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His armour looks like this, but more the helmet is more skull-like.
Author /u/stillnoname-1224
Civilian name Seth
Alignment Villain
Affiliation Mafia (Devilfish)
PRT Classification Blaster, Tinker-Thinker,
Born (2008-03-10) March 10, 2008 (age 16)
Status Active

Character Sheet

Public information

Seth is known to live in the Backwoods of devilfish, but not where exactly. Reported as a strange man stealing hikers money and supplies, and the occasional break-in of small shops.


Physically, Seth seems like a realistic, well proportioned Adonis. He is in very good shape, and suffers from no underlying health conditions. His hair is brown, as is his eyes, and he stands at 190cm. He doesn’t have any blemishes or birthmarks, has an ambiguous skin tone and is ambidextrous. He is a Eunuch, as his creator did not want more specimens of Seth running around.

Equipment and Resources

  • Deceased Creators lab/secret base. Approx 200×200×5m, mostly open plan & used for storage. some basic lab equipment, focused on biology [i.e. bandages & IV drips]
  • Pre-existing & scavenged Tinkertech.
  • Sawn off shotgun.
  • Break-back shotgun.
  • 2 smoke grenades
  • A bowie knife.
  • A Khopesh.
  • A baseball bat for non-lethal approaches.
  • Non-lethal bean-bag based ammo for all guns.
  • His 'cape' costume. It is primarily black, and is covered in hexagonal-style spikes & body armor. It's helm is also skull-like & spiky, but has a distinct crystalline, Jagged aesthetic. It has sufficient holsters for the above equipment.

The Lab:


above is the sheet detailing the lab.

Skills and Specializations

  • Persuasion, deception & intimidation; classic actions that use one's charisma.
  • Really good at distance running & parkour.
  • Monke throw real good.
  • Quick thinking & puzzle solving. Very good memory.


Seth has a Shard-like mental drive; he wants to inspire conflict, however he can. This was the main reason he stole. He feels little true emotion, mostly seeing it outside-in, and as such knowing more about it, more than feeling it; like being unable to walk and reading a book on running. He has a Cult-like facade he puts up most of the time uncostumed, using his enhanced social cues to interact with people in a friendly manner. He has a strong hate of Tinkers despite the muteness of his emotions, and is never above killing them, but he primarily wants to prevent them from working efficiently, destroying and taking tech for himself. His creator has rendered him biologically incapable of sexual desires.


None. Seth is a Biotinker's megaproject. as such, he is a pinnacle of Human physique. The closest thing he has to a power is the ability to maintain abandoned tinkertech. He has the potential to trigger, but he has a mentality unlike a humans. furthermore, his Corona Pollentia is inflamed; larger than average.


Seth is a Biotinker's Megaproject; a complete Human. Of course, unbeknownst to the Tinker, the Shard wasn't about to let a regular person be created. Thus, a 'perfect' Human was created, so that the Tinker could show the world his power, & have someone to help with maintenance. Seth quickly grew to Hate the Tinker, and killed them. They have had a grudge against Tinkers ever since, and are struggling to understand and grasp 'purpose', besides searching for & causing conflict.


organ-based healing potion vat [Healer]

one of his creators inventions, used in case of injury.

  • Appearance: This is a large Stomach-like organ that creates a liquid that promotes tissue regeneration.The liquid is a fluorescent green.
  • Abilities: liquid is filled with nutrients, & promotes tissue regeneration for 10min when consumed. lasts 5min in open air.

Organ based sleep potion vat [Sleeper]

another of his creators inventions, used to gather info and test subjects in an unscrupulous manner.

  • Appearance: A large liver-like organ. it creates a viscous liquid that acts as a medium strength tranquilizer for human sized organisms. the liquid is blue.
  • Abilities: lasts for 3hrs in open air. when applied to an organism intravenously, renders them unconscious for 15-30mins.