WormRP:Character creation template: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "<syntaxhighlight lang="moin"> {{cape |name = CAPE_NAME |image = PICTURE_OF_CAPE.jpg |civ_name = CIV_NAME |birth_date = YYYY-MM-DD |alignment = . |...")
mNo edit summary
(18 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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<syntaxhighlight lang="moin">
{{public cape
|name          = CAPE_NAME
|rep_notoriety =  
|image        = PICTURE_OF_CAPE.jpg
|rep_criminal  =  
|civ_name      = CIV_NAME
|birth_date    = YYYY-MM-DD
|alignment    = .
|affiliation  = .
|class        = .
|status        = .

|rep_pub      = ?
|name        = <!-- cape name -->
|rep_prt       = ?
|civ_name    = <!-- civilian name -->
|age        = <!-- How old are you -->
|pronouns    = <!-- You know how this works -->
|alignment  = <!-- Hero, villain, etc. NOT D&D Alignment -->
|affiliation = <!-- Protectorate, Wards, etc. If none put "None" -->
|location    = Denver
|nationality = <!-- Ex: American, British, Russian, etc.-->
|triggertype = <!-- single trigger? cluster trigger? second trigger? 2nd gen? -->
|status      = Active
|author      = <!-- your discord username -->
|approver    = <!-- name of who approved your character -->
|image       = <!-- Upload using "upload file" link in sidebar. Put it here with no File: prefix ie "Retcon.png" -->
|caption    =

|height_ft    = .
== Publicly Available Information==
|height_in    = .
<!--This section is for information that can be publicly discovered via web searches, the news media, and the rumor mill.  

|birth_place  = .
Please try to keep the info mostly concise & pertinent.
|nationality  = .
This exists to help quantify what someone might casually know about your character should you interact in the roleplay, this helps ensure accurate responses.
|residence    = .
|father        = .
|mother        = .
|partner      = .
|family        = {{Unbulleted list|.|.}}

== Character Sheet ==
Imagine striking up a conversation with superstar or wanted serial killer and not taking it seriously because it wasn't listed anywhere how significant or easily recognizable that person was.-->

=== Appearance ===
==PRT / Government Information==
<!--This section is for information that PRT and adjacent government agencies would have access too, but not nessicarily the general public.

=== Equipment and Resources ===
If you are not playing a Protectorate character (or at least someone with relevant access & clearance) Ignore this!

=== Skills and Specializations ===
This includes pertinent information on powers, equipment, and tactics observed by law enforcement, circumstances of trigger event (if it is known and can be connected to them), allies, and how aggressive or dangerous they are.-->

=== Mentality ===
== Costume Appearance ==

=== Power ===
== Civilian Appearance ==
<!-- uncomment as needed -->
<!-- {{advanced}} -->
<!-- {{trusted}} -->
<!-- {{is second trigger|optional reason}} -->
<!-- {{is azoth power}} -->

== Mentality ==
== Skills & Training ==
== Resources & Wealth ==
== Equipment & Gear ==
== Parahuman Power ==
== Background & Trigger ==
== (Optional) Misc Lore Snippets==
<!--Where-as the above Info sections are for concise & pertinent info, there are some who like to write more detailed tidbits of in-character lore about, or relating too their characters, this is for things like that, so that the above sections remain concise and useful for ease of lookup.-->

Latest revision as of 09:42, 10 November 2023