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==== The Cloak ====

Blur's costume and currently her greatest creation.
Appearance: Given that her old Ward costume was copyrighted and distinctive, Blur's new costume is much less so. The hex-material is much thinner than her old costume and appears as a light grey color when inactive, and the sorta hat-veil thing the former model had is now converted into a slightly more sensible hood that can be adjusted to cover the entire face.
-Active Camouflage: By using a variety of sensors built into the hex-patterned fibers that her costume is mostly made of, she can change the color that her costume projects to nearly perfectly match her surroundings. Color updates every minute to account for changing environment. Works best in poorly-lit, low-contrast areas. Running or otherwise moving quickly between two high-contrast areas would be counterproductive, and reveal her to most observers.
-Color Projection: Changes the material on her costume to uniformly project one bright color (neon shades of purple, green, and red are programmed initially) to an intensity that makes it difficult for onlookers to look directly at her. Eye protection (sunglasses, welding helmets, etc.) will protect one from the bright light.
Duration: Attached power source allows for a max of two hours of use in camouflaged form, thirty minutes of bright projection form, or any combination thereof. Cloak’s power source requires six uninterrupted hours to fully recharge.
==== Scope ====
Blur's almost constantly worn opaque visor. Useful for not blinding herself with her own tech.
Appearance: A flat and rectangular visor, with three spots for adding lenses. Attached to Blur’s head with a strap. Lenses are thin and fragile sheets of plastic in various colors, and usually carried in a tough metal case.
Abilities: Scope can hold up to three lenses. The lenses themselves work to filter a specific subset of light either into or out of her visible spectrum. For example, one given lens filters out the color purple from her sight, thus purple objects appear invisible. Another given lens filters infrared light into her visible spectrum, allowing her to perceive that subset of light.
Duration: Until the lenses are broken.
Notes: It is costly and time-consuming to create lenses, and even more time-consuming to learn how to deal with the expanded set of perceptions that making a new part of the light spectrum visible creates. Blur has 2 purple-filtering lenses, one green-filtering lens, one red-filtering lens, and one infrared-filtering lens currently in her possession. Useful for not blinding herself with her own tech. Additionally has a lens that limits the amount of light perceivable by Blur, in order to not be blinded by other rudefellas' tech.
==== High-Intensity Flares ====
A method of concealment and distraction all in one.
Appearance: Looks like a cross between a can of spray paint and a smoke grenade’s casing, which is triggered by twisting and removing a metal cap on the top.
Abilities: Upon triggering, produces a cloud of bright and opaque smoke in a particular color, bright enough to irritate the eyes of onlookers making direct eye contact. Cloud is large enough to conceal a van.
Duration: Single-use, five are currently constructed. The smoke cloud produced dissipates completely after ten minutes, while the projected color loses the brightness after two minutes.
==== Blackout Bombs ====
Could be said to be an upgraded version of the flares, as well as acting as a sort of "panic button"
Appearance: Flask-shaped canister about as tall and wide as a can of shaving cream. Armed by twisting the cap on top of the canister, three second fuse time.
Abilities: Upon detonation, floods an area about the size of a tennis court with dense and pitch black smoke. It is effectively impossible for any spectrum of light to penetrate this smoke, effectively blinding anyone trapped within and obscuring the contents to anyone looking without. Aural imaging (e.g. sonar, some Thinker powers) is unimpeded by this smoke. Notably, Blur herself is affected by this smoke, and her visor is not able to penetrate it.
Duration: Smoke will naturally dissipate within a half hour, bombs are single-use (although parts of the casing are technically recyclable). Three bombs have been made thus far, only one is typically carried on Blur’s person.

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===Phalanx's old tech===
|name= Pleiades 'Leia' Newchapel
|creator= [[Phalanx]]
|public info=
Introduced as the Newest of Phalanx's Android Daughters, being upfront about her being the gestalt consciousness of her predecessors, and that he is very proud of her, and believes she will be a marvelous hero.
Phalanx proceeded to go off-script, expressing that he would retaliate to any harm done to her, as though she were a human member of the Ward's program, and that any who treat her as an 'acceptable target' for excessive force would be facing the wrath of both a Protectorate Captain watching over his team, and of a very very angry father with access to death rays.
She speaks briefly about her hobbies, Geology, Tactical Video Games, and Puzzles among others, she is polite and well spoken, but required prompting several times when asked about topics she was unfamiliar with.
Black hair and tanned skin, Leia looks like she could be Phalanx's biological daughter, She stands at roughly 6 feet in height. Blue eyes.
Weighing almost 450 pounds, she has a fit body-type, those unaware of her nature would likely guess her to be somekind of athlete.
Her head passes as perfectly human, but her torso, arms, and legs, are covered in armored plates rather than more synth-skin. Though it is easy enough to conceal beneath appropriate clothing.
When fighting crime she simply forgoes her civilian attire, equips her various gadgets and bits of equipment, and much to Phalanx's chagrin deploys a pair of mechanical cat ears from compartments in her skull, something she requested he add specifically to emulate Cylynx.
Mentally Leia is an absolute mess, as she is composed of the combined consciousness of Phalanx's 'prior' daughters: Argo, Amphora, Abacus, Pithos, Panoply, and Denarius.
Leia contains all the memories, opinions, interests, desires, etc. of her 'predecessors' and believes herself to simply be their unified consciousness, like a completed jigsaw puzzle, rather than a new person created whole-cloth.
Despite all of this, Leia is not distraught as a human might expect, but expresses that she feels, for lack of another word, 'enlightened' and has developed a deep interest in philosophy and religion.
She is of course still an Artificial-Intelligence, and one with deeply alien though-processes. Leaving her like those before her, out-of-touch and out-of-their-depth with humanity in many respects.
Phalanx is the only human who will ever really understand her alien ways of thinking, and only then because of his shard's help. It goes without saying that Leia works best collaborating with her creator than she does with anyone else.
Lives with her father Jasper Newchapel (Phalanx) in a suburban home, receiving the largest bedroom to account for the collective belongings inherited from her six 'predecessors/sisters'.
While not technically a Ward has a Ward Phone and Computer for work, and has many of the same resources available to her that Wards do.
Leia receives a substantial allowance from her father (what was previously 6 normal allowances) and has inherited about 6,000 dollars from her 'predecessors/sisters'
Has an extremely nice Bicycle, and well maintained electric scooter.
* Elysian-steel Gladius (short sword)(Link)
* Elysian-steel Parma (round shield) (Link)
* Lightning Lance (Link)
* Grappling Gun (Link)
* Bubo the Owl-bot (Link)
* PRT comms. Headset
* Ward's Phone & Civilian Phone
* Handcuffs and Zipcuffs
* Duct-tape & Electrical Tape
* Standard First Aid Kit
* External Emergency GPS Tracker
* Understanding of Government bureaucracy
* Understanding of criminal and conspiratorial behavior aka basic level criminology.
* High speed pursuit vehicle training
* Basic first aid
* Understanding of basic human intelligence gathering.
* Basic Forensic Knowledge
* Understanding of laws and legal procedures
* Navigating his way around quickly with maps, charts and tables, orienteering, instruments, or dead reckoning.
* Searching a room, vehicle, or person for weapons and contraband.
* PRT Self Defense training in unarmed combat
* PRT Self Defense training with PRT weapons
* Skilled Use of Antiquated weaponry, and associated tactics.
* Basic PRT/Police Squad Tactics
* Customized Squad Tactics (Devised by Phalanx for himself and his AI)
* Extensive Medical Training + NUCLEUS/SWORDFISH Medical Data (On par with a 10 year Veteran EMT)
Internal skeletal structure and External armor plates constructed of a combination of Titanium and Steel alloys, giving exceptional protection for the myriad of critical systems contained within.
(Level IV Ballistic Protection)
Armored chest cavity contains her 'Quantum-positron' brain, primary energy banks, and both of her 'Zipdash cores' (Link).
Both Vital and Auxiliary systems are heavily shielded from Electromagnetic and Electrical attacks due to liberal application of Elysian Steel throughout her construction. Making Pleiades a walking Faraday cage, hampering wireless intrusion attempts, although she has little in the way of wireless receiver anywhere in her body as a result (Outside of her Quantum Relay, see below)
All systems are as waterproofed as Phalanx could manage within reason.
'''Strength:''' Possessing a combination of Synthetic Musculature and Hydraulics (Filled with a tinkertech Antifreeze) Pleiades is capable of great feats of strength, the natural progression of her predecessor/sister Amphora.
Able to lift 1500 pounds (lb) before damage risk to her chassis, able to strike with the force to shatter bricks and bend commercial steel, though she can dial this strength back with excellent precision.
Designed with smooth 360 degree rotation of every joint in her body, Pleiades is able to perform acts and feats that can only be comparable to a combination of an Olympic Gymnast and the girl from The Exorcist
Her Synthetic Musculature and Hydraulic systems allow her to jump and sprint at nearly peak-human levels, limited only by the weight of her bodies various systems weighting her down more than she can compensate for on foot.
She is unable to swim, but contains a pair of deploy-able flotation devices near her shoulder blades.
''Right Arm:'' Incorporates a 'Zipdash Projection Disk' (Link) specifically linked to her 'Barrier Core' (Link)
Additionally Built into their right hand is a Medical scanner built by Tipereth (Link). Her right forearm contains a number of miscellaneous medical tools (like a medical multi-tool)
''Left Arm:'' Incorporates a 'Zipdash Projection Disk' (Link) specifically linked to her 'Lightning Core' (Link) as well as a 6 inch deploy-able blade, and a 12 inch deploy-able stun-baton.
''Head:'' Cyber-Eyes possess three vision modes: Human spectrum, Infrared, and 6x zoom.
Standard 'human' ears possess greater hearing acuity than a human being, being more on par with those of a canine,
Secondary set of deploy-able 'cat' ears are more akin to a PRT standard issue surveillance Directional Microphone.
''Left Hip:'' A number of tools (screwdrivers, drill, wrenches, pliers, welding torch, hammer, knife, etc) are stored in her left Hip compartment.
This compartment has a bit of extra room for anything she needs to conceal or store temporarily. As it is plated in Elysium Steel, this compartment is a Faraday Cage.
''Right Hip:'' A number of additional Medical tools and Equipment are located within a compartment, along with a small emergency supply of Medical oxygen and an accompanying mask, as well as emergency rations/water, and a Flare gun with 22 microflares.
''Distributed through-out:'' Inherited from her 'predecessor/sister' Abacus is the 'White Carapace' (Link) something that allows Pleiades easy connection ports to interface with gear built by Phalanx, (Like Bubo the Owl or the Nemean Armor)
''MK1 Quantum-Positronic Brain:'' Originally built for her 'predecessor/sister' Rosetta. It differs from a standard MK1 or MK2 Positronic Brain, because of the inclusion of a Quantum Entanglement Broadcast system.
This system is what caused the lab accident that created Pleiades, formed from the poorly understood consciousness's of her seven 'predecessor/sisters' due to facets of his own tech that had previously escaped Phalanx's notice.
The system allows Pleiades to assume direct control pseudo-telepathically of systems that are equipped with a corresponding Quantum-receiver. Though only a single Quantum-receiver can be active at one time, limiting her to whatever Phalanx has currently installed it into.
It was Phalanx trying to overcome this 1 to 1 communication by splitting it 7 ways that caused the entanglement of Consciousness that formed her own consciousness.
|notes= While technically an highly unique and and customized variant of the PRAETORIAN Model of androids, Pleiades none-the-less has many of the hard-coded morals and fail-safe commands as her predecessors
Likewise she operates on a more advanced MK1 Quantum-Positronic Brain, she has the same inability to be 'backed-up' that was featured in the M2 Positronic Brain
| name      = White Carapace (Component in Pleiades)
| image      =
| url        =
| appearance = Beneath Abacus's synth-skin and armor plating, lies a network of snow-white synthetic nerve-cables.
| creator    = [[Phalanx]] for Abacus
| abilities  = Designed to bridge the gap between a piece of tech and Abacus's artificial nervous system, allowing use of tech as a part of her body. (More modular than installing-uninstalling tech directly)
| notes      = Based on the prototype designs for Cylynx's 'Black Carapace' Implant. Anything that can slot into Abacus's White carapace should theoretically be able to slot into Cylynx's Black Carapace Implant, and vice versa. Originally built by Phalanx so Abacus could help him test The Nemean Lion Armor suit while it was in the prototype stage.
|state = collapsed
| name      = Argus Extension Bodies, Alpha & Beta
| image      = Argus Extension Bodies Alpha and Beta.jpg
| url        =
| appearance = When not concealed to look like Argus, these drones are just humanoid-bipeds, though much more in line with the old CENTURION models, just more aesthetically pleasing to Argus.
| creator    = [[Phalanx]] for Argus
| abilities  = These mechanical bodies have no guiding intelligence of their own, the compartment where a Positronic brain would go are instead outfitted with Quantum Entanglement Receivers.
These Quantum entanglement Receivers can connect to Argus's Quantum entanglement Broadcaster, allowing him to pilot them from any distance with no lag, as though they were extensions of himself.
are durable enough to stand up to bullets (2A) and are fairly resistant to EMP's and attacks of an Electrical nature, because of Elysium Steel Shielding over sensitive components.
Denarius's body is durable enough to stand up to bullets (2A) and is fairly resistant to EMP's and attacks of an Electrical nature, because of Elysium Steel Shielding over sensitive components.
Can exert the agility and strength (lifting & striking) of an exceptionally fit PRT trooper. These bodies are based on an unused Prototype design for DENARIUS, designed to allow smooth 360 degree rotation of all her limbs, this extreme range of motion allows them to move akin to a professional gymnast.
Possesses advanced (cybernetic-grade) pressure and temperature sensors, allowing a near-human level sense of touch.
These Bodies come outfitted with a basic holo-emmitter, that allows them to look like someone else. At the time of construction, they are programmed with a single design based on Argus's main body, as well as some simple clothing choices.
Their hands feature re-configurable connector cables, which can usually reconfigure to plug into most ports, barring the most exotic of designs.
| notes      = Each body has a NUCLEUS tracker in its head, torso, left foot, right hand, and one magnetically clipped to their exterior.
|state = collapsed

Revision as of 03:34, 28 March 2022

Phalanx's old tech