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Author /u/Argerro
Civilian name Gabriel Achart
Alignment Villain
Affiliation Independent (Devilfish)
PRT Classification Striker/Mover
Born (1997-03-22) March 22, 1997 (age 27)
Devilfish, Minnesota
Status Active

Eismeister has been noted as taking part in serveral decently high level heists. Namely, he has nabbed a bag full of jewelry from a jewelry store, stolen a hundred pounds of ancient silver from a museum truuck, and most of all, he was connected to the Black Friday Cloverleaf disaster. The news has noted him as violent, dangerous, and a decently powerful cryogenesis cape. Civilians are advised to not approach or interact with Eismeister.

Character Sheet


Gabriel is an average, slightly athletic guy in his mid-twenties. He has a long mop of shaggy brown hair, with a larger nose and a permanent stubble. His sense of style is quoted as being “jeans and grunge band shirts”. He always wears a pair of dark aviator sunglasses.

Eismeister wears what looks to be homemade riveted chainmail armor, a fairly basic nasal helm with coif, and carries a well-crafted longsword. Everything has a black patina with a polished steel accent.

Equipment and Resources

A house he inherited from his parents in the suburbs. Has a backyard, and a small workshop. He only needs to pay utilities and insurance. He works as an artisan smith to keep up his livlihood.

  • Set of Riveted Chain armor+ helmet
  • A well-crafted longsword+scabbard
  • A well-worn motorcycle
  • An at home medkit
  • Shop full of tools

Wealth Level


Skills and Specializations

  • Decent swordsmith
  • Sub-par armor smith
  • Pretty good full contact fencer (has taken classes)
  • Plays Electric guitar
  • Took a first aid and CPR course


Gabriel is…hurt. Closed off. After he triggered, he found that most things in life give him no joy or excitement anymore. So, he withdrew into himself. Now he is a very quiet and cold person out of costume and only ever feels anything when he dons his armor. He lives for the joy of contest. The struggle for life, for him, is the truest reason to keep living.


Cryogenesis, Cold manipulation

Eismeister’s primary power is turning the things he touches colder. His body is at a constant -200 C, and he imparts this tempurature into the molecules around him. The longer he holds something, the closer he gets to -200 C. If he stays in a poorly ventilated room for long enough, the air will start to cool as well. Objects follow normal rules of conductivity (i.e., metal cools faster than a gas, winter coats withstand his temps for a time, etc).

Objects that are cooled can be manipulated by him, even if he did not freeze the object himself. The range on this manipulation is about 5 meters in a sphere around him. His manipulation acts similarly to telekenesis, but on the molecular scale. The less energy an atom has, the less interference that will be in his way,making it easier to control. He can order molecules to change density or positioning to influence their strength. He also imbues in any melee weapons he carries with enhanced power and sharpness. A sword at his temp. limit will hit hard enough to knock a car over.

When running in a mostly straight line and given enough time to pick up speed , he can run up to 40 miles an hour, but doing so is very strenuous and will massivly draw up his weakness if he goes for too long.

Eismeister does not get winded, per se. The more strenuous an activity is, the more signs of hypothermia show up. Symptoms of shivering, tiredness, slight confusion, fumbling hands, etc can occur. He can be in active combat and using his power for a good long while before he shows any of these signs, but sprinting will start showing signs very quickly.

Trigger Type

Single, Natural


Gabriel was…a solitary child. He grew up in his mid-sized suburban house with his parents. His mother was doting and his father strict. His father was an old school craftsman and aimed to teach his somehow to be a proper man, while his mother got him his first guitar and vocal lessons. Outside of working in the shop and learning his music he didn’t do much. As he grew, he went on to pick up blacksmithing and became good enough that he could sell his blades for a profit.

At the age of twenty-two him and his parents were doing some last-minute Christmas shopping late at night. They take what they think is a shortcut when a loud bang rings out and his father falls to the floor. A hand grabs him from behind as the first gunman grabs his mother demanding her valuables. She fumbled while handing them over and without hesitation they killed her as well. Turning to the still restrained and quietly sobbing Gabriel, they say “Welp…can’t leave any witnesses. Sorry kid.” Before pointing the gun at his head. In the frigid winter air, he wanted nothing more than to fight back, to be able to hurt them, and to be able to get away. Gabriel felt something stir from within him and in that moment he broke. Before they even fired a bullet he fell like a puppet with its strings cut. Moments later a siren rings out near the alley so the muggers pound pavement, leaving the traumatized boy to deal with the frigid cold all alone