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Author /u/frustratedFreeboota
Civilian name Karl Young
Alignment Villain
Affiliation ({{{location}}})[[Category:{{{location}}} characters]]
Born (1990-09-09) September 9, 1990 (age 34)
Royal Leamington Spa
Status Active

A British expatriot living in Ashton. A middle manager in a home improvement store's supply chain whose week consists solely of meetings, interviews, and one to one performance reviews. And the killer behind three contraption based murders about the city.

Karl's trigger was an inspiration to finally do something. Not something like helping to achieve office synergy or organising a night out with the team to show them all what a proper curry tastes like. Something like murder.

A killer long before his trigger, Karl's first target had been noone of note, with no connection to him, just a name picked at random from a phonebook as a starter. And then it was building an identity around that. Killing Cats. Noone he's met through work, or said hello to on the street. People that vandalise "his" store? He finds himself agonising over going after them, but he keeps to the rules. Just woman named Kathleen, or Catherine, or Katrina. Cats.

Character Sheet


Standing at six foot two. Tanned, with a host of freckles and moles across his skin. Dirty blonde hair cut to a near buzz, with the sides blended into a longer fringe that covers his forehead. Sideburns that frame his face. Perpetual wide grin, mouth closed and cheeks high.

His costume is a white shirt and tie, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His boots are safety boots, steel tipped, and he wears a set of gloves intended for handling barbed wire. His mask is a mouse's head, covering his entire face bar his mouth, with little pointy triangular ears and pipe cleaners for the whiskers.

Equipment and Resources

Four cowardly associates. Five false masks of his own face. One mask, with a set of light activated welding goggles that can be lowered on top of the eyes. One portable blow torch, with about a minute's worth of fuel. One hatchet, sharp. One hammer, one adjustable spanner. A Swiss army knife. A set of razorproof gloves.


Though not technically a Tinker, Squeak has made a few inventions in his time.

Bear Trap: Usually used to trap bears, these traps are actually used to injure and mangle humans. They aren't even traps, they aren't secured to anything. They just snap shut really quickly with sharp pointy bits.

Hanging Device: With the addition of a winch, an anchor, and a tripwire, this simple wood and metal box can be used to execute a hostage by hanging.

Confetti Device: On a trigger, throws up a load of metal shavings and swarf for a slightly hazardous celebration than can cause minor cuts and abrasions, creates an unsafe working environment, and poses a sever risk if inhaled.

Skills and Specializations

Barbecue, brick laying, German, navigating hardware stores and Wal Marts, pacing his spending habits, and running away.

As a home improvement enthusiast, Squeak is well versed in the use of a hammer and nails, alongside most household tools. A rudimentary understanding of Feng Shui helps him to concentrate the flow of chi through a living space.


Friendly, excitable, willing to talk and to listen, more interested in banter than in fighting. Approachable in his civilian ID. The sort of person you'd ask for the time or for directions. Engage him in conversation for long, and something seems wrong. Everything is funny to him. Even the things that shouldn't be. Even the things that REALLY shouldn't be.

Aromantic. Not too responsive to flirting unless its the sort of flirting that overlaps with casual chit chat.

Coward. Willing to run rather than fight.


A thinker power, expressed a little tinkerishly, applying itself to low tech solutions, layout and organisation, and budgeting. Low tech solutions and "cheap" machinery. He can't build a death ray, but he can get a generator working and know the parts he'll need to fix it. He can't build a death ray, but he can rig up a mask that holds a shotgun to the back of someone's head and fires it on a timer. In his civilian ID he uses it to help organise the workplace and maintain his house. In his cape ID, he builds and paints elaborate traps.