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Cape Name::Goner{{#set:Identity=Goner}}
Notoriety Criminal
E / -
Author Author::Grek (capes)
Pronouns She/Her
Civilian name {{#set:Identity=Elle Mayfield Lopez}}Civilian Name::Elle Mayfield Lopez
Alignment Alignment::Villain
Affiliation Affiliation::None (Location::Denver)
Age 17
Status Status::Active
Nationality Puerto Rican-American
Approver Spectre
Trigger Type Single Standard Trigger

Publicly Available Information

A newbie villain robbed a jewelry store downtown and completely wrecked the place. The security camera footage made the local evening news, along with a clip from the owner (a blustering bald man) saying “When I find out who did this, they’re a goner!” while pounding his fist threateningly into the camera.

The resulting clip became a mid-tier meme for long enough that the name stuck as her cape name. The original coverage, if reviewed, includes a grainy video of her (extremely amateur) initial costume and her appearing in the store via teleportation power and then disappearing from the scene in an explosion of broken glass after a few seconds charging.

PRT / Government Information

On August 28th, 2023, a previously unknown parahuman was spotted teleporting into and stealing merchandise from Raymond Jewelers in downtown Denver. Although no injuries were reported, security footage shows the cape wrecking the store with her power upon departure, with total thefts and property damage estimated at around $6500. Based on her height, build, costume and behavior, Goner is believed to be a recent trigger between 16 and 18 years of age

Goner is believed to possess a Mover/Shaker power which creates a concussive blast and then teleports her out of the way. Estimated ~5 second delay before blast/teleport. Maximum range, destination restrictions and other key power details are currently unknown. Hearing protection is recommended before engaging. Goner has no known ties with existing criminal organizations.

Costume Appearance

The sort of incredibly shitty newbie costume that gets you laughed at on PHO: black ski mask, dark gray gymnastics unitard, white tennis shoes, duffel bag over shoulder. No logo, belt, weapons, etc. She wears her hair up in a bun underneath the ski mask, at least.

Civilian Appearance

A tallish, pudgy looking teenager. Looks young, even for her age. At 5’2” and ~150 lbs, she is somewhat insecure about her weight in the usual teenager sort of way. Straight, shoulder length black hair, brown eyes, white-passing complexion. Out of costume, she wears ripped blue jeans (not pre-ripped; just old and ratty) and has a favorite pink hoodie that comes all the way down to her knees. No distinguishing scars/birthmarks. Spanish accent which she mostly hides.


Fresh off her trigger event and in a bad place. Sees crime as the quickest, most obvious route to get out of those circumstances. Sub-clinical claustrophobia, diagnosed auditory processing disorder. Doesn't want to fight people, exactly, but is quick to see anyone who tries to stop her from escaping her current home life as an enemy to lash out at. Loves her family and has some guilt that they'll worry about her or that she's failing them by becoming a villain, but simply cannot bear to live with them a second longer than necessary. Non-zero chance that she could be talked into abandoning villainy and joining the Wards with an especially heartfelt heroic speech.

Skills & Training

  • Fluent in both English and Spanish
  • Three years of high school gymnastics
  • Knows a guy who sells weed
  • No high school diploma/GED

Resources & Wealth

Elle theoretically has an apartment that she could return home to, but currently prefers being homeless to returning to her prior living situation. Suspended from high school until 9/15/2023, but not currently planning to return at that point. No job and no other non-cape income.

Owns a cheap smartphone (shared between cape/civilian personas, two changes of clothing, and ~$500 retail value in unfenced stolen goods, all of which she keeps in a duffel bag in the empty apartment she’s currently squatting in. No vehicle and cannot drive. Down to $49 in actual money, which she has been spending on groceries and her incredibly shitty villain costume.

Equipment & Gear

  • Costume (homemade, bad quality)
  • Duffel Bag (contains clothing, food, stolen goods)
  • Smartphone (cheap, shared between personas)
  • Crowbar (recently acquired, never used)
  • Library Card (civilian identity only)

Parahuman Power

Goner is a teleporter who vanishes with a loud thunderclap and reappears somewhere else within earshot. She needs to charge up to teleport, scaling from a floor of (a second / 1 foot of displaced air / someone clapping loudly / two rooms over) on the low end to (15 seconds / 2.5 feet of displaced air / concussion grenade going off / several city blocks) at the upper limits of her power. Places with good acoustics let her teleport further on less charge, because the sound carries further. A soundproof room would prevent her from teleporting in or out. Goner has control over where she teleports, but needs some idea of where she's going in relation to where she is now - teleporting to a place she's only ever seen on TV or a security camera feed wouldn't work. Goner cannot bring other people along while teleporting, but brings anything she carries. She can't teleport into solid objects.

When Goner uses her power, it firmly pushes everything (including air) away from her as it charges up, like a balloon inflating. When she releases the power and teleports, all the displaced air rushes back in with a whoosh and a thunderclap. The Manton effect protects her from hearing damage, vacuum exposure and shockwaves (including from sources other than her own power), but ironically does nothing to supply her with air. She has to get a deep breath before she can charge up, or she'll start coughing and end up somewhere short of her destination.

Background & Trigger

Growing up, Elle was an only child from a poor but loving family. The apartment could be charitably described as 'cozy' on a good day, but it was all the family could afford and to Elle it was home. A safe haven from a world that was too loud, too busy, too much at times. When she entered high school, her parents decided that it was time to have another kid. Nine months later, half her bedroom was annexed to make space for the two squalling little baby boys, who she was expected to spend all of her time after school babysitting while her parents worked to put food on the table.

She tried to love her little brothers, she really did, but she couldn't help but resent them. They took up her space, they took up her time and whenever she finally got one to be quiet the other would suddenly start crying and set the other one off again. Her grades started dropping and she started acting out at school, the only place where she felt like she might still have some control over her life. Eventually, she got suspended for a month for getting caught smoking pot in one of the school bathrooms.

Her parents took the news badly. Shouted at her, asking how she could ruin her life like this with drugs, how she could set such a bad example for her brothers, asking if she had brought any of it into the house, where had they gone wrong. The tipping point was when they decided that because she was too irresponsible to be left alone in the house while they were at work, her grandparents (who had never liked their nursing home anyways) would be moving in to keep an eye on her. Feeling suffocated, trapped and overwhelmed, she triggered while crying in her room one night. The first time Elle teleported, it started the twins crying again and made her dad shout at her for 'slamming doors'.

Elle hates being trapped in her cramped little hell enough that she's willing to turn to crime to find a way out. The jewelry store robbery is just the beginning - once she finds a way to sell this bag of stolen loot, she's going to try to find a landlord who won't ask too many questions about why she looks so young or where she's getting the money to afford an apartment for herself to live all alone. Her grasp of what comes after that is shaky at best, but it has to be better than this.

(Optional) Misc Lore Snippets

Where-as the above Info sections are for concise & pertinent info, there are some who like to write more detailed tidbits of in-character lore about, or relating too their characters, this is for things like that, so that the above sections remain concise and useful for ease of lookup.