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{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! Cost
! Effect
| Memento
| 2
| When taken; Division becomes skilled with a held item.<br />May be taken once.
| Splash Zone
| 2
| Stacking modifier turns attacks into shaker fields.<br />Starts as a surrounding area 5 feet from the target.<br />Increases by a 5 foot radius per time taken.
| Bio-Strike
| 4
| On touch, Division modifies living biological tissue.<br />Causes scarring to form where contact was made, inflicts shooting and lingering pain on par with a migraine, extended contact can cause scarring to become permanent.
| Backstab
| 6
| Teleports to close the distance between Division and her target allowing her to attack them with the element of surprise, this can only be done once per use of breaker state.
| Precision
| 8
| When taken causes attacks to deal reduced damage in exchange for a phasing effect that ignores non-living matter.

Revision as of 18:40, 3 May 2022

Division in costume.
Author /u/ShellMerc
Pronouns She/Her
Civilian name Aya Lakatos
Alignment Hero
Affiliation Protectorate (Devilfish)
PRT Classification Trump, Tinker,
Born (1992-04-02) April 2, 1992 (age 32)
Tbilisi, Georgia
Status Active

Character Sheet


Aurora is 5’3 and weighs 160 pounds; since moving to America she has started to dye her hair pink and has a scar over her left eye from where a piece of shrapnel nearly left her blind. Completely immersing herself in Americana to quicker adjust to the new environment.

Costume Theme; Tacticool: Half Gas Mask (Painted black with orange accents), black jacket, tactical vest, black leggings (with spats), knee pads, black miniskirt with orange trim, black combat boots.

Equipment and Resources

Wealth Level: 6

  • AK-47 (With ammunition)
  • Motorcycle (Harley Davidson)
  • Tactical vest
  • Cable Ties
  • First Aid Kit
    • Splints
    • Esmarch Tourniquets
    • Various Bandages
  • Cell Phone
  • Multi-Tool
  • Tamagotchi, still on it’s first life


Skills and Specializations

  • Firearm safety, usage, and maintenance
  • Emergency medical attention, triage
  • Speaks Georgian, Arabian, and English
  • Discount SERE
  • Krav Maga
  • Smuggling
  • Motorcycle operation and maintenance


Division suffers from mental instability, she is a figurative house of cards; enough problems stacked on one another that if she tried to build it herself it would fall. After her first and only attempt at leadership in the Arabian Strife went horribly wrong. (tl;dr has issues taking a leadership position due to PTSD, manifesting as nerves, anxiety, and lack of self confidence.)

Looks up to the Heroes that she has met in the past and their willingness to uphold justice and keep fighting the good fight, wants to be a hero too. Is still cautious when dealing with situations, delicate or not, while learning her limits.


Trigger type: Single Natural Trump

Enters a near invulnerable breaker state upon activating her power. When in this state there is no visual representation of physical damage being done to Division, without any augmentations to her durability a standard punch from an unpowered individual will still do damage and cause pain. The properties of her form are esoteric, if cut from her in some way they will begin to destruct, essentially cannibalising itself. Her breaker state is visible as a white sheen that covers her body and clothes, it extends barely 2/5ths of an inch from her body.

This is due to a large portion of her body being replaced by an inscrutable substance (SHARD stuff) when she triggered to keep her alive. The substance gives Division almost free control over her body when her power is active, allowing her to replace the more human components to gain esoteric abilities. When taking damage instead of physically being injured the powered/charged substance is damaged and weakened, needing to be replace the charged/powered substance with basic non-charged/powered substance while the powered substance can be repaired or replaced to be used again.

Division will pass out no matter the circumstances if she is forced from the breaker state; she is forced from her breaker state when taking enough damage to remove all of her powers or if she is power nullified.

She has found that her power provides abilities that can, mostly, be split into four categories: Offence, Defence, Utility, and Unique.

When she enters her Breaker state she can freely select a number of abilities to use during the time she is in the state. The more abilities that she selects the easier it is to disable her and her powers, as she doesn’t take damage but her powers do in her place.

She gains vague scans of powers, referred to in character as “bubbles” when she uses a Unique ability on a parahuman. These scans can only be gained once ever from a single parahuman, and if used in any way are expended. They may be used individually to gain a single power that would fall into a category: Offence, Defence, or Utility. She does not have any control over the way her power interprets the bubble that is used, only noticing that the power is usually similar to the original. The bubbles may also be consumed in groups of three in order to create what she refers to as a “suites” which creates a more powerful ability that has an active and passive component but takes up far more of the substance that makes up her breaker state.

Bubbles and Suites need to be approved via equipment posts, as Division counts as a Tinker for purposes of limitations. Specifically Tinker suites require for two tinker bubbles to be spent on the suite and provides a single focal item as well as three other projects that must fall into the suite's "micro-specialty." Bubbles gained from scanning Trumps cannot be used to create individual powers, but may be used within suites to augment them.

In order to keep track of Division’s available powers in her breaker state, mechanically, there will be a point system in place with different abilities costing more or less in their categories. With suites costing 15 points. The only powers that do not have a point cost are the Unique powers, as they are considered always active.

40 starting points


Name Cost Effect
Memento 2 When taken; Division becomes skilled with a held item.
May be taken once.
Splash Zone 2 Stacking modifier turns attacks into shaker fields.
Starts as a surrounding area 5 feet from the target.
Increases by a 5 foot radius per time taken.
Bio-Strike 4 On touch, Division modifies living biological tissue.
Causes scarring to form where contact was made, inflicts shooting and lingering pain on par with a migraine, extended contact can cause scarring to become permanent.
Backstab 6 Teleports to close the distance between Division and her target allowing her to attack them with the element of surprise, this can only be done once per use of breaker state.
Precision 8 When taken causes attacks to deal reduced damage in exchange for a phasing effect that ignores non-living matter.


Born in Tbilisi, Georgia Aurora grew up knowing the risks of Russian action. When it finally boiled over and her family fled from the possibility of genocide. Spending most of her formative years in the constant war torn lands known as the Arabian Strife, her family; her, her twin sister, brother, mother, and father. They were constantly moving to avoid the majority of the violence as it shifted from region to region. But once Aurora and her siblings were old enough to look after themselves for the majority they settled down in Kuwait City under the watchful eyes of the UN forces and the American Protectorate stationed in the city.

Power Example

Aurelia, Aria, Aura, Andi, and Auburn. Division could split her attention five times, perfectly, thanks to one of their powers.

Aurelia was currently going toe to toe with Matea, a pair of batons in hand, shifting their composition and forms through the fight; stopping only momentarily to create fresh ones from the terrain by adding material to the originals.

Aria and Aura were trading places, keeping the Multi-Pauls at bay and trying to find the original to disable the self duplicator.

Andi had rushed off to get the Protectorate members that were deployed a few miles from where the group/cape had run into this mix-up. It wouldn’t be long before they returned, super speed had its benefits.

Auburn was their rock, soaking hits from Outlaw as the Thinker poked holes in her defences. Slowly being chipped away, but keeping their healing power in reserve.

Aya breathed out slowly as she levelled the rifle she'd constructed, after putting together her newest suite, at the approaching grey mass that was Father Roosevelt. Each squeeze of the trigger pushed it back into her shoulder with the slightest force. While the first handful of shots barely seemed to phase the Breaker they started to build up, eventually blowing whole parts of his body off with each shot until the substance that made up his breaker state was back to the size of a normal human and he changed back, surrendering while the assembled Protectorate members in the area took him into custody.

Trigger Event

She saw them, capes fighting barely a hundred metres away from the oil derrick, how were they supposed to stop that?

The fight drew closer and closer as she directed everyone, doing her best to keep the panic hidden from her voice as she wiped the sweat off her palms. It seemed to pass in the blink of an eye, that explosion was deafening, was the only thought that crossed Aya’s mind as the truck that had brought her and the others out to the oil derrick seemed to detonate from the inside out, leaving a pile of burning scrap metal in its place.

The capes arrived, nobody she recognized from the city, and all the more destructive for it. None were there for the location, and that meant collateral damage meant nothing to them. It was like walking through a tornado of destruction, seeing the derrick torn apart around her, the handful of people who were just there to get paid for protecting the oil derrick for the week dying one by one, the place that she’d been responsible for, the people she’d been responsible for, all of those families that would never see them again, and possibly never know what had happened.


And with that everything seemed to quiet, the fighting, the destruction. Aya looked around, the world tinted red; red she would later learn was her own blood spilling down her face. Red that led her to each of the capes, rising from where they’d seemingly passed out; whoever’s power that was she would thank them if she got the chance. And red that gave each of the capes that had destroyed so much, and killed so many, a bullet to the head from the AK47 she’d purchased in town barely a month before.