Denver:Protectorate Creation Guide

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First thing you should do is familiarize yourself with what the Protectorate, and their junior branch, The Wards actually do.

Here is our handy guide on Protectorate & Ward Duties & Responsibilities. Read this first.

Chain of Command

Mental Health

The PRT is under no misconception, Parahumans are traumatized by default, and they are well aware of this fact.

But no two capes cope with that trauma in quite the same way, and some handle it far far worse than others.

There is no expectation to maintain perfect mental health, that would be akin to a pipe dream when capes are involved.

But members of the Protectorate & Wards are expected to maintain a level of professional decorum, to work on their issues.

The PRT provides in-house & out-of-network mental health services, including therapists & psychologists amongst others.

Your character is expected to be sane & reasonable enough that they'd be able to pass bi-monthly in-universe Psychological Competency Evaluations.

(These happen off-screen and are mostly intended as a reason for the PRT to remain informed if action may be needed with its capes.)

Professional Expectations

Members of the Protectorate are expected to
◆Follow & respect the Parahuman Response Team's chain of command.
◆Interact respectfully with the civilian public, the Media, & other Agencies.
◆Share only approved info, or the bare minimum to reassure the Media.
◆Refrain from all criminal activities, including fraternizing with criminals.
◆Prioritize saving lives over property or the capture of criminals.
◆In-combat Utilize minimum necessary force, avoid lasting injury, or lethality whenever able.

Skills & Training

The PRT provides its parahuman employees with training before that cape even thinks about going out on their first patrol.

Helping members of the Protectorate & Wards with how to use their powers more effectively & safely is always one part of the end goal.

But more importantly for this guide, the PRT trains its parahumans with practical skills & techniques for law enforcement.

Below is the bare minimum that a new Protectorate/Ward is expected to possess before being allowed to actually patrol, & fight crime.

The Very Basics
◆Basic Hand-to-Hand combat training
◆Basic First Aid & CPR
◆Basic & Relevant Understanding of laws & legal procedures
◆Basic Radio & Communicator Operation

While those listed above, are the absolute minimum, if you've been on the team for a while, your skills should reflect that.

Someone with a lengthy career in the Protectorate, should have some actual experience to show for it.

Other Skill

Equipment & Gear