact with, for example Colony would be able to see how many puffballs are remaining in the puffball bag, and how much fuel it has left. The suit also now has 5 embedded smartphone cameras, one of which is situated on the helmet for forward facing vision, but the others are for the suit's use in detecting its surroundings. The neural mesh has a limited understanding of language and Colony's commands, allowing for voice commands.
The suit now incorporates bulky muscle around suit, providing slightly enhanced blunt force resistance. The main change is that the suit now enhances the user's strength, granting them strength comparable to that of a professional boxer, with roughly a 900 pound deadlift.
Duration: The suit is more or less permanent, but the shape changing, regeneration, and strength enhancement capabilities require that the suit regularly root into the ground to gather nutrients to fuel those abilities. It can last 2 days and retain use of the abilities, but past one day of not refueling the abilities begin to degrade, taking longer to accomplish or weakening. It takes roughly 2-4 hours of “Recharging time” to refuel the suit. This changes based on location, with it being as short as half an hour in the main colony due to areas created for it to root to as long as 8 hours in particularly inhospitable areas.
A small, lumpy white sphere inter-spread with purple dots all over its surface when undeployed. When squeezed and thrown on ground it deploys 4 small legs and skitters around. When told, the purple spots expand, revealing holes from which purple spores are expelled with force. On a cellular level they are a combination of various mobile plants (Venus flytraps, etc..), Puffball Mushrooms, and various types of mold which contain spores
The Balls are contained within a green bag, often attached at the hip of the Ironwood Suit.
These small Puffball Crawlers act as essentially small, targeted, non-lethal grenades with mobile capabilities. They explode into a cloud of spores roughly 10 feet in diameter that can incapacitate a target if inhaled, and prolonged contact of the spores with the skin causes a mild irritating effect. These come with a series of pills that if consumed renders the user immune to the effects of the puffballs for 24 hours, and causes current effects (Such as incapacitation) to end shortly. The balls have a number of modes that can be activated, as follows:
Unactivated: The balls will not explode if they have not been squeezed.
1 squeeze, throw: The puffball will attempt to remain at its current location, clinging to the surface it impacted against. If moved, jostled, or squeezed it will immediately explode into a cloud of spores. If it feels a concentrated UV light on it (Such as from the laser), it will explode.
2 squeeze, throw: The puffball will perform as the previous mode except it will search its surroundings with primitive eyes to detect points of UV light (From the targeting laser, most often). If it detects one, it will head to its location. Usually this will result in it being hit with the UV light and then promptly exploding. Its own movement does not activate the exploding trigger.
3 squeeze, throw: It will immediately explode upon striking an object or surface.
The irritant effect is comparable to that of a mild pepper spray or an itching comparable to itching powder if target is within spores for too long. The incapacitation effect is not too severe for most active people, with a single small breath of the powder usually only leaving them lethargic for a short time.
A bag capable of growing Puffball Crawlers on demand. Once removed from the bag, the crawlers last for 1 minute before dying. It takes 1 minute for a new Puffball Crawler to grow. This replaces the normal duration on Puffball Crawlers and replaces the ability to have normal ones grown/created. The bag can store a maximum of 4 Puffball Crawlers at a time. Can attach to suit at hip.
Once created, the Puffball Crawlers survive indefinitely within the confines of the bag. Once removed from the bag they survive for 1 minute before expiring.
The Bag syncs with the suit and can coordinate with it for resources, so if it is attached it lasts as long as the suit does. If not attached it functions for 4 hours of active use before needing recharge.
The users who are targeted with the fumes can be incapacitated for as short as 1 round (In the cases of things like regenerators with high metabolisms who are still susceptible to the spores) to as long as 2 hours for unfit people who took multiple inhalations of the spores.
The irritant effect dissipates within 1-5 minutes depending on length of contact with cloud.
A somewhat bulky bracer worn around the arm, releasing a vine that lashes out.
The Balls are contained within a green bag, often attached at the hip of the Ironwood Suit.
The bracer provides roughly the same protection as the wooden sections of the Ironwood suit where it is worn. The bracer can be activated in 2 modes: Sticky and Nonsticky mode. In sticky mode the vine that lashes out has a sticky fluid at the end that can adhere to a surface or object it strikes. The fluid can be released at will by the user who shot it. The vine extends up to 20 feet and lashes out with roughly 1/2 the strength of a punch from the Ironwood Suit. The vine can retract with a powerful force when commanded by the user, pulling with roughly 1000 pounds of force. The user can detach the Vine from the bracer as well, optionally causing the detached end to be similarly sticky to how the front end is in sticky mode. While detached it cannot retract but it remains durable for roughly 30 minutes before drying out and dying. It takes 1 minute for a new vine to grow in the bracer and the vines retain the durability of an iron chain of similar thickness (1/2 an inch diameter), more or less. The bracer can be attached seamlessly to the Ironwood Armor
Same as Suit when attached, lasts for 4 hours of active use detached before needing to recharge at base.
2 vine-covered spheres. They have advanced shifting capabilities, allowing them to shift their form to appear as any 2-6 limbed creature, though they are always green and maintain plant-like features, such as flowers or hair made of vines/plant material. They can attach to the colony suit, in which case they appear as vine tendrils emitting from the suit itself. They have a number of eye spots throughout the vines, maintained as purple pinpricks. The vine creature image is a representation of them in their base form, while the dog image is what they would appear as if shifting into a dog.
These creatures, made with the new advances in neural meshes from Colony, have the capability of shifting to appear as a 2-6 limbed creature. They weigh roughly 110 kilograms, and can appear to be the size of anything between a human child and an English Mastiff, depending on how much they compress themselves.. They respond to verbal commands from Colony, and can interface with the suit on contact, giving their status and allowing for more fine control. They have roughly the intelligence of a dog or child, capable of simple reasoning and affection, though incapable of more advanced thought or things like triggering. They can extend vines up to 10 feet away from themselves, which have the same capabilities and strength of Colony's vine lash. They themselves are roughly half as strong as Colony in his suit. They have roughly the same durability as Colony in his suit.
They are capable of speech and understanding commands, as well as distinguishing between individuals.
They can merge together into one creature, becoming larger. This combined creature weighs 220 kg and can mimic creatures as large as a fairly large horse. It has roughly 0.75x the strength of Colony in his suit, but the vines can now extend to 15 feet. The creatures can also form into general structures or objects as directed by Colony, such as a ladder, or small bridge. They can also make parts of themselves adhesive at will as the Vine Lash, which can be useful for adhering to surfaces, objects, or foes.
When attached to the suit, they merge with the neural mesh of the suit itself, allowing them to use their vines in conjunction with the suit for its purposes. This allows Colony to use the tendrils to climb things rapidly, or to have essentially freedom of movement in small spaces, as well as the ability to grab things with the tendrils. They also provide sensory information to the suit, allowing the suit to detect things in ultraviolet light and being able to access the memories of the vine creatures. If they are destroyed, they can be regrown back at base with little issue.
Duration: When attached to the suit, same duration as it. Capable of surviving for roughly 1 day before recharging as suit does but without electrical necessity.
Colony was out on patrol in the night when he spotted suspicious activity. Multiple figures entering a jewelry store, wearing nondescript masks to conceal their identities. He decided to carefully approach the store, and saw inside that the figures were holding the attendants at gunpoint. He removed a Puffball Crawler about the size of an apple from his hip and carefully opened the door, tossing it in. The critter crawled over to where he was indicating with a UV laser before it released its payload, exploding into a cloud of spores that incapacitated the entire group as well as the attendants. He rushes inside, taking a pill and giving it to the attendants, causing them to awaken quickly. He calls in the police and the robbers are apprehended.
Benjamin Cruz was born in Devilfish and has lived there all his life. He lived a fairly average life, until more recently his father died of cancer. After that point he began declining, ignoring his schoolwork and locking himself off.
In the beginning there wasn’t much pressure on him due to his father’s passing but as time went on and his grades began to decline, more and more pressure was put on him, by his grieving mother, by well-put counsellors. Eventually it got to the point where he began trying again but due to how far behind he was it perpetuated a cycle where he continued getting bad grades and he continued to decline due to him having bad grades, causing him to fall even more behind and spiral deeper. Eventually all the pressure got to him and he Triggered. Suddenly thoughts filled his brain. What he was currently studying- Biology, made more sense. He understood plants and fungi and how to use them, use them for good.
Unfortunately however, not all was good. After his father died, Benjamin's mother became increasingly irrational. She had fallen to grief and was lured in by the explanations of answers online, even though they were false. She became convinced that Parahumans had caused his father's cancer, and now that Benjamin was one of them... well, she did not take it well. She kicked him out of the house, and then he went to the PRT.
He went to the PRT and told them of his newfound abilities and was brought into the Ward program just recently. They discovered his abilities required a base of operations where he would create a self-sustaining plant ecosystem. They were able to create a small greenhouse on the roof of the PRT building where he could set up his small ecosystem to allow him to use his abilities effectively.