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== Fracas ==
== Fracas ==
== Epitaph ==
[[File:Fracas.jpg|thumb|left|May's costume as Fracas.]]
[[File:Fracas.jpg|thumb|left|May's costume as Fracas.]]
Recently May has been targeting a human trafficking ring under the name Fracas alongside her girlfriend.
Recently May has been targeting a human trafficking ring under the name Fracas alongside her girlfriend.

Revision as of 07:21, 5 March 2019

Author Shimme
Civilian name May Zhu
Alignment Hero
Affiliation Wards ({{{location}}})[[Category:{{{location}}} characters]]
PRT Classification Blaster 4, Thinker 5, Trump 5, ,
Born (2003-06-05) June 5, 2003 (age 21)
San Francisco, California
Status Active

Shredshot is a new Ward, female, probably around 15 or 16.

She fires metal projectiles that range from solid 'baseball' sized things to deadly blasts of shrapnel, and seems to easily control this. They appear to interact with some powers in a way that causes these blasts to replace the power they touched and cause a chain reaction of these projectiles exploding into existence. Has pulled off some amazing shots. Possibly a sub-thinker.

Known to be aggressive in a confrontation.

Character Sheet


A slim woman standing at an average height, lean and quick. From head to toe she’s clad in a jumpsuit of a deep pastel blue with white accents along the sides and arms, small overlapping steel mail plates with a oil-rubbed nickel finish providing protection, embedded alongside the torso, arms and legs of her costume. A matching blue and white hood goes over the full face and neck mask, showing dark brown eyes.

Outside of costume, she has straight black hair that’s usually kept loose coming down to just her shoulders, dressing without any consistent style as she can’t decide what she likes best, while still putting in great care with each outfit to make them look great. She also puts great care in presenting the appropriate reaction to what people say and do, hiding what she truly feels, which frequently is disinterest. Instead, she presents herself as lively, sociable, likeable, although in moments of true surprise the ‘appropriate’ reactions can be off or a little slow to come.

Equipment and Resources

Some light protection from the small mail plates on her costume, padding to help take a fall or a hit. Integrated comm set in her mask, a small and discreet utility belt with essential law enforcement tools. Carries no weapons with her.

Skills and Specializations

Passable pianist for her age, a natural leader with a strong ability to organize and control those around her, some familiarity with knives and improvised weapons, knows how to drive, knows a little about how to operate farm vehicles.


A natural leader who knows how to care for both individuals and the group, who cares about maintaining the trust and opinion of the people she needs. Also has the capability for immense cruelty, violence and murder under the right circumstances, and is a manipulative liar that loves nothing and no-one. Selfish, self-interested, but understands the need for group cohesion. If she was an adult she’d fit the criteria for antisocial personality disorder, the kind of person that would make for a natural ruthless corporate leader that climbs high up the ladder in a company like Nestle or De Beers. While every survivor of the Taskmaster Lab Incident has at this point been diagnosed with Conduct Disorder, she's one of the high functioning individuals.

At odds with this is a surprising lack of experience in dealing with actual normal people. Growing up in the world she did has left her paranoid to the point of disorder, constantly looking for things that are off, people not acting quite right, things a little out of place. She’s used to dealing with backstabbing conniving sons-of-bitches, not people who could actually be genuine in their intentions and emotions. Most often, the face she shows to the world is a cold, uncaring mask. Anger, fear, these are weaknesses that are dangerous, a means for people to try and play her. A smile is a lie. The lack of expression and emotion she shows when not incentivized to do so can be disturbing to some. Choosing to show emotions is usually a conscious thing, something to do because it's socially appropriate; part of a slow learning process where she's learning to camouflage herself in a less 'unique' society than the one she knows. The one thing that she can’t help herself with though is laughter - she tends to love absurdist, almost nihilistic humour. She loves telling jokes, she loves watching people react to jokes, she loves hearing jokes, in her own way. How she processes her emotions and how she chooses to show them is atypical, but she is absolutely not a robot and treating her like a soulless freak would be unfair and cruel.

While one could argue that her paranoia is useful for a cape it often leaves her seeing threats and dangers where there are none, alienating those around her. She trusts nobody, views even those closest to her as a potential threat. She’s not above using a display of stunning violence and intimidation to prevent future danger.

She has a seething hatred for the Tinker that wronged her, nothing but contempt and disinterest for her cluster member, not considering him anything but a part of the past, unaware of his murderous intentions. A few people she knew were fun, the closest thing she had to ‘friends’ but contact is limited and superficial. At a fundamental level she doesn’t ‘get’ what normal, healthy human interaction looks like.


Shredshot is a Multitrigger with both powers leaning heavily into the Trump side of the power spectrum.

Her primary power is a Thinker ability that allows her a heightened ability to tear apart, rend, destroy, interrupt and halt things around her through the sensing of weak points, the creation of Rube Goldberg-esque chains of events, and the manipulation of her environment. This allows for some level of ability to perform these tasks, if she must throw a brick at a certain angle with a certain force to hit the street lamp just right so that the glass spray gets the driver-by to jerk the wheel and run right over someone… she can and will make that throw. She can kick at just the right angle to make their knee give, to take advantage of body mechanics. This power does include other powers in it’s effect given that the power manifests physically. She could know particularly effective ways to harm the exoskeletons of Bitch’s dogs, but she couldn’t do jack to stop Skitter controlling bugs or Tattletale gaining logical leaps. It does not account for things or people hidden from her by powers.

It requires her to focus in on a target, be it a person or an object that is in her immediate area. This power does not work when she is unable to concentrate, pain and overwhelming her with sensory attacks such as flashbangs being an excellent way to disrupt her, as they are with many Thinkers.

This power is environmentally focused and gives nothing on other mental, emotional, societal or group weaknesses around her. While she might be uncannily able to break the physical world around her, if she wanted to break apart a friend group she’d be on her own in that regard. If there were no immediate answers to break a target her power would start expanding it's area to consider and looking for more and more complex situations that could lead to an acceptable result. This can quickly cause Thinker headaches and has no guarantee of providing a feasible solution, or any solution. She can cancel this search to prevent Thinker headaches.

Her second power is a Blaster ability, able to generate a baseballs weight in a metallic substance and fire it from her hands at 80 miles per hour. This material can be fired in one projectile or in many, and the further she subdivides it the more jagged and sharp the fragments become, like shrapnel. The spread on this is comparable to a street legal shotgun, a fairly tight 'cone', accurate but not covering a massive area. There’s a ‘sweet spot’ where this is a very deadly power, but in general she keeps it as either pelting someone with blunt objects or causing painful superficial wounds that don’t have the energy behind them to be more dangerous than porcupine quills. There's a slight delay between shots, preventing her from ‘machine gunning’ her power.

Naturally when these metal shards are sufficiently divided they lose lots of their ranged capability.

This ability has a nasty trump secondary to it, causing any physically manifesting construct or alteration of a shard power it touches to explode in a loose ‘confetti explosion’ of metal shards with very little force behind them, simply enough to disperse them in the area, of the same size as the the original shrapnel. These secondary explosions are capable of chain reacting with other power generated or altered things in the area.

Tinkertech is not included in this secondary aspect. To be hit with this effect, the object must be actively in the process of manipulated with a power, or be a material actively being generated with a power to be effected.

The explosive trump aspect of this power does not affect organic things, and any bits of metal that she creates with this power rapidly lose momentum and drop to the ground should they be inbound towards her, preventing her from accidentally shooting herself.


May's costume as Fracas.

Recently May has been targeting a human trafficking ring under the name Fracas alongside her girlfriend.

Public Information

There are reports of a second cape that hit the Seasoned Branch. At a stretch, a description might be given for a cape in black leather and green, hardly unique.


Black 8 foot leather whips are wrapped around her arms, ready to quickly be unravelled and serve as a weapon.

Several knives of various sizes and shapes are carried at her hips.

Zippo lighter.

In a small backpack -

Duct tape, Crowbar. A thermos full of homemade ANFO. Slow burning fuse-cord and a packet of zip-cuffs.