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Author /u/Tomorrow_is_gone
Civilian name Madeline Eklund
Alignment Hero
Affiliation Protectorate ({{{location}}})[[Category:{{{location}}} characters]]
Status Active

Character Sheet


Equipment and Resources

She would normally carry her purse with her wallet and some basic things. as well as her "people prod" (refer to equipment below in comments). She also owns a basic plastic mask that covers her lower face.


Skills and Specializations

She's somewhat decent at slight of hand after some time on the job. She's better than the average person but she's no magician.


She thinks things through before making most decisions, though that has gotten her into trouble since she doesn't tend to think of every possibility that her actions might have


Madeline is a tinker with a specialization in security and building based defenses. The further the subject matter of her device is from being a building or defending something the less she can influence the tech with her tinker skills. The most basic a device her tinker skills can make is about average with something any civilian can buy on their own. So an alarm system would be fully available to be tinker-grade tech, but a gun would be somewhat crude and difficult for her to maintain.