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|image      = Blur's_costume.webp
|image      = Blur's costume.png
|caption    = Blur in costume
|caption    = Blur in costume
|birth_date  = 03/27/2002
|birth_date  = 03/27/2002

Revision as of 09:20, 2 May 2019

Blur in costume
Author /u/TheBluestHedgeroo
Civilian name Cassie Clay
Alignment Hero
Affiliation Ward ({{{location}}})[[Category:{{{location}}} characters]]
Born (2002-03-27) March 27, 2002 (age 22)
Point Pristine,Idaho
Status Active

Public Information: Was a ward in a small Idaho town for around six months, recently transferred to Ashton. Public would know of her from her somewhat pretentious photography website, showcasing unique images made possible by tinkertech camera lenses.

Character Sheet


Personal: Red hair cut in an odd manner, knotted ponytail and shaved sides. Somewhat intense appearance, brown eyes and pale skin. Clothing is typically ill-fitting and adhoc, with no real effort to make an outfit match. Tall and lean build.

Costume: (disregard the knife) Mostly made from a hex-patterned Tinkertech material. Layer under the hanging straps of said material is lightly armored and padded, doesn’t offer much personal protection beyond dulling the blows from small blades and punches. Put appearance here, cape and civ if applicable. -->

Equipment and Resources


-One kinda clunky motorcycle

-Standard Ward salary + tinkering budget

-Some kinda expensive photography equipment (editing software, nice camera, tripods and such) with a pretty nice laptop.


-First-Aid kit


-A few pairs of cuffs

-Baton she is somewhat practiced with


The Cloak

Blur's costume and currently her greatest creation.

Appearance: Her costume


-Active Camouflage: By using a variety of sensors built into the hex-patterned fibers that her costume is mostly made of, she can change the color that her costume projects to nearly perfectly match her surroundings. Color updates every minute to account for changing environment. Works best in poorly-lit, low-contrast areas. Running or otherwise moving quickly between two high-contrast areas would be counterproductive, and reveal her to most observers.

-Color Projection: Changes the material on her costume to uniformly project one bright color (neon shades of purple, green, and red are programmed initially) to an intensity that makes it difficult for onlookers to look directly at her. Eye protection (sunglasses, welding helmets, etc.) will protect one from the bright light.

Duration: Attached power source allows for a max of two hours of use in camouflaged form, thirty minutes of bright projection form, or any combination thereof. Cloak’s power source requires six uninterrupted hours to fully recharge.


Blur's almost constantly worn opaque visor. Useful for not blinding herself with her own tech.

Appearance: A flat and rectangular visor, with three spots for adding lenses. Attached to Blur’s head with a strap. Lenses are thin and fragile sheets of plastic in various colors, and usually carried in a tough metal case.

Abilities: Scope can hold up to three lenses. The lenses themselves work to filter a specific subset of light either into or out of her visible spectrum. For example, one given lens filters out the color purple from her sight, thus purple objects appear invisible. Another given lens filters infrared light into her visible spectrum, allowing her to perceive that subset of light.

Duration: Until the lenses are broken.

Notes: It is costly and time-consuming to create lenses, and even more time-consuming to learn how to deal with the expanded set of perceptions that making a new part of the light spectrum visible creates. Blur has 2 purple-filtering lenses, one green-filtering lens, one red-filtering lens, and one infrared-filtering lens currently in her possession. Useful for not blinding herself with her own tech.

High-Intensity Flares

A method of concealment and distraction all in one.

Appearance: Looks like a cross between a can of spray paint and a smoke grenade’s casing, which is triggered by twisting and removing a metal cap on the top.

Abilities: Upon triggering, produces a cloud of bright and opaque smoke in a particular color, bright enough to irritate the eyes of onlookers making direct eye contact. Cloud is large enough to conceal a van.

Duration: Single-use, five are currently constructed. The smoke cloud produced dissipates completely after ten minutes, while the projected color loses the brightness after two minutes.

Skills and Specializations

-Pretty skilled in amateur photography and related editing software

-Fantastic eye for color, able to easily pick out contrasts and identify colors down to a few hex codes.

-Good distance runner.

-Passable in hand-to-hand combat, knowing what she is supposed to do without quite knowing how to do it.


Fiercely competitive and perfectionistic, but is trying to learn how to put that aside in her professional life. Quick to compliment or criticize people who deserve it. Dislikes opening up to people or showing her face outside of costume, but feels much more confident in costume. Somewhat naive due to her upbringing.


Blur is a tinker with a specialty in tech that produces, manipulates, and receives light. Incapable of creating solid “hardlight” constructs. In addition, most of her tech requires an obscene amount of energy to run, limiting the effectiveness of it in the field.

Trigger type Single, natural. Can second-trigger.