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Revision as of 02:09, 16 February 2020

Notoriety Criminal
F /
Author /u/Bedslayer (capes)
Civilian name Elizabeth Chriton
Alignment Rogue
Affiliation None
PRT Classification Tinker
Status Active
Reddit Sheet

Character Sheet


In her civilian identity, Elizabeth is a young, red haired woman. She would stand at around 5'6", if her legs didn't end in stumps, just above where her knees should be. She wears shorts to show off the stumps on purpose, to keep people off guard. She gets around in a standard wheelchair.

In costume, she wears tight cut overalls, and heavy pants, that have prosthetics inside to hide that she is missing her legs. She wears heavy brass goggles that cover her eyes, keeps her hair tied back, and has her lower face and head covered in a brass mask that connects to the goggles.

Equipment and Resources

Currently, her costume is a set of mechanics overalls, with a metal plate formed around the chest area for some minor protection. She has a brass mask/helmet combo, with a set of currently normal goggles.


Mobility Armature Version 1

  • Appearance: A heavy backpack and harness that wraps around Stitches' torso and under her groin, keeping her suspended. Four limbs extend from the pack, supporting her about a foot and a half above the ground. A second set of limbs, that end in sharp blades, extend upwards, and are usually folded down when not in combat.
  • Abilities : The mobility armature allows Stitches to move at around 15 mph. The direction of motion is controlled by a set of controls that extend from the backpack, around to the front of her body, and end in a joystick. A second set of controls is attached to a modified glove, and controls the two ‘attack’ arms.The course correction and balancing is controlled by a laser etched light processor, made from a piece of trinitite formed during the parahuman fight that cost Stitches her legs. This allows the legs to balance, and stay upright, despite shoving, rough terrain, and other obstacles.

The legs and arms are made of normal steel and iron, and the machine is powered by a car battery.Lifting force is minimal, and is comparable to human levels. Excessive use of the attack arms can drain the battery faster.The blades at the end of the attack arms are sharp, but not unnaturally so.

Weakness Projector

  • Appearance: A bulky pistol made from scrap metal. There is a glass vial on the back, filled with thick red liquid. The front has a small, pyramidal cut piece of green tinted glass instead of a barrel.A heavy backpack and harness that wraps around Stitches' torso and under her groin, keeping her suspended. Four limbs extend from the pack, supporting her about a foot and a half above the ground. A second set of limbs, that end in sharp blades, extend upwards, and are usually folded down when not in combat.
  • Abilities :The weakness projector uses plague-tainted blood as ammunition to fire a beam of sickly yellow light through a trinitite focusing lens. The beam spreads like a standard flashlight, becoming weaker the further out it goes, until it is useless at around fifty feet. Anything touched by the light is weakened, based on the length of time spent in the light, becoming aged and brittle. Roughly, every second spent within the light ages a substance by a year. The vial on the back can hold up to ten ounces of blood, and one ounce allows the weapon to be fired for thirty seconds.

It cannot effect living material.

Skills and Specializations

Elizabeth is a trained pianist and has part of a law degree. She used to be very good at sports, until she lost her legs. She is well versed in programming and many aspects of comp sci. She does not do well around people.


Elizabeth hates capes. She doesn't hate parahumans, she hates capes. People who dress up, play hero and villain, and destroy the lives of the normal people around them.

She is hyperactive, and constantly paranoid. She believes that she will be forced into a group against her will, and is planning defenses against that. She despises feeling helpless, and will lash out against people who make her feel that way. Her ego is enormous, and she sees most people as beneath her.


Stitches is a tinker with a Shard Touched Materials specialization.

She makes high end technology using materials, objects, items, or tools that have been affected by parahuman abilities.

The more parahumans who have affected the same material, the more useful it is. The more parahuman materials she used, the better the tech she can create.

Materials that have come under the effect of her own power do not count as shard touched materials.

Materials that have not been affected by a power in at least three weeks do not count as shard touched.


Elizabeth was born to wealthy parents. A father who cared more about his job and station than his family, and a stay at home mother who put intense pressure on Liz to succeed at all costs.

Her days were spent with tutors, at sporting events, or learning. Free time was seen as a chance for her to get into trouble. God forbid she be anything but perfect.

She thrived under the pressure, adoring her position as the family golden girl, lording her accomplishments over her cousins.

It all came crashing down nearly a year and a half ago. A cape fight interrupted her journey home from a volleyball tournament with a horrific, firey, explosion.

When she woke, the college had already calmly revoked her athletics scholarship. After all, she can't play without legs.

She tried to get support from her parents, but instead of pride she now saw pity in their eyes. She wasn't perfect any more. Arguments led to fights, led to hurt feelings. Eventually her parents gave up, and cut her off.

And so she found herself a shell of who she was, trapped in a college town under S class quarantine, with nowhere to go, and no future.

She found herself at the site of the accident that earned her life. Staring at the scorched ruins of what was once a building. Something catches her eyes. A sheen, on the ground. Glass. Heat from the explosion fused the sandy earth into glass. She wheeled herself over, and as she stares at this totem of the incident that ruined her, she is filled with disgust.

And possibilities.