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Phantom cape outfit.png
Notoriety Criminal
E / +
Author u/superservo27 (capes)
Civilian name Katherine Wright
Alignment Villain
Affiliation None (Devilfish)
PRT Classification Striker Shaker
Born (1995-07-07) July 7, 1995 (age 28)
Status Active
Other names Katie
Reddit Sheet

Public Information

Phantom has only robbed places run by people with poor morals, gangs and such, and no one has ever been hurt beyond superficial injuries. They seem to posit themself as an honorable, classy villain.

Character Sheet


Phantom has not been seen by the PRT, so they don’t have anything on her appearance. (Note: this will last until her first hero run-in. Afterward, delete up to here.) Phantom dresses in dark colors, blacks and greys. She has a long black trench coat, split into three tails further down. She wears a vertically striped grey shirt and a short black skirt, with stockings underneath. Lastly, her cape outfit is capped with red gloves and a white domino mask with accents. She wears her hair freely, letting it go down her back. To lessen the possibility of being discovered, she uses red-colored contacts.

In her civilian dress, Katie dresses in semi-casual style, usually a shirt and jeans paired with a jacket of some kind. She ties her hair back and wears square-framed glasses.

Equipment and Resources

Resource level: 5

  • A black and silver dagger
  • A grappling hook attached to her arm with a very thin metal wire. Used for misdirecting her power
  • A general thieves' kit (Crowbar, lockpick, etc)

Skills and Specializations

  • Acrobatics, enhanced by her powers.
  • Half decent dancer, which she learned to do recently
  • Stealth gained through experience.


In her Phantom dress, she maintains the image of a noble thief. No one need be hurt since no one needs to see her. She keeps things polite, quiet, and smooth. Anything is fair game for being taken, but she does enjoy taking from other illegal operations since the money is dirty anyway.

In her normal garb, she tries her best to keep her head down and remain unnoticed. She’s not silent, but she doesn’t speak too much unless it’s needed. She is good at getting into the minds of people, guessing what they want to hear.


Trigger type: Single Natural Trigger Phantom has the power to create and manipulate gravitational fields. At all times, she can control how much gravity she experiences, and in what “direction”. In addition, she can manipulate the gravities of anything she touches, with similar yet slightly different results. Affected objects can experience either less or more gravity (up to a cap of 3 times Earth’s gravity), or can “generate” their own gravity fields (again, up to 3 times as strong as Earth’s). In addition, she can “combine” things she has touched with what affected objects touch, creating new gravity sources (example: a thrown marble sticks to a door, she can control the marble-door combination). She can affect objects weighing up to 500 pounds, with a combined limit of 2000 pounds. Due to Shard Shenanigans™ (read: the sanity of everyone involved), Earth’s orbit is not adversely affected by the creation of equal or greater gravity wells so close to the planet. Her power also changes her balancing system so she isn’t nauseated by her power changing how it feels gravity.


Katie had always been good at reading people, figuring out their motives. She always knew just what to say when someone was upset, how to turn their sadness or anger into forward action. She had made plenty of good friends from this inclination to words, cleverly painting herself as insightful, serious, comedic, whatever the situation called for. Therefore, she was also good at picking apart the masks people hold up.

She had noticed one day, two and a half years or so ago, when her friend started acting strangely. Taking longer to respond, seeming to space out, a general downturn of mood. Katie decided that she wasn’t going to let her friend suffer like they had. So she followed them. She flowed through the crowds, hid behind corners, changed her clothes, everything she could think of to maintain line of sight with them. Eventually, she saw her friend reach a shady-looking warehouse, head looking around before they go in. Katie tried to sneak in, but a misstep got their attention. She was brought into the warehouse and the leadership decided to make an example of her. They forced her up rickety stairs at gunpoint, leading up to the top of the warehouse. All the people who were there had been forced outside to watch this impromptu execution, to show what happens to those who try to intervene. Katie felt the barrel pressed to her back, then a hand on her shoulder, then the sensation of falling through the air, then ṱ̸̢̹̳͊̔͠ŵ̴͓̣̮̱̳o̴̲̣̖̙͐́̈́͐̓ ̶̧͙͍͉͔̊̊e̸͙͝n̶̢̩̱̘̖̓ṯ̷̬̍̓̂̿i̵͔͚͕̭̖͋̅͋̃̍t̶̪̩̄̔į̵͉̤͒͒̈́e̵̢̝̰̝̫̓̔ș̵̀,̴̢̯̺͌̉͛ ̶̘͂́́̊͝f̸͙̦̽̐̑l̶̤͍̗͚͋̀͋̓̈o̸̻͉͊́̈́ä̴̛͚̞͎̅̾͘t̶̛͖̗͜i̸̡̞̦̖̔́̀͝n̶̮͌̿́̿g̷͖̲͆̂͝ͅ ̷̟͈̱̯̭̋ì̶̡͎̽̈́̾͠n̷̡̻̝̞͒̋͊̄͘ ̶̥̖͛͗̕t̷͇͛̃̑͆ḥ̶͚͓̘̠̐́̓e̸̜͒͂͐͑̐ ̶̖͒̈v̸̱̉̋̄́o̷̘͓̬͆̐̕i̴̮͖̓̾d̵͇͠