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Cape Name::Wound{{#set:Identity=Wound}}

{{#set:Image=Wound costume1.jpg}}{{#set:

  |Meta element og-image=
Notoriety Criminal
C /
Author Author::Dominus_Khan (capes)
Pronouns He/Him
Civilian name {{#set:Identity=Cyrus Mazin}}Civilian Name::Cyrus Mazin
Alignment Alignment::Hero / Alignment::Mercenary
Affiliation Affiliation::None (Location::Denver)
Age 20
Status Status::Active
Nationality American
Approver Nashoid
Trigger Type Single Standard Trigger

Costume Closeup
Civilian Attire.

Publicly Available Information

Wound was known by the public as a mercenary through PHO and other social media platforms. While he had his fair share of public outings, he wasn't popular but notable. Noted to be some manner of Brute & Striker.

His clients found him effective at his job but with him having a code of only taking on villain targets was limiting.

PRT / Government Information

The Las Vegas PRT had frequent encounters with Wound but the cape was 'flighty'. While he is skilled in close quarters combat, he was never one to stick around in fights he couldn't win or wasn't related to his current task. He was a hit and run type.

However, when under the immediate assumption that a job will become unfavorable and he is left without a choice but to fight, he will enlist the services of other capes or set up strategies beforehand.

PRT recommends targeting him first when he's operating in a group, since his power lends itself to a formidable support role.

Costume Appearance

Wound wears a sleek and formidable full black bodysuit made laced with carbon fibers, providing protection.

Along with red kevlar plates placed to safeguard vital areas such as the chest, forearms, and legs. They sport a distinctive red mask and hood combination, with a black visor.

Civilian Appearance

Cyrus Mazin is a blend of African American and Latino heritage. He has brown skin and short, jet-black hair. Standing at over 6 feet tall, he has the build of an athletic male. His eyes are normally a steely black, but they swap to a red hue when he activates his power.


Cyrus Mazin is a silent mercenary with an unknown backstory. His taciturn nature adds to his air of professionalism. While his indomitable resolve and fortitude showcases his dedication to his career as a heroic mercenary serving out justice for a small price.

He exhibits remarkable strength and prowess, using his powers judiciously to protect the innocent. Wound rarely shows any emotion while in costume, well practiced at concealing under a guise of calmness.

Wound's prices are fairly low when villains are involved, he scales his prices based on the depravity of the villain in question. The crueler the villain, the lower the price it will take for him to go after them.

Skills & Training

  • Skilled track runner
  • Skilled acrobatic
  • Skilled at parkour
  • Limited Skill in throwing weapons
  • Skilled in melee combat and using bladed weapons

Resources & Wealth

50 thousand dollars in savings.

Equipment & Gear

  • Metal bat
  • Spear
  • Two hidden wrist blades
  • Shield
  • Throwing Knives with three sided tips
  • Steel Sword
  • Bow and arrows
  • Bow And Arrows
  • 2x Axes

Parahuman Power

Wound can enhance any inorganic matter with the use of his endless supply of blood temporarily. His blood provides that material a manton limit.


Wound's blood when applied to a material can provide a tight organic forcefield that bonds to the material and turns it crimson red.

The forcefield starts off invincible for one round after bonding with the object.

For 3 rounds the armor can withstand all modern day firearms and is resistant to explosives. After this mark, he can deactivate his power over the item.

4th round the armor had the durability of iron until the seventh round where it fades.

Solid energy constructs like force fields or hard light weapons can be granted a durability boost. After his power wears off over an object, the item itself is under a cooldown of 1 round.

Objects that weigh over 1 ton will take 3 seconds to be reinforced. 5 tons will take 12 seconds. 10 tons will take 36 seconds. Anything beyond that takes a full minute to fully shield. Can only affect 10 items at a time. An outfit counts as one item.

Weight Control

Wound can increase the weight of an object he has infected up to 2 tons to his opponents and obstacles, while making it near weightless to himself and allies. It takes three seconds to adjust the weight. Manton limited people who are wearing clothing will only be weighed down.


Wound has an absolute awareness over his blood even when outside his body, he's capable of sensing the slightest displacement to it. When infecting an item he can sense and track its movements perfectly. The connection to his blood is cut after 5 rounds. When infecting an item it lasts for 7 rounds.

Enhanced Biology

Wound has an infinite amount of blood having perfect control over it as long as it stays inside his body or when he wants to infect an item outside it.

This control is down to a cellular level. He can stop himself from bleeding entirely with a thought, control the output of blood to where he can bleed gallons to cover surfaces faster, even a prick a needle can pour fountains.

Wound can regenerate from small incisions on his body but grievous wounds will take medical attention first before gradually regenerating for 24 hours.

Background & Trigger

Cyrus Mazin grew up in a fairly average urban household in Las Vegas, with loving parents. When attending highschool, Cyrus considered the life he lived as dull and uninteresting, since he lacked any form of a social life. Cyrus was usually content in his loner lifestyle until one day, he felt 'adventurous'. He went on to join a track team, where he met a group of three friends, Tara, Felix, and Samuel . He bonded with them over the course of three years up to their senior year. During Summer vacation Cyrus noticed that his friends were growing distant from each other, they weren't responding in their group chat and when Cyrus did manage to bring them together, the tension seemed overwhelming. Especially with Tara and Felix , Cyrus sensed there was a growing hostility going on between them.

The stress started to build gradually in Cyrus, his fear in falling back into his routine of loneliness becoming apparent by the day. Even then he continued to try and keep his friends together despite the impact to his mental health, it was then Samuel told him about the reason for their sudden discord. He explained that Tara had recently gotten into a relationship with Felix's ex-girlfriend after a bad break up. Felix felt scorned and betrayed, he became aggressive towards Tara accusing her of being the reason for the relationship tanking. Samuel expressed his concerns vehemently, claiming that Felix was 'losing his shit' and suggested to Cyrus that they should split off from him. Cyrus was reluctant at first but ended up agreeing, he inwardly promised to find a solution to the problem. The three of them began hanging out in secret, excluding Felix from their circle. But the group couldn't help dreading the guilt that came along with it, which didn't do well for Cyrus' conscience. On a Saturday night after leaving their usual hangout spot, Felix was waiting outside for the trio to confront them. Shouting ensued between them, each trying to hurt the other verbally however they could. Cyrus will never forget the crazed look in Felix's eye when he drew a knife on them. It only took a second for that knife to cut open Samuel's throat and leave him bleeding out on the floor. Cyrus already knew Tara was Felix's next target, so he moved into the path of the blade hoping for him to snap out of it. He didn't. The knife was plunged deep into Cyrus's shoulder, as his world blurred in pain. Cyrus' would recall what were supposed to be his final thoughts, being that he should have been a better friend to his group and how everything would just be fine if he had put a little more effort into convincing them to stay friends that day.

Even as Tara's body hit the floor behind him, Cyrus still thought this was his fault somehow. He woke up 20 minutes later to the sight of all his friends lying around him, Felix's own corpse alongside them after he had taken his own life. Yet despite all that Cyrus couldn't take his eyes off the massive puddle of blood below him. The wound in his shoulder partially closed and was still spilling blood. Cyrus ran that night, from his friends, from his home, and from the law. Cyrus was marked as a killer that night for being the last seen with Tara and Samuel by their parents, Felix's own claims that he was with them as well. Cyrus managed to get his hands on some disinfectant and bandages to patch up his wound. A year on the run with only his newfound power to keep him company and safe, Cyrus resorted to petty crimes. Another year would result in him becoming a Mercenary and thief going by the name Wound, earning profit from mid tier jobs in Las Vegas. Eventually, the heat was catching up to his actions and he decided to move to a safe location and continue his lifestyle.

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