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Notoriety Criminal
D / $
Author /u/spider_dream23 (capes)
Pronouns He,She, They,Them
Civilian name Keith Simmons / Guy
Alignment Villain
Affiliation None (Devilfish)
PRT Classification Changer, Trump, Brute, Thinker, Shaker
Born (1998-06-07) June 7, 1998 (age 26)
Vancouver, Canada
Status Active
Other names Chimera, Parasite
Reddit Sheet

Wanted for theft, murder, kidnappings and other shenanigans, but also not that well known yet. Mostly because of his ever changing appearance and tendency to use dozens of throwaway names. Which usually tends to prevent people from pinpointing those crimes on one person.

Though they recently appeared with a mask, to openly make their presence as a cape known.

Character Sheet


They’re extremely inconsistent, appearance shifting from one moment to another, changing with every encounter. Height, weight, hair color, skin color, or gender its all fluid without any original or default appearance. Though he has a tendency to heterochromia, one eye not matching the other or different hair colors.. skin color. Sometimes straight up like a bunch of different people patched up into one.

His appearance can change even more drastically after a cape fight, replicating the appearance of other changers, minions, case 53 and constructs, turning him into some sort of chimera.

As a Cape he does tend to wear a mask with a wide smile on it, sometimes only as a half-mask. Less to conceal his identity and more for dramatic reasons, to be actually more recognizable, considering his inconsistent real appearance.

Equipment and Resources




Hunting knives



First aid kit

Currently living with a friend, who was nice enough to share his small apartment.

He does have a secret warehouse for his other belongings.

Wealth Level: 4

Skills and Specializations

High pain tolerance and natural dexterity. Often utilizing his body without any care or regard to his own well-being, viewing any part of himself as disposable.

Able to instinctively adapt to a new form, or weapon. To know how something is used by mere observation.

Skilled at hand to hand combat, like a trained soldier and martial artist.

Somewhat familiar and skilled at psychological warfare.

Natural Charisma

Can adapt new skills by diving into the memories of others, training himself until he can repeat everything (takes an extended amount of time)


Best described as an actor, a social chameleon, his personality seems to be just as malleable as his appearance.

Imitating others, adapting to fit certain roles, sometimes because of ulterior motives or just because it’s his nature.

I many cases he himself does not know if his feelings are genuine or not.

He would just latch onto those he views as special, try to be part of their life, to interact, to seek stimulation and to have what they have.

At best he can be a overbearing and obsessive friend or partner, who would sacrifice almost everything for those he sees as special. At worst he treats people like possessions he needs to have, to become them or leech of of them in every possible way. Often resorting to theft, kidnappings or even murder once he got bored or disappointed.

His morality and personality dependent on the people he interacts with, they can make him more stable and ‘good’ or worse.

On his own he tends to be very opportunistic, somewhat only valuing his own life to get more stimulation more interaction…. more entertainment, but besides that often appearing suicidal, unable to fill the emptiness inside, he hates staying the same for too long. Just like his own, he does not value or understand life, or the difference about right or wrong. Only following rules if it Benefits him or the role he is playing, causing him to discard them once they’re not useful anymore.

Without a moral compass on his own, he just goes along with those he views as more interesting or carry out what would spark the most intense reaction, trying to please them or to make them uncomfortable even hate him.

Sometimes misunderstanding others, he can go overboard with ‘good’ intentions, going out of his way to do what he thinks would please them, including murdering someone that seems to annoy his ‘friend’.

To those who really know him, his attitude is somewhat different. Causing him to be more open about himself, his issues and what he does. Often being more playful and detached, showing his lack of care about himself or others. Sometimes even admitting his own emptiness, Transient can trust someone to a point, where he would allow them to act as his moral compass to prevent him from doing something he shouldn’t.

This partially applies towards his cluster, sensing his connection to them, he does view them similar to an extended family he wants to be close with. This does not prevent him from any attempt to harm them. Often purposefully trying to get any reaction out of his ‘family’.

In a fight his personality seems to degrade and shut down the more damage he receives and the less human his appearance becomes.

They’re effectively genderfluid and pansexuell, depending on their form and the role they’re playing.


Primary: Changer(Trump)/Brute

Body mimicry: Whenever he experiences physical pain, his body would gradually express traits of the one who is responsible. In a fight each injury would cause him to become more similar to his opponent taking on eye, color, height and muscle mass of them. Range does not matter and indirect damage(guns etc) counts just as much. Him purposefully placing an injury or otherwise pain sensitive body part onto someone else still counts and will trigger a transformation This simultaneously acts as some form of regeneration, replacing the damaged tissue with new one.

Severed body parts(fingers, bones, skin, etc..) of a still living person, are a rather unorthodox but possible way to trigger a transformation.

With the transformation only being partial(max 50%), each new form would still keep parts of the previous version, causing him to never look the same.

Changer-Regeneration can act slow and gradual or instantly, with the new flesh immediately rejecting the damaged or old one. Able to regrow limbs and heal otherwise fatal injuries.

Regeneration is useless if he already got too similar to his opponent, or if the enemy has similar/worse injuries, causing him to copy those too. This gets circumvented if he just so happen to lose his copied limb, causing him to be less similar and able to regenerate it once again.

He is capable to imitate other parahumans (Changers/case 53s), minions as well as solid constructs to a certain degree. His power favoring those traits over anything more human. Small injuries now causing more severe transformations. Running into a wall of power generated concrete rapidly causing parts of him to turn into the same material.

Copying other parahumans only gives him their physical traits and powers related to this (claws, armored skin etc..) however the more similar he becomes the more likely he would be able to exploit manton protections.

He is able to replicate technological implants if those are sufficiently connected to flesh and considered part of the person he imitates.

Naturally the transformation is proportional to his injuries, but he can suppress or shift it to another part of his body. Keeping the injured arm the same and instead transform his head.

Suppressing a transformation would cause it to manifest much more forcefully once he loses his concentration ( skin and flesh ruptures revealing the new growing tissue beneath.)

There is a 1/10 chance of him recalling random previous inhuman(Changer, case 53 etc..)… traits if he receives too much damage at once(losing an entire arm or more)..

Secondary: Thinker

Mental insight: Just like his primary, pain would create a connection enabling him to sense the emotions of others, just as much as if he is experiencing it himself. This only includes feelings and not physical pain. He would keep that connection until someone else hurts him or he moves out of range (5 m).

Not that useful in a fights besides sensing someones intent, it would get stronger if his opponent gets more emotional, causing him to experience blurry versions of their memories. Usually useless to recognize faces or words, but very effective to see what people did in their past, able to proficiently read the emotional context of each action, almost like he did it himself. Given enough time(hours) and he can clearly experience their life like his own. This can cause some form of personality bleed and also enable him to learn new skills (still much more clumsy than an actual skill thinker).

Secondary: Trump

Lingering Aura: Power effects have a tendency to just stick to him, anything that acts like some form of intangible energy, or aura he gets hit with tends to overwrite the immediate vicinity around that specific body part. Initially it works on him/harms him like any other human, but after that his body just constantly radiates that same effect for a certain time(usually 5 to 15 min).

He can actively suppress it and the time limit would only start once activated.

Secondary: Shaker/Striker

Synesthesia: Able to cause various forms of synesthesia in people who perceive him in any way. His voice able to trigger ones sense of touch like something crawling on your skin, visualizing colors or triggering taste and smell through a punch. He can choose to activate or deactivate his power and if the stimulation would be something vaguely positiv or negativ. It gets somewhat stronger with proximity.

can also cause nausea or euphoria

It is unable to do anything more then to distract or confuse

Cluster Mechanics: Cluster members are able to sense each other’s presence in close proximity in the real world and have the urge to compete/fight with each other.


Keith was always a nobody a weasel that would latch onto anyone in hope of some advantage or benefit he could get. Going along with the bully at school to avoid getting picked on or coaxing his boss to get a better position, orbiting those he saw as more powerful and more successful than himself. After-all the best he can do is live in their shadow, but deep down he hated himself to be this kind of person, unable to stand out to be successful on his own… to be the hero of his own story..

He finally quit and left everything behind, trying to escape from his pathetic life and seek some fulfillment on his own. Naturally he fell back on old habits and did what he always does latch onto the next person he saw as more powerful. In this case someone with actual powers… in need of his help…

He was aware of what he got himself into, the real purpose of the machine and the project the tinker was working on and he was content with it after all he now had a new purpose and the real possibility of acquiring some power… influence…. once the project would be finished, once they got their army..

Mostly helping with the non tinker tasks, like getting the money, covering up any dirty details, he was also involved at recruiting new test-subjects.

Luring them in with his charismatic personality and false promises Keith didn’t expected to end up just like them…


…As the simulation started to fall apart, They partially woke up from what seems like an never ending nightmare, receiving sensory feedback from both the simulation as well as their real unfortunate reality. They felt overwhelmed by it all, not able to tell what is real… if he is even real… Unable to piece it together, their life, distinguishing real memories from fake one. Remembering death in multiple ways and different versions of them self.. being attacked.. in pain and pulled apart.

All while simultaneously stuck in a body that started to fail inside of the simulation and being bound to a table encased in darkness in reality. They tried to scream but couldn’t… to move without legs.. to do anything… get any feedback from them self.

They triggered immediately rebuilding themself as someone entirely different.