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Revision as of 04:02, 14 April 2020 by Nashoid (talk | contribs)
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Author /u/Scrublord_Koish
Alignment Hero
Affiliation Wards ({{{location}}})[[Category:{{{location}}} characters]]
PRT Classification Tinker
Status Active

Character Sheet


A 1.2 meter tall velociraptor-like figure, covered in dark fur and feathers. Four ears sit atop their head, reminiscent of rabbit ears. They're wearing a makeshift metal suit across their torso and legs.


Has a very predatorial and pack-like mentality, only trusting those she considers to be a part of her pack and wary around everyone else.

Extremely protective of those she does care about, going to great lengths to protect them.

Equipment and Resources

Wealth: 4

  • A makeshift environmental suit to help be more comfortable in the warm weather. (aka any weather) Is little more protective than a few random plates of metal strapped to your chest with small bits of padding would be.
  • A small scale ice based printer in a handle to form a small knife for stabbing people self defense. Light weight and easily replacable. Basically an ice based, self renewing box cutter. Can be twisted to shatter the blade inside of someone and tear them apart internally.

Skills and Specializations

  • Traveling terrain quickly
  • Scavenging
  • Medical care without proper supplies.


Trigger type: (Case 53)

Cryogenics tinker that uses their own blood as cryofluid.

Altered Biology

  • Their internal body temperature is about minus forty degrees celsius, leaving behind little patches of frost on things they touch.
  • Due to the extra sensitive ears they have above average ability to hear things and the directions they came from.
  • Eyesight is limited, having a far narrower field of vision than most creatures with front facing eyes.
  • Bones are hollow, making her much lighter but also making them far easier to break. Because of these lightweight bones and her digitigrade legs she can move at higher speeds than a human would, if severely limited in stamina by literally being cold blooded. (max speed is about 20 mph, nerfed for balance as raptors of similar size went 40 mph without hollow bones)
