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Cape Name::Tsukumogami{{#set:Identity=Tsukumogami}}
Notoriety Criminal
D / *
Author Author::oryx_the_madgod (capes)
Pronouns She/her
Civilian name {{#set:Identity=Tsubaki Chikafuji}}Civilian Name::Tsubaki Chikafuji
Alignment Alignment::Mercenary
Affiliation Affiliation::None (Location::Denver)
Age 21
Status Status::Active
Nationality Japanese-American
Approver ALargeHairyDerp
Trigger Type Single Trigger

Publicly Available Information

Tsukumogami is a mercenary who has been regarded as an active nuisance to those she encounters. She has a website where she advertises her services, stating that she is an "agent of chaos who works for the highest bidder", in her own words. She has been active for approximately a year, traveling across the States.

Nobody is sure what her power is, though many have noted that she seems to talk to herself quite a bit. Prevalent theories include that she conjures an invisible projection, or that she has a partner with a Stranger power.

PRT / Government Information

Cape known as Tsukumogami is believed to be responsible for various crimes in the states of Wyoming, Oregon, New Mexico, and Missouri. These crimes range from vandalism, to blackmail, to robbery.

Current hypothesis on Tsukumogami's power is that she manifests an invisible projection which she can command. Other details unknown.

Costume Appearance

Tsukumogami mostly dresses in an urban camo hooded jacket, a black tactical vest over it, a pair of dark-colored heavy-duty pants and boots, black gloves, and a white Hannya mask which covers her lower face.

On some occasions, Tsukumogami has been spotted wearing regular clothing along with a hoodie and her Hannya mask. This is believed to be for undercover purposes, or personal outings.

Civilian Appearance

Tsubaki Chikafuji is a willowy Japanese-American lady with subtle curves and a slightly slender face. She is 5'7" and weighs 128 lbs, and has hair that is dyed dark purple. She tends to dress in clothing that accentuates her figure, allowing her to leverage it in her day-to-day. She always wears pants with pockets, and will occasionally put on the occasional cardigan.


Tsubaki is outgoing and cheerful, always walking with a pep in her step. She doesn't hesitate to make friends with people she likes, and almost always has a smile on her face.

She believes greatly in freedom and independence, especially in doing what she wants to do when she wants to do it. She has a habit of following the rules when it is convenient to her, and stealthily bypassing them in most situations where the rules obstruct her.

Tsubaki has an infamous sweet tooth, and is somewhat able to be bribed with sweet things.

As Tsukumogami, she dials her mischievousness and immensely carefree attitude up to 11, fully leaning into the guise of being a yokai spirit. She acts on her whims alone, letting her attitude swing as wildly as she feels is acceptable.

Skills & Training

  • Proficient in parkour & freerunning
  • Extensive knowledge of Asian mythology & folklore
  • Fairly good stealth training
  • High School Diploma
  • Knows Japanese, Chinese, Korean, & English
  • Experienced in Krav Maga & CQC
  • Great at sleight of hand (aided by powers)
  • Experienced artist, especially with street art & DIY

Resources & Wealth

Wealth Level 6

Does freelance jobs in civilian guise between jobs, earns most money through mercenary contracts; sometimes will do solo crimes to get extra money.

Lives out of a warehouse loft, owns a second safehouse on the cheap.

Equipment & Gear

  • Her costume
  • Combat knife
  • Electric motorcycle
  • Slingshot
  • Beretta M9 pistol
  • Meteor hammer
  • Balisong knife
  • Boomerang
  • Bag of metal ball bearings

Parahuman Power

Tsukumogami, from her perspective, can understand & talk to inanimate objects. She perceives them having voices and minds of their own, insomuch as is possible for them, and is able to converse with them like any other individual. This is a medium for what her actual power is - getting those objects to do things for her.

The main aspect of her power is that through talking to objects, she can get them to do things to help her, though it requires her to do it in a similar way as getting a person to do things for her. Through persuasion, discussion, intimidation, flattery, and so on, she can convince objects to do her bidding. For example: she can get a door to open for her, tell a gun to jam or misfire when aimed at her, have a sword tell her how its being swung at her, or gather gossip from a street light. She can't talk with objects that are implanted in or directly attached to a living thing's body, like a prosthetic or pacemaker - these are considered by her power as part of that living being.

Another aspect of her power is that she can embed latent 'commands' into objects she talks to and gains the aid of, asking them to do something later down the line when prompted by her words or specified criteria - for example, telling a car to start speeding up if it sees a red flag. These latent commands can only retain one command at a time, but they last as long as Tsukumogami asks them to do that command for - even indefinitely - and the command can be as complex as Tsukumogami desires to make it, like setting several 'if x, then y' criteria. When the time duration (if specified) expires, that object will no longer follow a command until Tsukumogami embeds another latent command.

She is capable of communicating with tinkertech, but will be unable to understand that tinkertech's "speech" coherently at first. Tsukumogami must spend time around a tinker's tinkertech to get used to it and "learn" the "Language" in order to be able to properly interact with that tinker's work, with the time spent around that tinker's tech being cumulative. Progress towards learning a tinkertech dialect does not transfer between two different tinkers - each tinker has their tech speak with a different and unique "language".

Finally, there is a technical aspect to Tsukumogami's power which can only occur within a radius of 10 feet around her: to a certain extent, she can get objects to do things on their own that they normally couldn't. This mostly involves getting an object to move of their own accord, like having something jump to her hands or drop onto someone. Whatever she asks an object to do that they normally shouldn't be able to must be possible according to the laws of physics. The object in question must also be no larger than and/or less weight than a small car.

From an outside perspective, Tsukumogami's power can be simplified as telekinesis with a vocal medium and environmental postcognition.

Background & Trigger

Tsubaki spent much of her life looked down upon by her family, who always seemed to be condescending towards her. After a long time of putting up with it throughout her childhood, she ran from home in a rebellious attempt to prove herself. She spent some time living on her own on the streets, eventually being picked up by a small gang of delinquents - under a false name, for safety reasons. These delinquents brought her on a job to break into a place and rob it, the place in question being the home of one of her parents' rich friends.

Things went well at first, until they discovered first-hand that a security system and guards were present on the grounds. An alarm went off, and the guards began to systematically hunt down Tsubaki's group. She spent the entire time running around and barely avoiding getting caught, until she was cornered near a locked exit door and discovered she was being penned in - sooner or later, she would be found and caught. In the stress of everything that happened, she Triggered.

It was strange to her that the door suddenly started talking to her and opened up for her with minimal prompting, but she got a handle on her powers not long after and chose to continue pulling petty crimes, also starting a career as a freelance mercenary as she moved from state to state. Her most recent move has brought her to Denver, though how long she'll stick around is anyone's guess...

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