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Revision as of 15:25, 2 December 2020 by Superservo27 (talk | contribs) (Adding "duration", fixing who made the rockets)
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Author /u/superservo27
Alignment Hero
Affiliation None (Devilfish)
PRT Classification Tinker (Mover)
Born (2003-05-23) May 23, 2003 (age 21)
Status Active

Character Sheet


Lift-off in his civilian identity

Liftoff’s starting gear is… not great. As with all starting Tinkers who ever think about being indie, it’s made out of sheet metal and copper tubing. The basic thruster pack works and he has some additional boosters in the boxes mounted to his back. They can’t move, so steering is difficult to say the least. It’s not barebones, but it’s not much better. He has a bike helmet and an old scarf that he keeps wrapped around his mouth, trying to protect his identity. He has black eyes and black hair, stands at 5’8, and has a medium build.

Equipment and Resources


Wealth Level: 3

A motel bedroom. Not very good, but better than a cave.


A collapsable bo-staff

His Ascendence suit (will be in comments). Contains a basic chestplate for not being stabbed.

Wrist rockets, as an offensive capability. Carries 8 on a given outing.


Skills and Specializations

Specialization: Rocketry

Okay hand to hand training, he did learn martial arts, but it was one of the more showy ones, not one of the practical ones.


He’s a decently bright kid, and generally sees through on things he’s committed himself to. He IS a teenager though, so he’s not always keen on showing deference to people he doesn’t think should have it.


Trigger type: Single Natural Trigger Liftoff is a Tinker with a specialty in rocketry. If it can be reasonably called a rocket, he thinks he can make it. That does include RPGs, but he found out the hard way that that will end in someone dying (no one got hurt, but we do not speak of the Hiking Incident). It also includes fireworks, so the 4th of July will be fun.


Gabe has always been something of a thrillseeker. When he was young, he’d walk to the top of the highest hill and go down it on his bike, almost always falling off and scraping himself up. He never lost that drive, but it went from something he did sheerly because it was fun, to something he could do to escape his issues, at least for a little bit. His parents weren’t concerned if he got himself hurt. His mom was just trying to get by each day, and his dad, well… failed experiments don’t cause small circular burns. One day, his “dad” was way worse than usual. Something about getting the lottery numbers 1 off or something like that. At any rate, he grabbed an old iron poker that had been sitting in the fire for a while and turned to Gabe and his mom. He blacked out for a second as he realized that he had to leave that house, then and there. So he ran away, seeing ideas start to form in his head.