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Persephone as a Lamb, prior to joining the Wards.
Civilian name Brenna Martinsen
Alignment Hero
({{{location}}})[[Category:{{{location}}} characters]]
PRT Classification Tinker 3
Born (2001-09-17) September 17, 2001 (age 23)
Oslo, Norway
Status NPC

Character Sheet

Approver First Approval::Much_Howl
Mod Second Approval::Picofiori


Perse's costume (Except in black, with silver accents, and no sleeves)

Brenna is a teenage girl, a little taller than average, thin but starting to put on some muscle. Messy dyed-black shoulder-length hair, left down. Emerald eyes.

Her right arm is missing just above the elbow, replaced by a sleek black mechanical arm which constantly whirrs and clicks quietly.

On her back are a pair of dark wings, in the same style as her arm, with engines mounted off her shoulderblades. They're about ten feet wide when fully-extended, and when unfurled they shine prismatic. A careful observer might notice there's something built into her back, between and below her wings.

As for her costume, she's replaced her dress with something a bit more practical, although contrary to the image it will be in black with silver accents (as well as being sleeveless past the armpit, to allow her to use her arm's weapons).

Outside of costume, Brenna is most often seen wearing skinny jeans and a weebish t-shirt, with maybe a flannel if it's chilly out. All her clothes have been modified with holes in the shoulders to accommodate her wings.

Equipment and Resources

She has an apartment in the nicer part of town, as well as a lab facility with the Wards. She used to have a lab in an abandoned section of the Ashton Metro, but this has been abandoned ever since she left the Lambs. Slightly less than $9k in cash. Cell phone, laptop, all the usual trappings of life.


Current tech:

Inactive tech:

  • BLACKSHEEP - Mechsuit (S-class only)
  • DREAD - Weapons platform (S-class only)
  • ERIS - Neural override grenade (S-class only)

Skills and Specializations

She's charasmatic, great at talking and listening to people. Has a pretty good memory, too. Her power has some bleed-over to medical stuff, giving her a lot of first-aid and surgical knowledge she wouldn't have otherwise.


Before she triggered, Brenna was a happy-go-lucky sort of person, always with a smile on her face. She was eager to help others even without getting anything in return. Naive about how the world actually works. After triggering, the old Brenna is still there, but...hollow. The smiles don't come as readily, she's a lot less trusting, and suffers from bouts of depression. She still tries to do the best she can, but it seems like as every day passes it gets harder to tell right from wrong.

Over the months, it's become apparent that she's suffering some form of PTSD from her trauma, as well as exhibiting minor (manageable) claustrophobia. After an incident where she set Imaginary Friend on fire, her mental health declined rapidly.


Tinker (Bionics): Brenna can create bionic implants and augmentations to replace and/or enhance the human body. Her augmentations must be "external" in nature due to maintenance and upkeep requirements (ie, a bionic arm or eye is fine, but not a tinkertech heart unless the user wants to have weekly surgeries).