Devilfish:Galacterian Knight

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Galacterian Knight
Notoriety Criminal
E / ?
Author /u/the4bestgame (capes)
Pronouns she/her
Alignment Hero
Affiliation None (Devilfish)
PRT Classification Tinker, Changer
Born (1999-07-15) July 15, 1999 (age 24)
Status Active
Reddit Sheet

Galacterian Knight

  • Name / Alias: Alice Ikari / Galacterian Knight
  • Age: 22
  • Alignment: Hero(independent)

Public Information

A new Hero that’s just started out on the streets. She’s barely been seen outside, her one big showing so far being running in to save a group of civilians from a runaway car. Starting Reputation: E?

Physical Appearance

With long straight ginger hair and blank green eyes, Alice lost her right arm up to the elbow in a car crash and she carried a walking cane for damages sustained to her legs. Her normal outfit is a short sleeved blue cotton tea and a pair of black jogging bottoms.

Costume: Alice is a changer and so her costume is rather basic, a simple black tank top and tights, with a welders mask over her face.


Alice is prone to fits and bursts of extreme emotion, but normally resting as a basic dull drone going through the motions. The only exception to this is her cape activities, as she enjoys putting on a show for the public.

Alice, whilst not having had the chance yet, is the type of person to happily goof around and sign autographs whilst in costume. She tries to spend as much of her time as she can out on the streets patrolling and making the city safer.


Alice was a fairly successful athlete before the car crash, and has saved up most of that money.

Wealth Level: 6


Tinker tech listed in comments as per the wiki. Beyond that she recently purchased a old beat up car that she has been tearing apart to fuel her tinkering.

Alice also has a basic smart phone and the best first aid kit she could find on the market with a weeks delivery time.


Javelin throwing Driving Youtubed - First aid knowledge Socialising Contracts


Trigger type: Tinker-Changer Alice is a tinker able to create tinker tech prosthetics, arms, legs, even heads and chests. These parts can be used as regular prosthetics if attached safely. (head and chest excluded) and act as vehicles for her tinker tech effects. Currently all these body parts are made of a lightweight steel alloy, that whilst minimally conductive, will still shock anyone touching them

Their true purpose however, is in Alice’s changer effect. Alice can swap out any part of her body at will for one of her tinker tech body parts via teleporting them in place of the limbs, the changer effect. Damage sustained to the tinker tech part isn’t carried over to her real body, unless its broken.

If a prosthetic is broken while attached, then its instantly returned to where it was teleported from, and the body part in question will tank the attack, likely causing massive damage without Alice being prepared.


Solar Arms

Alice's first creation, and the first part of her offensive armour set - Solar. She plans to made a full set of each set of armour that she can mix and match, but such dreams are a long way off.

  • Appearance: A pair of sleek black metal arms. The tiny white dots on them are added in the creation prosess, not a matter of paint, and the orange orb imbedded in the palms feels smooth the glossy to the touch like glass.
  • Abilities (Arms): The arms themselves are capable of functioning just like normal arms, they aren't any stronger or weaker than you'd expect, though a steel punch will always hurt more than a fleshy one.
  • Abilities (Ignite): The main offensive ability of Solar arms is their self ignition, a flashy ability thats less useful in actual combat. Alice's prosthetics are immune to these flames, and getting hit by a flaming steel fist has to do marginally more than a normal steel fist, right? Its at least useful for intimidation.

Planitar Arms

Alice's defensive set of arms, more useful than her Solar arms, these can be used to protect both herself and others!

  • Appearance: A pair of sleek black metal arms. The tiny white dots on them are added in the creation process, not a matter of paint. The yellow saturn like rings extend from the wrist to the elbow joint, and can be detached to wield as proper shields.
  • Abilities (Arms): The arms themselves are capable of functioning just like normal arms, they aren't any stronger or weaker than you'd expect, though a steel punch will always hurt more than a fleshy one.
  • Abilities (Shields): The main defensive ability of the Planitar arms are her ring shields, a golden yellow colour these can be used to block attacks off the edge of her arm whilst keeping up a flurry of offensive blows, or can be detached to be wields as individual buckler shields, they can even be given to others to help defend them.

Lunar Helm

Alice's first headpiece, she tries her best not to think about where her head goes when this is in use, but the thought that one day the process might go wrong keeps her up at night. The Lunar series of armour is her utility set, focused on rescue and survival work.

  • Appearance: A cool black metal knights helmet, complete with a visor she can pull up and down, though there's nothing inside. Its dotted with the same stars as the rest of her armour, with a bright full moon on her forehead and glowing white eyes.
  • Abilities (Night Vision): The glowing white eyes aren't just for show, giving Alice perfect night vision whilst wearing this helmet.


Alice froze still as the thug burst into the gas station, ranting and raving as he demanded the attendant hand over the money, and all the lotto cards for all the good that would work.

Every few moments he spun around the room with the gun, cowing anyone thinking they could take the chance to step in, Alice bided her time, waiting from him to do another sweep as she ducked behind a store shelf, pulling on the knot of her power to call it to her.

It answered her call as always and she felt whole again, Both arms replaced with the basic armoured gauntlets, her vision now showing in shades of thermal imagery from the visor (she tried not to think about where her head went when using this part)

She didn’t bother calling the torso or legs to her, precious moments could let the thug escape, instead she charged at him, arms crossed to block any bullets on the metal gauntlets as she closed the gap, smashing him in the chest with a metal fist once, then again to make sure he didn’t get back up. Good. She did good.


Alice knew who she was. A good daughter, a good friend. She liked helping people, and spending time with her family. More than anything though, she knew she was skilled.

It wasn’t a boast or anything so vain. She might not be Olympic level, but she was dammed good at the javelin toss. She worked hard for it, sacrificed and toiled day after day, and she was rewarded for it.

Then came the crash.

There was nothing that could be done for it, a one in a million chance they said, no-one was at fault. For all the excuses they gave, it meant one thing. She was broken.

Her arm gone, legs too weak to stand on. Pain shot through her body at random. Those dreams of people screaming her name where crushed in an instant.

Then her friends left, some where just there for her limited fame. But after they left she was ashamed to admit that she lashed out at the rest, called them jealous, she spat vicious venom until there was no-one left to call a friend.

Then her parents grew distant. She was a disappointment, a failure. Their attention was focused on her younger brother, eventually she logged online to see that time had slipped her by, locked in her apartment, no-one cared about her anymore. Alice wasn’t even alive anymore, there was nothing left of her, just a broken husk going through the motions.