Anne reed

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Character Name

Name / Alias: Anna Reed/ Tiamat Age: * 14 Alignment:* independent Public Information:*

Physical Appearance- she's a young girl, she has blond and red hair in a odd distinctive mix of colors. She has bright blue eyes. In civvies she wears a simple pair of pants and a two size to large sweater.

Mentality- she's slightly broken and is completely dedicated to her dragon. It is believed she suffers from schizophrenia due to her talking and responding to herself. She's nice shy and inconfident but ferociously loyal to the point she has yet to give up on her first friend.


Wealth Level: 1

Equipment- Her Neo and her scrap power suit

Skills- survival, acting, scouting

Power: Dragon based Drone tinker- She has a single dragon drone that she upgrades at all tines. She gets one and her power doesn't allow more than one active at a time. Her power provides designs and instructions from base metal composition to chemical makeup to proper handling of the materials. It just kinda appears in her head.

Trigger type: Single natural Event

Example: Standing against athe wall Tiamat was muttering to herself. Her left hand reached up the soft fabric tight along her wrist. The costume was one of the many things the PRT did to try and help her mentality. She didn't mind really the wards were nice, don't let them close, she didn't really trust them, betray you, shaking her head and dispelling her thoughts she raised two fingers on her right hand. The drone she built moved up to her the hard metal head soft against her neck as she petted it. She slid to the side and up onto its back. The body flowed like water underneath her the artificial muscles working like art underneath her, there was never a second where the muscles were misaligned. It was like watching a river calm and steady when at rest. Like a torrent of power threating to drag anyone down with it if they weren't careful.

Backstory: As a young girl living in a torturous and abusive shelter, her only comfort was her friend about 2 years older than her and the only kind child in the entire building.They eventually decided to run away taking no one with them

Years pass steadily, they have been building up a small gang of children. Around the age of 11 the leader her one friend Mary dissapeared. This drove Anna into a state of depression. She continued to try and hold the gang together but people continued to leave and go their own way.

Anne alone started to drag her feet as she lost all directions but one simple one. She spent the next two years falling into suicidal dispare before finally finding Mary and attempting a rescue. Which was foiled by Mary herself being moved at the last moment leaving her alone in a gang building. This was her trigger. She ran as her power provided blue prints for the most simple blockades the most it could do when unrelated to dragons.

That is where we begim.

Starting Reputation: 1