
From WormRP
Revision as of 13:36, 12 January 2021 by Keira (talk | contribs) (docs)
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This template is to be used for displaying equipment on a character sheet or group. Only use this template if your equipment post has been approved!


Please remove the parameters that are left blank.

| name       = 
| url        = 

| image      = 
| appearance = 

| creator    = 

| abilities  = 

| duration   = 

| notes      = 


Parameter list

name – the equipment's name.
url – URL to the equipment post on reddit.
image – Optionally, an uploaded image to use as a picture. Don't add the File: prefix.
appearance – The equipment's appearance. Can copy-paste from reddit tbh.
creator – Optionally specify a creator, if this is on a group page or is a collab project.
abilities – The equipment's abilities. Can copy-paste from reddit tbh.
duration – The equipment's duration. Can copy-paste from reddit tbh. Delete this entire line if it's not applicable.
notes – any notes. Delete this entire line if it's not applicable.
state – If the box should be expanded or collapsed on page load. Options are "expanded" (default), "collapsed", "plain" (no collapse option), and some others that arent really useful


| name       = Cat Ears
| url        = https://www.reddit.com/r/wormrp/comments/9plbyf/who_needs_dignity_when_you_can_be_adorable/
| appearance = Big ol' fuzzy black ears atop Perse's head. Underneath they're metal but the mechanisms make them seem soft and pliable like kitty ears.
| creator    = [[Persephone]]
| abilities  = Greatly increased hearing ability. Built-in clip prevents it from being too loud for her. They swivel and move like a cat's to pick up certain directions but also relay her emotions very visibly.
| image      = OwO Godrays - My Canadian Boyfriend.png