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Persephone as a Lamb, prior to joining the Wards.
Civilian name Brenna Martinsen
Alignment Hero
({{{location}}})[[Category:{{{location}}} characters]]
PRT Classification Tinker (Blaster 5, Mover 4),
Born (2001-09-17) September 17, 2001 (age 23)
Oslo, Norway
Status Active

Persephone is a tinker and the leader of Ashton's Wards. Well-known across the region, her distinctive appearance and outgoing perse-onality have made her something of a local celebrity, a subject she has mixed feelings regarding. She's been active in Ashton for a couple years now, so there's a pretty good amount of information out there about her. Her identity is public knowledge.

A casual cape fan in Ashton will know she's been around for about a year, is a public cape, has fought in several S-Class events, and would have all the deets on her physical appearance. Her arm's a lightning gun and flamethrower. At one point she was selling her tech. She founded the Lambs (a former indie hero group) but left several months later and joined the Wards (and it now their captain). It's rumored that she was forced out of the Lambs by her teammates going villain. She's also a known weeb.

Someone willing to put some effort into doxxing her would find that she was kidnapped several months prior to appearing in the Ashton cape scene. They'd know she had an incident where a Stranger "teammate" attacked her in public, and she was forced to use her napalm on him. A video of the incident is available on the depths of the internet.

With the right knowledge (Thinker power or specific contacts), it could be known she has a substance abuse problem brought on as a coping mechanism for her various traumas pre- and post-trigger. She's occasionally fraternized with the villain Trick. She also suffers from severe PTSD to the point of modifying her tech to protect others should something cause a PTSD flashback or something similar.

Character Sheet


Perse's costume (Except in black, with silver accents, and no sleeves)

Brenna is a teenage girl, a little taller than average, thin but starting to put on some muscle. Messy dyed-black shoulder-length hair, left down. Emerald eyes. She has black cat ears that poke out of her hair, and a sleek metal tail ending in a sharp retractable blade.

Her right arm is missing just above the elbow, replaced by a sleek black mechanical arm which constantly whirrs and clicks quietly.

On her back are a pair of dark wings, in the same style as her arm, with engines mounted off her shoulderblades. They're about ten feet wide when fully-extended, and when unfurled they shine prismatic. A careful observer might notice there's something built into her back, between and below her wings.

As for her costume, she's replaced her dress with something a bit more practical, seel in the image to the left (although in black and silver, as well as being sleeveless past the armpit to allow her to use her arm's weapons). Outside of costume, Brenna is most often seen wearing skinny jeans and a weebish t-shirt, with maybe a flannel if it's chilly out. All her clothes have been modified with holes in the shoulders to accommodate her wings and tail..

Equipment and Resources

She has an apartment in the nicer part of town (that's, if we're being honest, hardly used), as well as all the resources alloted to her by the PRT both as a Tinker and in her position as a Ward captain. She's still in contact with her parents, but is legally emancipated and living in a different city.


ICARUS Biomechanical Flight Interface Mk 3

Persephone's signature creation, this set of metal, jet-powered wings can be seen most days and nights propelling her across the city.

  • Appearance: A pair of black metal bird-like wings, implanted into Persephone's back. Fully extended they measure ten feet wide. They are coated in a prismatic coating that shines in the sun, and underneath the black titanium feathers, a silvery support structure can be seen. Two jet engines the size of coke bottles are mounted at the base of her wings.
  • Abilities (Wings): The wings themselves are highly tactile, giving Perse full feedback and feelings (including pain). They're flexible enough to shield herself, and strong enough to take pistol bullets.
  • Abilities (Engines): Her twin jets are hybrid-fueled (similar to SABRE) engines) allowing operation at both low and high altitudes. At full chat and given enough room, she can approach transsonic speeds (although at this speed her turning radius is measured in miles). The jets have thrust vectoring; when combined with her wings' flapping she can hover in place with the speed and maneuverability of a drone. Approximate acceleration in jet-mode is 25m/s2, in rocket mode she can get a max of 10G acceleration, but this is not sustainable.

Chemical synthesis modules in her back produce Tinkertech jet and rocket fuel and store it for use in flight.

XIAOLONG Weaponized Forearm Replacement Mk 4

Her first creation, in its latest form. GlassCannon_irl.

  • Appearance: Her right arm is replaced just above the elbow, with a matte-black mechanical arm in the same style as her wings. Various panels pop out to reveal internal mechanisms and weapons.
  • Abilities (Overall): Her arm is strong enough to crush metal within its grip, and the fingers contain razor-sharp claws that pop out on demand. They also contain helpful tools, such as a popout pen, drill/driver, and multimeter. Her arm also contains an antenna and signal processing equipment for her communicator systems (detailed below).
  • Abilities (Lightning Gun): Now her primary weapon, her fulmonic capacitor can fire a shot about once every ten seconds. Although not as strong as Actual Lightning, it certainly makes a taser look more like a AA battery. Getting hit will cause electrical burns and Lichtenberg scars at the contact site. The average man will find himself blown off his feet by the impact.
  • Abilities (Fire Suppressant): After having the opposite of fire suppressant for some time, Perse decided she preferred not having her skin melt off. This launches a chemical fluid that should smother most varieties of fire.
  • Abilities (Hookshot): "But why do you need a grappling hook when you can fly?" the PRT asked. Perse responded by shooting a hook into a dumpster and dragging it down the street as she flew. A launcher shoots a hook with 50 feet of steel cable trailing it. This can be reeled in or alternatively cut off in case of Disaster.


Perse won't have to worry about being in a second-triggering situation.

  • Appearance: Internal modification.
  • Abilities: When mentally-activated, this painlessly kills Perse.
  • Note: The existence of this module is not disclosed to the PRT for obvious reasons.


Too bad she can't install one of these into her keyring.

  • Appearance: Internal modifications.
  • Abilities: Trackers are embedded in all of her technology, as well as a pair of modules embedded in her person. Upon demand (or with her prosthetics, after several hours detached from her), these will ping a distress signal continually until deactivated by Perse herself. By default this sends to a terminal on the Wards console, but if manually activated she can choose other methods.

LITENHAGE Nanomachine Evironment Mk 2

Some stuff requires a finer touch...

  • Appearance: A small, flat implant, running along the length of Persephone's spine. There are a couple vents and connector ports visible on it's surface, but otherwise is a simple segmented dark-grey piece.
  • Abilities: This contains facilities to produce and maintain Nanomachine organisms. Conveniently, this provides a bit of protection from spinal injuries. In addition, the connections to her bloodstream can allow her to "breathe" through this device as if gills or insect trachea.
  • Nanotech - Diagnostics: Specialized machines in Perse's blood report back to her accurate measurements and tests for self-assessment. This allows her to detect issues with her tech or body nearly-instantly, including foreign chemicals, organ issues, and more mundane things like blood pressure and hormone levels.
  • Nanotech - Healing: Nanomachines in her body slowly piece together her body after injuries. This is slow, and won't stop her bleeding out. If left active while she's asleep, turns that shoulder injury into a weeklong inconvenience rather than months. Finally, a healing solution that doesn't shaft someone with implants.
  • Nanotech - Olfactory override: Perse can manipulate the way she smells at will. Effect is rather quick, but can never be stronger than "middle school boy's locker room" levels. Cannot eliminate smells not coming from her. She can smell like whatever she wants, including another person.

HERA Ocular Refinement Modules

AKA Perse didn't want her eyes anymore.

  • Appearance: These just look like Perse's old blue eyes, although a close observer would note her pupils are hexagonal like a camera iris. In dim light they glow very slightly.
  • Abilities: Her eyes feature zoom, infrared and nightvision filters, as well as the ability to record and transmit her vision to teammates. Since they are electronic, this does make her vulnerable to Imaginary Friends (thankfully this is no longer a problem!). Integrated sensors and connections to her other tech provide a helpful HUD, and tracking and targeting algorithms provided by Codec allow her to "lock on" to targets as needed.


Some other small stuff, some of it not really Tinkertech... Perse's loyal assistant Zoe/Crowe will be helping with the surgeries and stuff as needed.

  • Bones: Perse has replaced or augmented most of her bones with titanium or carbon-fibre replacements, allowing her to put more stress on her body without risking harm.
  • Costume/Radio: Perse's costume includes fire-retardant fabric and a customized PRT communicator to let her communicate with air-traffic control as well as the typical PRT channels. Her arm contains an external antenna and signal processing equipment allowing a great increase in range and modulations provided to her radio.
  • Audio: A mic embedded in her throat and a speaker embedded in her ear each transmit to her communicator, phone, or other compatible device, allowing her to speak and hear while in flight without worrying about wind or jet noise.
  • Reflector: Embedded in her wings and costume are materials that greatly increase her reflectivity to active radar systems, as her normal cross-section is small enough that she can be confused with a bird, or worse, not picked up at all (a problem when flying at altitude). This functionality is toggleable as needed in case she needs to go "dark".

Skills and Specializations

She's charasmatic, great at talking and listening to people. Has a pretty good memory, too. Her power has some bleed-over to medical stuff, giving her a lot of first-aid and surgical knowledge she wouldn't have otherwise.


Before she triggered, Brenna was a happy-go-lucky sort of person, always with a smile on her face. She was eager to help others even without getting anything in return. Naive about how the world actually works. After triggering, the old Brenna is still there, but... hollow. The smiles don't come as readily, she's a lot less trusting, and suffers from bouts of depression. After a fair amount of treatment she's been able to overcome a lot of her past trauma.


Tinker (Bionics): Brenna can create bionic implants and augmentations to replace and/or enhance the human body. Her augmentations must be "external" in nature due to maintenance and upkeep requirements (ie, a bionic arm or eye is fine, but not a tinkertech heart unless the user wants to have weekly surgeries).