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Cape Name::Scorn{{#set:Identity=Scorn}}
Notoriety Criminal
E / *
Author Author::Paige (capes)
Pronouns She/Her
Civilian name {{#set:Identity=Winona Hect}}Civilian Name::Winona Hect
Alignment Alignment::Villain
Affiliation Affiliation::None (Location::Denver)
Age 26
Status Status::NPC
Nationality American
Approver Nashoid
Trigger Type Single Standard Trigger

Publicly Available Information

Scorn is a hulking pile of massive arms, hands, and a single central eye that has been spotted going on occasional rampages in small towns across Denver, starting in Granby and making stops at Winter Park and Idaho Springs. These rampages don’t seem to have had any particular goal beyond Wrecking Shit and have resulted in extensive property damage, broken bones, and a Ward out in the sticks being concussed.

PRT / Government Information

Costume Appearance

Her only concession to a costume is a grey hoodie, a deep purple bandanna, and the strategic removal of her ‘WOMEN WANT ME, FISH FEAR ME’ hat, as well as a pair of good boots. Her Changer Form is a grey-and-blue twelve-foot tall mass of arms and hands (variable quantity), six to eight oversized fingers (functioning as legs), and a large central eye (spherical, ash grey iris, grows steadily more bloodshot as it sustains damage).

Civilian Appearance

Winona is a tall, bulky, and well-muscled lady that constantly has her forearms covered in unspecified Car Grime. She usually wears her unkempt mop of black hair up in a ponytail, a white-and-green trucker hat reading ‘WOMEN WANT ME, FISH FEAR ME’, and a rust-red jumpsuit with the logo of her towing company crudely patched on (a grey five-pointed star)


SMALL BUSINESS OWNER DISEASE, underlined three times.

To elucidate, Winona is extremely petty, snide, entitled, and vindictive towards anyone and anything she can see as potentially harming her business (or her social standing, which is intertwined with her business). She often assigns cause and effect to petty and illogical things, such as the installation of street trees out in front of her family’s auto shop causing a persistent drop in monthly sales. She is a perfectionist that demands the same perfection from her employees, constantly riding their ass (in the proverbial sense) to ensure that everything is Done Right.

When caught out of her usual workplace environment, her personality seems a lot less overbearing and grating, instead being more open, kind, and warm. Has a soft spot for fellow manual laborers.

When caught in her Changer form, her mentality is extremely skewed. It rapidly slips between obsession, rage, and mania: obsession with a chosen target, unfocused rage at anyone who gets in her way, and an idle mania that comes over her when the Job is done.

Skills & Training

  • She possesses a valid Commercial Driver’s License for the state of Colorado, as defined in §42-2-402 C.R.S.
  • She has a pretty rudimentary education in matters unrelated to the former Family Business (never went to college, picked up just enough classes in a trade school to get her relevant certs for vehicle mechanic work and operating heavy commercial vehicles).
  • Breadth of knowledge is useful sometimes, annoying others.
  • Keeps herself in good shape and vaguely understands best practices for doing Violence, though she’s far from a trained boxer or martial artist.
  • Likewise vaguely understands best practices for first aid (put the clean stuff on the red stuff, wrap it in cloth, and keep it covered until it stops hurting, take the opiates if you really wanna stop hurting.)

Resources & Wealth

  • Around 60,000 dollars in various loans, bonds, and earnings. Most of this is the Shop’s budget and her apartment’s rent, but she has about 6,000 to burn on whatever frivolities, provisions, and other Cape Bullshit she may or may not need
  • A recently repainted tow truck: older model that has nonetheless been treated rather well over its lifespan. Has seven more years of work in it, ten if she’s careful. Also has a pretty horrid sedan: her first car, which no longer has functioning brakes beyond the parking brake, working A/C, or a passenger side mirror. Keeps it around because she could not sell it to anyone sane.
  • A tiny brick-and-mortar building that she runs Silver Star towing out of: consists of a tiny lobby w receptionist’s desk (she does not have a receptionist, or indeed any other employees at present. Office Hours are utterly dire), a two-car mechanic’s garage with plenty of tools her business doesn’t really need, and a small impound lot/scrapyard protected by a poorly-maintained chain link fence.
  • Various partially cannibalized vehicles, providing a consistent source of replacement parts.

Equipment & Gear

  • Her favorite Violence Implements: a crowbar, a heavy wrench, and her steel-toed work boots in case someone catches her out of her Hands Georg meatsuit.
  • Some warm Monster Energy Drinks, a bottle of water, and a box of saltines stored in her truck. Also a first aid kit, which is sometimes useful.
  • Her toolbox is also stored in her truck, which possesses a broad swath of tools and a suitable quantity of PPE (insulated gloves, goggles, a filthy hi-vis)

Parahuman Power


Scorn’s Changer Form may only be accessed with the verbal declaration of a target: a person, place, or thing that she seeks to harm in some manner (humiliation, bodily harm, murder, partial or total demolishment of a building, destruction of an object to facilitate a theft or for its own sake ). Targets may be as vague as “that mf in yellow over there” or as specific as “the floor safe in Donovan D. Dawson’s seventh floor office”, the power knows what Scorn’s talking about. The change itself is extremely rapid (around the duration of a turn), consisting of Scorn’s flesh folding itself into a perfect sphere about the size of her torso, the sphere resolving itself into an eye that glares at the target, and the eye sprouting dozens of massive arms, hands, and fingers to cover it almost entirely (a good 95% of it will be covered if she actively wraps her biceps and forearms around her eyes, while about 66% of it is covered when her arms are actively extended). Changing back is this process in reverse: arms folding back into the eye and the eye unfolding into her human body. She can speak in this form, though this takes the form of mouths popping up on her arms and hollering any information.

Her Changer form is somewhat quick (sustaining a speed of about 15mph at an idle run), flexible, and evasive, moving in a similar manner as a beetle by using the thick fingers beneath her central eye as legs. Her main method of getting around quicker is by propelling herself by grabbing onto various objects and flinging herself forward in a charge, regularly reaching a solid 40mph in an unguided fling. Her arms and hands are both strong and mutable, able to quickly shift position along the central eye (e.g. changing where the shoulder of the arm/wrist of the hand springs from) to protect its eye from any harm it can see coming. A punch from her arms can send a normal person flying back a few feet, and two-to-three of her arms working in concert can lift a car over its body and throw it, or uproot a streetlight and swing it as a weapon.

The main vulnerabilities of her form are the central eye itself and her methodology: while the calloused skin of her arms can turn away a blade and the sheer side of them can stop a low-caliber gunshot before it touches her eye, her eye is both extremely vulnerable to physical trauma and unable to see through her arms. Wrapping the sheer bulk of her arms around her eye is a good way to protect it, but it severely hinders her field of view. And if anyone with a kitchen knife can get inside her guard and get a good stab in, she will be thrown out of her form and rendered helpless (incapacitated limbs, remains conscious. Weakened for 10-20m). The flaw with her methodology is related to her designated target: she will focus on closing the distance and harming it to the detriment of everything else. Once her target is Dealt With, she may either pick another target or safely exit her Changer form.

Background & Trigger

From the moment she was old enough to understand the concept of a family business, Winona knew what she wanted to do with her life.

Her parents were Pillars of the Community: Granby Colorado was a small and tight-knit place, and the Hect family auto shop was one of the few successful local businesses. They were rolling in enough money to invest in a new wing of the local library, become patrons of the arts for a park’s statue garden, and to boot their shop even provided a fukken service to the local populace, as opposed to those Docheff bastards with their fancy-schmancy concrete batch plant.

The moment she could help with running her parent’s shop, she threw 100% of her effort into the operations of Hect Collision Repair. She was a gofer until she got her mechanic’s certs, she was a mechanic until she worked her way far enough up the hierarchy to help with finances and training, and she was an assistant manager until her mother was looking to retire. Shit began to fall apart once she was both exposed to the ledgers of monthly profits and given enough authority to enact the changes she had in mind, changes which her stagnant former leadership were too soft to adopt. Rates that had stayed cheap for twenty years were suddenly hiked, mechanic’s hours were slashed, and cheaper and more dubious suppliers of spare parts were contracted. While her staff, customers, and family members complained, they could not argue with the Line going Up on their monthly graph of sales.

Their arguments got substantially more valid when mechanics started walking off the job site for a myriad of reasons, experienced help quitting at a rate that could not be stemmed by fresh graduates. Winona had to bust her ass and do the jobs normally done by three people as opposed to lurking in her office and snidely critiquing her staff, though this did little but accelerate the issue as more of her staff were exposed to the toxic perfectionism of a manager and thus hit the bricks. Her parents (one majority shareholder now and one senior mechanic) ended up taking her aside for the next monthly meeting, trying to gently explain the failings of her policies and workplace culture. All Winona could see was the Line abruptly spiking down, however.

She triggered directly after the meeting, internalizing herself as a contemptible liability, a failure, and someone presently unworthy of her family legacy who must redeem herself by any means. She left Granby in a flurry of property damage, going on similar seemingly unmotivated sprees of violence and destruction in two smaller towns across Colorado before arriving at Denver with enough available capital to establish a tiny towing business. Suspicious, that.

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